What do you think about the Crusades (1045AD - 1452AD)?
What do you think about the Crusades (1045AD - 1452AD)?
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Needs a reboot
we need another. This time we need to make it the final one.
Deus Vult
Hilariously exploitative and proof of the human condition and how strong mental manipulation and coercion is. It also shows how little we have changed psychologically.
When do we get a remaster?
Nothing compared to war campaigns of Assyrians. Assyrian attitude of "we believe that your gods are real, but they must be weak since ours granted us victory over you" seems most logical.
Pretty much this. The crusades were a desperate attempt at reclamation, and it worked by coercing peons into serving Gods will, aka, very similar things that happen today.
White incels who latch onto the crusades need an anthropology textbook.
they were in response to aggression from Muslims. They were a necessary defense force that turned aggro. Muslims are still pissed about losing so much to them. There should be more education on what they did to deserve it.
Kebabs were removed.
Deus Vult
They literally aren't pissed at all and the Muslims actually won the crusades
We're long over due for another one!
>blames the muslims on the fact christianity abuses white privilege to get away with not being called a terrorist religion
They never turned aggro.
Never did they attack muslims countries of origin or holy sites.
Beyond pushing muslims out of Europe they cared only about the Holy Land.
Keep in mind Anatolia and Northern Africa all were Greek/Roman once.
Some god loving faggots killed some different god loving faggots
dont tell that to whitie
Your timeline's off. The First Crusade wasn't called until the 1090s (don't recall what year specifically).
And I consider them a miserable failure. Please note that I'm talking about the ones in the middle east, not the northern crusades or the reconquista, which worked out fairly well. The ones in the holy land get pretty fucked, the Fourth in particular was a fuck-up of epic proportions which pretty much ensured Ottoman victories for centuries to come and the effects of which still haunt us to this day.
This must be satire
oh boy go here to talk about history and/or politics discord..gg/yp4xRE
I remember it like it was yesterday
hurry kill judes and take jerusalen
Thanks, Venice
tbh USA support for Zionism is nothing other than the 10th or 11th Crusade, depending on your count.
And that one was very successful.
openly declaring war is not abuse. its justification.
its easy to confuse if your being blugioned by SJW's
just like national socialism , nice if you don't have troglodites leading them . all the crusades were more or less failures but god damn i would so love another one
Venice, the true Jew
IMO Jews are less of an issue than damn italians, muslims and the french.
Like seriously france, wtf. "Hurr durr we're a catholic power, let's ally with the ottomans"
>this summer from marvel. Venice,the True JEW.
Italians might be incompetent mutt-Romans, much like the Spanish, but they're not on Frances level of fukboyism.
Agreed 110%
Should have finished the job.
France, the Catholic country that opposed the Austrian led Catholic League and led to the weakening of the Christian Church across Europe
The French lay down. That's all you need to know about them.
Did someone say crusade
France, the country that stood up to the Nazis for 3 weeks.
YES. Crusaders: YES. Time to roll in boys...
Y'all acting like you'd slaughter in another crusade. Your most powerful armies can't even control some mountains from sand niggers with ancient soviet weaponry.
France, the country that let Napoleon rule TWICE
Why yes I did brother. Shall we retake Jerusalem together?
Why are you such a fucking faggot
Technically we could but that would require nukes, and that’s generally frowned upon these days because liberals are faggots
yeah, islamic state is a good CURRENT example of that... last I heard they were trying to pass as women to get out of Syria, but, whatever... I'm sure you're right.
La reconquista fue la mejor cruzada de todas, sobre todo la batalla de las Navas de Tolosa y la de El Salado.
Fuck off faggot
ur mad
Y'all need nukes to squash the Taliban? So much taxpayer money wasted on the defense budget and the Wall Street Warriors can't even compete.
ISIS ain't shit. They got their asses handed to them by the taliban. Keep trying, christcuck. Until y'all start blowing yourselves up in the name of Jesus Christ, we ain't goin nowhere.
Soo...he was behind that..!?
>we ain't goin nowhere.
You're in ISIS. Your bros are getting blown to shit, but you're spending your time on Yea Forums... sure...
30 years of war produces some extraordinary fighters, but they lost the "war" pretty quickly and stood no chance at all.
An insurgency is a totally different matter, especially since guerilla war is their speciality and they are intimately familiar with the terrain and restrict their activities to zones where advanced weapons have relatively low utility, like aforementioned mountains.
Finally, if the target was conquest and/or genocide things would be different.
I want Constantinople back.
I really don't know why Greece didn't just keep it when Turkey was formed
And kill all the turks while we're at it.
Greeks got trashed/genocided by the (ata)Turks.
Uneducated shiteaters with no understanding of the bible being manipulated to kill.
They also ignorantly massacred fellow Christians in a city that helped form our current Christian doctrines, just because they were foreign and spoke another language and had tanned skins.
