Post a naked picture of your Bitch and I will "enhance" her. Bigger tits, wider ass, thicker, thinner. Dealers choice...

Post a naked picture of your Bitch and I will "enhance" her. Bigger tits, wider ass, thicker, thinner. Dealers choice. (NUDES ONLY) We keep going till the thread is done.

Attached: Before After.jpg (4296x4256, 956K)

There's no fucking difference dumb fuck

Are you blind?

Attached: 3.jpg (471x628, 72K)

lets see you make a crack whore attractive before she does a blacked video.

Attached: 29790331_340415029813510_329409857471131874_n.jpg (960x720, 76K)

>virgin detected


Attached: EA8BB7FC-0BA4-404C-B27B-A422BF4A8E58.jpg (1456x2428, 954K)


Attached: new48.jpg (471x628, 127K)

Attached: 61277f01-d291-4241-9b07-b3987fbaaec2.jpg (1200x1600, 149K)

Good job!

Attached: 2.jpg (1280x960, 164K)


Attached: new49.jpg (2428x1456, 449K)

Hip to waist ratio, blind faggot.


Attached: new50.jpg (1200x1600, 369K)


Attached: new51.jpg (1280x960, 389K)


Is anything possible with this?

Attached: 0C713CE8-73F2-4152-818C-1A8D95D6225C.jpg (1456x2592, 648K)

Attached: ef3eaff9-f232-4236-8929-af9981f3fd32.jpg (675x900, 58K)

Please do!

Attached: 9 - fdsYshm.jpg (384x512, 21K)

Nope, she's so ugly that not even an artist drawing her from scratch can alter her image enough to save her. Just destroy her genome if you ask me.

Bigger tits and bustier please:)

Attached: received_1721757697845606.jpg (3024x4032, 1.1M)

Laying down is hard. But I tried ;)

Attached: new52.jpg (1456x2592, 1.32M)


Attached: new53.jpg (675x900, 132K)



Attached: EYPB4Id.jpg (600x800, 38K)


Attached: new54.jpg (384x512, 77K)

add me on kik



Attached: DSCF1874.jpg (1442x3037, 1.82M)

Can you make her ass bigger, tit too

Attached: 9c43c0e3-1c7e-428a-ab68-f9c920f3be58.jpg (1200x1600, 451K)


Attached: new55.jpg (3024x4032, 1.09M)

In the history of bad threads on Yea Forums, this has to be the worst idea ever.

Terrible quality... ;)

Attached: new56.jpg (600x800, 127K)

Nice. I'm a big fan of the bigger tits

Attached: received_1721757691178940.jpg (1936x2592, 345K)


Attached: new57.jpg (1442x3037, 1.71M)

Do what you want

Attached: veDBMNi0.jpg (640x853, 50K)

Thought about it, but I reckon the only way you can make my swamp donkey look better is to photoshop a bag over her head. Thank fuck for doggystyle

what photoshop tools do you use to do it?


Attached: new58.jpg (1200x1600, 424K)

Attached: NTQrxIh.jpg (1169x1497, 333K)

Attached: E83F6D1C-07ED-449F-8E4A-62F05E79FF67.jpg (1003x1003, 102K)

Attached: 1520111999455.jpg (768x1024, 74K)

not my gf but... could you -could you make her thicker?

Attached: 1552432800849.jpg (903x1280, 268K)


Attached: new59.jpg (640x853, 128K)

Attached: 0BD428EC-6387-4C2B-8584-953F61BAB22E.jpg (1420x1485, 176K)

Are y'all fucking retarded? The pic on the right is the before and the left is the after. Look at the fucking curtains beside the waste, goddammit.


Attached: new60.jpg (1169x1497, 709K)

Bigger tits and belly

Attached: 4e176760d220aafe2c438eac2dab1c7c.jpg (612x866, 37K)

Wanna do this one?


Attached: new61.jpg (768x1024, 144K)

These are some seriously ugly skanks. It makes me glad I'm single.

Attached: EPfuckoff2.jpg (852x480, 60K)

Hmm... ;)

Attached: new62.jpg (903x1280, 472K)

Also zoom in above the hip on the right in the left picture, you will see that the silhouette of the belly isn't a smooth curve. And you can also see in the pic that the arm on the left is indented from warping the belly outwards. Since when is Yea Forums so bad at recognizing photo-shops?

Not touching those babies... ;)


Attached: IMG_1052.jpg (3264x2448, 1.46M)

If you faggots want others to jerk off onto pics of your girlfriends or whatnot, whatever, but do realize that OP isn't serious about photo-shopping them.

