Wagie thread!

Wagie thread!
Post your salary and position!
>$9.50 an hour. Autozone Parts Seller

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Same here. Couldn't make enough money though so I'm gonna kill myself.

how do you handle the nigs?

3€ an hour

I'm in Texas so it's mostly spics. I'm the only guy in my store so I either play charades or I dump them on someone else. When I do have nigs I do my best to understand them and do whatever I can to get them out the door quickly. I normally tell them I can't install their headlights/wipers/whatever just because they're usually assholes.

$17.50/hr to run a huge ripsaw.

nice. in NC, mostly deal with nigs daily. the fucking worst. spics arent anywhere as bad as the nigs. chimping out about prices and getting mad cause we don't install headlights.

$17 an hour for a customer support job

$8.50 an hour Pepperjax Grill

$19.50 an hour. IT support over the phone.

$12/hr working at a walmart deli serving white trash their bologna

just under $25/h
honestly spend most of the day shitposting on my phone drinking coffee. cant complain.
today's my last day though.


System admin $40/hr.
Still can't manage to afford a house. I fucking hate this economy.

what area are you in?

12.24/hr as walmart cashier

Why leave such a gravy train?


$14/hr Ride Operator

180k/yr salary
Corporate pilot

How old are you? I'm 19 at walmart and make similar pay

$30 an hour level 2/3 system administrator. Don't go to college kids, get some certs go straight to work in the computer field. i would be making 100k plus if it was't for a five year trip to prison.

Environmental Coordinator for an electrical utility company. Pretty much ensure oil from transformers gets cleaned up if spilled, sample substations for asbestos or PCB's, and address a variety of other minor things.
Started off at $61k starting, but will soon get a raise to almost $63k.

I'm in Dallas so the spics are basically nigs with even worse English.

Lmao 5 years for what?

21. Been here for a little over a year

Other sys admin here.
Fucking glad I just went to work after HS.
Got my certs by the time I was 25.

Ive been on for a month in the deli/bakery dept.

$144k, bid manager for a large construction company

How do i get certs? Been studying but not sure how to prove I know my stuff

Going into my first year of IT/Comp sci classes

How the fuck do I get hired without the experience?

Nice. What type?

>Private med tech
15 an hour to be on call and 35-75 an hour to do tech work on equipment

My store is small, not a supercenter so we don't even have that department

Got lucky, got a job with a company that was a Pearson test center. Worked there for several years. Got offered way better job 3 years ago, been here since.

15hr at McDonald's in Midwest. Not even kidding, girl manager right above me makes $18.25 and been here forever. Yeah she mad.

Full turnkey so everything from large residential developments to hospitals to stadiums.
It's always interesting

We have one of the larger stores and a very small population but we have so many small towns nearby that i would say about 50k population all combined. We've had 4 people quit/ get fired in the last 2 weeks in my dept. Our store is also a test store so we get all the new shit in before all the other stores

Any advice? Can't stand school but I love computers and programming. I'm so tired of retail. I worry because I'm a girl I won't be taken seriously for a tech job.

Damn that has to be a nightmare jumping around different types of work. You basically get bids from all the subs then add your % upcharge? Ever really fucked up a bid?

US$31.50/hr. FAA contract weather observer.

21 an hour to be a low level grocery manager

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Embedded systems developer
I have a jr position but I have great benefits

Oh yea I see that a lot too. Especially with cashiers. It sucks so most of em don't last very long.

No different field, I deal with submitting our bids to secure the work so it's all client facing.
Just have to be good with people and mix technical and creative writing on the pitches

19 y old, make windows and doors. 25,5 USD n hour. Also uneducated AF

No shit. You the guy fucking up the TAF's that make me divert with min fuel because it was supposed to CAVOK? Haha!! Just fucking with you. Is it going to rain?

$52 per hour, FAA avionics inspector.


Reporter at local paper

See if there are any testing centers in your area. Study like crazy and go take A+ N+ and CCNA, N+ isn't as important if you get your CCNA.
Once you got those you should be able to get into some sort of tech field. I was a bench tech for years before I got to sys admin status.
And yes I'm not going to lie, being a girl will make things a bit more challenging. I've only ever seen one girl in IT and she didn't last too long.

$23 an hour working at a rubber factory

$62 an hr, carpenter foreman in NYC, tons of overtime too. Easily 15+ hrs a week

Texas $8.25 at a chopshop doing packaging and shipping... idk how people survive on these shit wages

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Trogan? Do you try them on?

I manage a Midas, first call is better.

20/hr Financial Auditor. Hopefully getting promoted soon though

Suck it wagies

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3.5 usd an hour
SAP MM Consultant at IBM.
Argentina it's a piece of shit.