seriously am tired to see shit interracial couples, i just can't imagine why they do that, and on the social media tried to put couples like pic related to show like a normal think, fuck off shit society
Seriously am tired to see shit interracial couples, i just can't imagine why they do that...
then stop looking up interracial couples you imbecile
i think its beautiful
You shouldn't let it bother you like this, user. It's certainly not anything worth murdering anyone over, ok?
You are fucking retarded. Kill yourself.
The Elite put that on social media,tv, music videos , r there propaganda everywhere you faggot should to know, ur mother probably is fucking them
Would love to see my girl iskra get pounded my a huge black cock, she would take it like a champ
Getting tired of seeing "mixed couples" in every damn commercial on TV.
Hmmm...Soo...he was behind that..!?
You should tell it to their faces. I think that's a really good idea. Say it so the world knows how you feel, user. Don't be a coward.
dude why don't you try dating girls of different races yourself?
It is actually fun
they're both ugly.
I'll get myself an AR-15 and let it do the talking
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
then stop watching it
Oh right. thread over.
weak and predictable
Half of that sentence isn't even english. Are you new at this language or something?
pure cringe
and guess who’s behind it all? Just look at who owns the porn industry and it will come clear
What are you 80? If so, just go back to sleep grandpa, I'm sure death is coming soon.
If not, promptly kill yourself.
> and nothing if value will have been lost
To confirm, do anons hate interracial couples in general or just black men dating white women?
Good guess ! Not far off. What gave me away, was it that I still watch TV instead of my phone ?
weak and predictable