Attached: E2CifUV.jpg (1950x2600, 1.41M)

Not an easy one...

Attached: new63.jpg (2448x3264, 726K)


Attached: E5A8335D-E233-443C-B61F-57E845E62FDA.jpg (1536x2048, 666K)

Do mine fag

Seems like op has left the building


Attached: new64.jpg (1950x2600, 1.95M)

Good. let's keep going :D
more... thicc

Attached: 1552456589645.jpg (533x800, 66K)

Deliver user

Attached: IMG-20160722-WA0001.jpg (1211x1280, 126K)

Attached: ClkjB9To3woZx7tA-rwEzKiQR6K9yIdWg0p08Xli.jpg (622x960, 41K)

OP why not do this

Attached: 7E0BCAD5-7DE1-496E-92B9-CD8F76C99C00.jpg (550x1122, 164K)


Do her

Attached: 229a15be-6989-471d-8a0a-6c1bc835a3cf.jpg (720x1280, 145K)

Wonder what you can do with this

Attached: IMG-20180122-WA0008.jpg (1600x1576, 179K)

nice, anything you can do with this?

Attached: 1548135840087.jpg (1488x1804, 815K)


Attached: new65.jpg (1536x2048, 1.3M)

>Posting ugly fat women
>Posting fat women with tattoo's

I don't usually say this but that is a yikerino from me

Nice thanks

Attached: dsad.png (750x1334, 975K)

Did you want skinnier or fatter?

Delivered... ;)

Attached: new66.jpg (1211x1280, 373K)

Attached: p1.jpg (518x856, 276K)

Shit let see fatter

How about this one?

Attached: 8450.jpg (1536x2048, 1.11M)

You madlad. Absolutely amazing


Attached: new67.jpg (622x960, 203K)

Props to you OP you clever bastard. The "requests" you've filled have been your own reverse photo-shops. That's some dedication.

This is now a ylyl thread because of how dumb people requesting are.

Best I can do. ;)

Attached: new68.jpg (550x1122, 239K)

My thin whore need to be much thiccer! Help my excuse of a sexy girl

Attached: 1552215980063m.jpg (576x1024, 41K)

Attached: Screenshot_2016-10-10-18-04-17.png (540x960, 497K)

Attached: kel10.jpg (520x525, 68K)

Didn't mess too much ;)

Attached: new69.jpg (1536x2048, 1.5M)

he did mine.

Admittedly there has been a few recent attempts, though poorly done. However if you are keen you can look back and see that the pics "requested" were the after photoshop versions, and the "filled requests" were before photoshop. Please stop doing /r/ a dis-service OP.

Which was?

Do her please!

Attached: D504259B-076A-465F-B027-418955CC9EEA.png (1200x1600, 882K)


Attached: new70.jpg (576x1024, 126K)


Attached: new71.jpg (520x525, 114K)


Attached: new72.jpg (1200x1600, 386K)

This one was decently done. Only critique is that the stretching created too much posterization around the belly and other stretched images, which I assume comes from using some sort of liquefy tool. It takes more time and effort, but by copy pasting the original parts onto a new layer, and stretching them length and height wise, using smoothing and adding back any noise, then transitioning the curvatures to line up with the original, you avoid this problem. You may be doing this on a mobile device, in which case you might not have access to layers and brushes however.

Attached: 67240278-E333-4BA5-ACEC-7F7A62122F2B.jpg (720x960, 154K)


Attached: new73.jpg (540x960, 253K)

Can you do this one friend? Ty in advance.

The thick asian that wasn't my gf

This one please!

Attached: 20190321_161738.jpg (2027x1836, 1.67M)

the legend from last night is back!! let me know if this isnt possible

Attached: thumbnail.jpg (1080x1440, 160K)

Can you do this?

Attached: image.jpg (1936x2592, 1.58M)

OP here. Don't get me wrong with time they all could be a lot better. But this is less 2 minutes per image. Its quick and dirty. ;)

Do you have a kik?

Attached: A89A940D-2783-4474-AD55-AE39607BC351.jpg (1224x1155, 98K)


Attached: EB274C7D-1F39-4201-B194-50A19E4D4CC7.jpg (480x640, 66K)

OP please help me :(


Attached: new74.jpg (720x960, 266K)

Asian bitch that used to blow me in hs.

Attached: 20190321_162155.jpg (438x584, 88K)

Here's a fun one. Enhance this fake!

