Why is NZ being crowed for it's new gun legislation when Australia has beaten them to the punch >20 years ago?
Why is NZ being crowed for it's new gun legislation when Australia has beaten them to the punch >20 years ago?
Better late than never i guess.
Holy fuck...
better never then to do a stupid
It takes dramatic public mood shift to change something like that.
Because you know gun control is working when no one hears about it. Aussies should be proud of that. When was the last time there was a mass shooting in AU?
Hmmm...Soo...he was behind that..!?
last year
Of niggers? Too long ago.
Just like how the TSA keeps everyone safe from terrorists? kek
>the justification for our job is that there's no justification
Because it's the newest thing for sjw's and the media to be autists over. They'll forget in a week
Because 20 years ago no one was trying to make it relevant to Americans
Certain liberal factions in the media are trying to make us go "see what reasonable people do after a mass shooting?"
But I don't give a fuck because this is America, we have different cultural values
3 in 2018 alone
>durrrrr gun control works
Osmington shooting 11 May 2018 Ellenbrook, W.A. Murders 15 July 2018 Bedford massacre 9 September 2018
Look up the definition of mass shooting plz
>no one was trying to make it relevant to Americans
We're not talking about 'murica here, budday.
>we have different cultural values
Sure do.
>people randomly killing innocents
>kids being shot
great cuntry you have there m80
There is no universal definition, retard. Each group that measures it uses a different standard.
>still waiting on stats to claim there was a mass shooting
3 or more shooting victims according to the libs on CNN.
> 'Merican that has to listen to soy boys rant about "mass shootings" daily
you're welcome.exe
They happen, they get swept very quickly under the carpet and kept low key, especially gang related
Most if not all are just known thugs shooting another thug. Not a 'mass' shooting per se. Argue all you want, getting rid of autos and semi-autos = we have no major gun violence relative to the un-united states
>Osmington shooting
7 dead... you're right. It's the worst mass shooting since Port Arthur in 1996
>7 dead
>worse mass shooting since 1996
It seems like gun control is working over here
English your first language?
Why are they banning guns when they have like no murders each year, an Australian terrorist did it, all illegal, the people need to fight back.
What the fuck did you just say you fucking nu-male?
And you didn't before.
Inappropriate but hilarious. I shouldn't laugh.
>Ban semi-automatics
So pretty much ALL modern guns
they ban fucking laser pointers.
Doesn't matter, he's right cuck.
>>people randomly killing innocents
>>kids being shot
It's mostly gangs killing other gangs.
Enjoy being neutered.
No they dont you idiot. I have one at home
>sandy hook
This and suicide, a huge proportion of gun deaths are suicides. They shouldn't even count those, it should be murders/accidental deaths not fucking people who decide to take their own life of their own fucking volition
Mass shootings are a fraction of gun deaths, you're still more likely to be murdered by a cop than a mass shooter
My penis actually works, so i don't feel the need to own guns. I'm not afraid of the dark.
Gun control works. Just look at Mexico.
I don't even care about whether it helps reduce gun deaths or not.
The mindset of a person that's actually happy to reject a personal right really does baffle me.
Are you proud of having big daddy gubmint telling you what you can and can't own? Like you're a fucking baby?
How come all of you guys just make claims without any substantial proof to back any of this up? Why should I believe literally anyone with so many contradictory statements?
31,000 rapes per year during home invasions.
Better lube up for buttfuck, boycuck