The last Crusade didn't even make it to Palestine but ended by sacking one of the great Christian capitals of that age at the behest of Venetian traders.
I don't get why people praise these shiteating, pox infested, superstitious dumbfuks. These people are as far removed from us they might as well be cavemen.
Praises them says more about you being dumbfucks.
But they still existed in strong numbers in Greece, and even controlled into a sizable chunk of Anatolia
>They also ignorantly massacred fellow Christians
Nevermind even the pope told them they'd be excommunicated if they did.
There can be no doubt the Crusades were largely failures, but the idea was a good one.
The problem is/was Christendom wasn't unified to any real degree; the popes authority weak, and plenty of inter-Christian conflict, in stark contrast to the Ottoman empire.
Who said I was in ISIS? I was referring to the muslim collective. You pathetic christ cucks will never defeat Islam.
If y'all want to crusade in muslim lands, you're going to face heavy resistance. You can't drop a 5000 Lb bomb on every one of them as that will swiftly bankrupt your holy army. Millions of christians will need to die and I highly doubt that even 500,000 will sign up for another crusade.
It would be much more humane and cost effective to use a gene drive to exterminate the arabs. They will even pay for getting only male offspring, and in 150 years or so problem solved.
Deus Vult.
as a Muslim it makes me laugh. I don't get the LARP. Europeans lost 6 out of 7 Crusades and some others that weren't substantial enough to get named a Crusade. And Europeans lost them all decisively. Might as well be Iraqi and be proud of getting BTFO in Operation Desert Storm.
Right on. They can't even defeat the Taliban, lol. They're just peasant farmers with ak47s.
Keep crying bitch nigga christ cuck. You lost jerusalem. Get over it.
Seriously. They now have 200,000 troops fighting them and the most extensive drone program ever and the Taliban still control more territory than they have since 2001.
You lost Jerusalem to a united Jewish people, what's your point?
Not really doubting that.
Histoy has taught us on average it takes hundreds or thousands of bullets to kill one enemy.
Gotta be both ruthless and insidious to pull anything like that.
Useless faggots who lost to muslims most of the times
My point is you still is a bitch ass christ cuck. Jerusalem will be ours again once the West falls due to its own incompetence.
Everyone who intos Crusades needs to know the most important of 1204. It absolutely weakened the military might of Constantinople leading up to the fall of the city to the Ottomans in 1453. The only thing that defeats white people is other white people. BTW what breached the walls was artillery of Hungarian make.
Apology of the Pope to Eastern Orthodoxy: freerepublic.com
I'm not the one you (you)ed at, and I'm not a Christfag, but okay. Jerusalem will never be yours anyways, God is on Israel's side. Arab countries can't do jack shit militarily.
Fuck off Hadji. If we didn't have restrictions your desert would be glass.
>the only thing that defeats white people is other white people
what makes you disagree?
Even as a retarded shitty meme, this is retarded.
Think on that user.
Even the retards think you’re retarded
Mom told me to tell you that your ramen’s ready and come eat at the table.
And she said to tell you, when you start to cry and argue, that yes, she knows it’s an online only game. But you have to get yourself to a save point THIS INSTANT or she’ll throw your ramen away and then you’re grounded.
Hey, don’t yell at me - I’m just telling you what she said.
Who's imposing the restrictions, altar boy? Them libturds? If that's all it takes to stop you from glassing the middle east, you christ cucks really are pathetic. All bark and no bite, just like christianity. No wonder Hitler hated christianity, calling it weak and flabby.
Muslims controlled Iberia for almost 1000 years.
Ottomans dominated Europe all the way to Vienna for hundreds of years until the Silk Road went terminal which ultimately killed their economy and set them behind.
The Seljuks mostly defeated the Byzantines into permanent weakness long before the Fourth Crusade.
The Byzantines and Persians had a 300 year long war and almost became a client state of Persia at one point.
The Mongols defeated the largest armies of Europe, easily, and were marching on Bohemia unopposed before the Great Khan died forcing them to return to Mongolia for another Qorolthai (election of the next Great Khan). The only reason Europe wasn't sacked and turned into a wasteland like the Islamic World and China was because the Great Khan suddenly died.
>inb4 the Second Invasion of Mongols failed
These weren't real Mongols, they were levied mostly from West of the Urals and were not authentic steppe nomadic armies.
The Huns devastated Europe for a generation before they were ultimately defeated.
Europe has been weaker than the East for most of its history, there just wasn't much reason to invade Europe when the Middle East and North Africa were wealthier spoils back when the Silk Road was active. Egypt was rich in agriculture and the Levant and Anatolia was rich in commerce due to trade - this is as far as anyone really wanted to conquer other than people raiding the coasts of europe for slaves.
LOL share blue media llc is out in small forces today. LRN 2 History idiots.