Attached: 1538188194318.jpg (527x864, 199K)

Do her please

Attached: 1537303317904.jpg (2901x3950, 1.84M)

Attached: 16FE641D-8FC5-4A0E-91B7-E4C4AEDAA71E.jpg (480x640, 63K)

Nice Trim ;)

Attached: new75.jpg (1224x1155, 297K)

If that't your thing then shoot. I like putting in a bit more time into whatever shops I do. Maybe consider moving over to /r/ once an a while. You can take your pick of the crop, and take your time to create something truly wonderful as most thread last around a day or more. Here is a shop that I spent working off and on for a few weeks, and I consider it my magnum opus.

Attached: Full Process final.jpg (2242x740, 1.21M)

The girl on the left looks unnatural somehow

Can you enhance this one?

Attached: 7A5D8853-FB39-4EC8-B234-DA325BD6F451.jpg (1536x2048, 424K)

And I am probably going to work on some more as something just kind of seems off to me.

Attached: 821AD6D3-9F37-40D9-AC1D-7F640B0AE672.png (540x720, 1010K)

Attached: 00A4B9C4-F9DB-4561-BC8D-4926471A4414.jpg (618x487, 36K)

Attached: IMG_1297.jpg (1124x1500, 189K)

Thats because the girl on the left is the photoshop. Half of this thread OP is a faggot, the other half I'm okay with.

I got you fam

Attached: pic.jpg (1536x2048, 696K)

1st is better you wing nut


Attached: new76.jpg (2901x3950, 1.02M)

Or just vertically shrink her head, but layer over her original eyes so she doesn't look squinty. This will fix her large forehead, long shin, and long nose all in one go. I would also reduce the contrast on top of her cheek bones and on her forehead.

long chin*

stop shrinking the thighs, low test beta

please do your best- would love big tits

Attached: 1511224787319.jpg (2000x2663, 867K)

Possibly not the same person ;)

Attached: new77.jpg (1536x2048, 1.05M)

Go ahead

Attached: 371CCD51-FAE0-49FF-BBC1-01E73A4AB405.jpg (580x960, 45K)

Attached: 1511229681057.jpg (1202x1600, 326K)

Attached: liq1.jpg (1536x2048, 1.16M)


Attached: new78.jpg (2000x2663, 1.47M)

Bigger tits

Attached: IMG-20170318-WA0013.jpg (1600x900, 156K)


Attached: 2R29ua5.jpg (750x1334, 77K)


Attached: new79.jpg (1600x900, 397K)

Less sag less belly, or more sag more belly up to you lol

Attached: 194920902.jpg (900x675, 50K)

Wow good job

Attached: liq2.jpg (1202x1600, 642K)

Work your magic

Attached: PSX_20190225_022801.jpg (481x766, 76K)


Attached: new80.jpg (750x1334, 215K)

Attached: 87969796778.jpg (358x480, 17K)


fuck yes

I tried fixing her face a little, haven't compared to original yet. bulged her head slightly and inverted the bulge on her lower body to counteract the shrunken head look, which if you didn't see the original it would just appear to be due to the focal length of the camera.

Attached: 1553210896458.jpg (1536x2048, 1.4M)

one more of her please! you are killing it

Attached: ZzKe6Vg.png (750x1334, 1.42M)


Attached: new81.jpg (900x675, 130K)

Attached: IMG_6687.jpg (720x960, 101K)

damn she has some ugly toenails motherfucker

Attached: dhgk7BeQt1tvcaz7o8_1280.jpg (1280x1920, 635K)

Attached: photo 2 (2).jpg (480x640, 87K)

Attached: FB442B3D-1583-49FA-8056-68936902DCBB.jpg (428x735, 60K)

my slut ex, please make her thicker with bigger titties

Attached: 0.jpg (824x618, 330K)


Attached: image_0000017.jpg (3264x2448, 1.9M)

I just hate how the focal length of the camera is making her legs look like two chicken wings.

Very pretty face... What I can see anyway ;)

Attached: new82.jpg (481x766, 168K)

her plx

Attached: zz.jpg (322x600, 45K)

Whan can you do?

Attached: 00574932-E414-4A7A-A55C-29E9277C1155.jpg (585x1215, 89K)

Niice job!

She looks amazingg son


Attached: new83.jpg (358x480, 52K)

Attached: IMG_5311.jpg (720x1280, 103K)

do your magic! plox

Attached: yy.jpg (600x800, 61K)


Attached: new84.jpg (750x1334, 358K)

Wow. nice

Was hard work.

Attached: 1553212577353.jpg (720x1280, 102K)

Whatever you can do bro

Attached: IMG_1840.jpg (848x1136, 97K)

Shut up.

Wow, looks so much better! Thanks!


Attached: new85.jpg (585x1215, 148K)

Attached: liq3.jpg (900x675, 185K)

Attached: A32C0A73-8EA2-4250-9D21-AB38F8CD0CA1.jpg (540x720, 64K)

If I had a kik I would take an honest crack at this for maybe 4 hours, give her the works and throw in some instagram filters to tie it all together.

Bigger tits are not necessarily better. My wife has double G tits, and she hates them. Frankly we'd both rather they were A cups.



Attached: new86.jpg (848x1136, 258K)

B's on the verge of C's are in my opinion best.


Attached: 20190205_142526.jpg (1836x2166, 1.51M)

Sorry it's Blurry, can you make the ass even fatter?

Attached: IMG-20170517-WA0011.jpg (900x1600, 73K)

I know its not high quality, but its important.

Thank you for doing these threads all the way out, they're awesome

Attached: received_269360437044495_2.jpg (1738x2664, 712K)

So hot, here's more if you like?

Attached: 20180731_015551.png (1080x743, 543K)

Soo...he was behind that..!?

Attached: j9gc1adqolwlass70228858400200.jpg (1730x1136, 131K)

Bigger tits pls

Attached: 1AAE14DA-9669-4F92-A9AB-C4869AF3D306.jpg (1280x960, 69K)


Attached: 765_1000.png (960x1280, 2M)

>Post a naked picture of your Bitch

Why are you calling my GF a bitch?


Attached: new87.jpg (720x1280, 179K)


Attached: IMG-20150614-WA0000~01.jpg (616x520, 50K)

Very blurry... ;)

Attached: new88.jpg (900x1600, 208K)

whatever is possible!!

plz do what you can

Attached: thumbnail.jpg (438x565, 17K)

She has perfect tits. Why ruin them with a hacky photoshop job?


Attached: new89.jpg (1836x2166, 1.47M)

Can you make her tits bigger or is it too bad?



Attached: new90.jpg (616x520, 101K)


Attached: 1534467403519.jpg (2448x3264, 830K)

What can you do?

Attached: IMG-20190320-WA0005.jpg (720x1280, 73K)

The stupidest fucks on this site are always insulting people's intelligence.

Less Blurry!

Attached: IMG-20171217-WA0010.jpg (900x1600, 120K)


Attached: 1553212577353.jpg (720x1280, 216K)

Attached: 1553213709384.jpg (1280x960, 175K)

Woah there, any more and you will end up with an impressionist painting.


This one!!!

Attached: 398605.jpg (1370x1508, 314K)

OP thread is about to fill up and I want one done privately. Can I contact you? Or if you want to contact me, for the next 30 minutes you can reach me at [email protected]

Either add some texture back or smooth out the entirety of her skin

Damn I love her big saggy tits, vola of her? Or kik?


Attached: new91.jpg (600x800, 128K)

Damn thanks bro

Attached: 20170911_192954.jpg (2160x1722, 1.14M)

friendly reminder for her :)

Attached: liq4.jpg (720x1280, 269K)

Attached: 7dmiqv2fndg21.jpg (2227x3088, 389K)


Attached: new92.jpg (1280x960, 369K)

just bored lending a hand relax

Attached: image.png (345x398, 176K)


Attached: new93.jpg (1370x1508, 649K)

The more the merrier ;)

Huge improvement on the face. You're talented. Do you do private work? Contact me at [email protected] will have this email for only 30 minutes. I will respond with my real email.

This isn’t a game.

Sry, no kik, no social, no burner email.

juxtaposition on /brotherhood


Attached: new94.jpg (720x1280, 256K)

>The stupidest fucks on this site are always insulting people's intelligence.
Wait a minute here...

I know what user means though

op will u be around for another thread

You can write back to me on the same service I'm using. You don't have to create a burner or register one. I just don't want my real email on here. We can talk through our real emails after we establish contact on there.

Yeah I try not to mess up the
nipples or the background as much as I can

Do you know a better way to phrase it?


Oh wait, your reply was to someone else. nvm


Attached: new95.jpg (480x640, 157K)

Attached: received_1686721884700323.jpg (2881x1898, 653K)


Attached: 1512331179023-1.jpg (1440x1920, 746K)


Attached: new96.jpg (2881x1898, 1.27M)

The before pic looks like the wtf

(OP) Limit reached people. That is it for today.

Attached: IMAGE_122.jpg (2048x1536, 380K)

Thats just a normal white woman with no make up

Not really.
You could say that it's stupid people projecting their stupidity onto others, but it's not really a better way of putting it.

Yeah I couldn't come up with anything either.

I'd pay you in BTC to do this to my pics