Anybody got the video of this dude? I was stoned throughout the last couple weeks and missed the whole story...

Anybody got the video of this dude? I was stoned throughout the last couple weeks and missed the whole story, now the video has been taken down from everywhere and I'm too stupid to find it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

seek help instead

fuck off

Stoned on what op?

Go to bestgore. Cheers


Cya faggot!

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I have the video but you can't have it

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The guys a piece of shit manlet that killed defenseless women and children along with the men that were there. I hope he gets gutted in prison.

Stoned on weed, what else can you get stoned on?

Go be someone's mom somewhere else.

It's not like I admire him or anything, I'm just interested.

The term is colloquial...I've heard idiots say they were stoned when they were piss drunk

freedom of information get redpilled fagot

Thanks a lot.

Attached: fag.jpg (460x259, 43K)

prostate massager, lol

Video dead


go on a website called death addict

it's illegal to share the video.

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Google "kiwi farms christchurch" and download the original.

this shit is actually one of the most cancerous and human rjghys degrading things ive ever seen
>man shoots up mosque
>it is within any countries constitutional rights to freedom of speech
>share the video and share your opinion
>get put it jail for it
>Meanwhile, 9/11 videos and decapitation is fine
absolute fucking cancer. im no lawyer but 14 years for sharing a video is bullshit

Thats just NZ.


It's not for sharing the video. That's hardly part of the case against him at all.

It's for trying to incite others to do the same thing as the other asshole; the video was just one of the things he posted.

I think the bigger issue was the writing of “target acquired” next to the mosque. Combined with sharing the Christchurch video, it’s verh easy to make a case for a terrorist threat charge - which is also illegal in the USA

I remember sawing him in a gay porn video

If only you'd sawed him in half.

thats fucking BS you cant imprison someone cause u don't appreciate their sense of humor, we need another war to desensitize all these fucks and make them realize that humor is a great defense mechanism for coping with horrible shit.

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I watched it today, i had the biggest grin on my face when he started slaughtering those sandniggers

While it is very insensitive given the situation and what not, he wrote it next tk a picture (according to the article). If it was in real life, even then 14 years would be an exageration, since it would be a mere act of vandalism. If writing that next to a picture is a crime, then all the people making mw2 memes and editing the video out of it should be getting extradited to NZ

-share it 10 million times
-you get 14 x 10 million years in prison

i forgot to add but the thing about law is it should re.ain imparcial and objetive despite the situation. If the mosque hadnt been shot up, the max he would get would be a slap of the wrists, but since the shooting did happen, people arr exagerating and overproportioning what punishments should be given

New Zealand needs to have a Civil war and remove the Liberals and Muslims. Maybe then they can fix their country.

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It’s on, bunch of fags post on there though

Imagine if our society was consistent enough to actually say this and we didn't live in clown world

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Guy wasn't even slightly mentally ill, and everyone knows a dead Muslim is a good Muslim.

I have a feeling you'll find it on Bitchute

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That’s just in New Zealand. They took their guns and freedom of speech.

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I'm watching it now. It's fucking horrible.

Welcome to the new Islamic country New Islamaland

It's all over /gif/. Quite annoying, to be frank.

>it’s verh easy to make a case for a terrorist threat charge - which is also illegal in the USA

Not really... it's easily challenged. Bare in mind in the US you can accuse anyone of anything, the challenge is getting the accusation to hold up in court. Shit like this usually falls under freedom of speach- an American constitutional right, held up over and over again in many proceedings for the last 150 years.

anybody got a link to his manifesto?

All Muslims deserve death

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>I remember sawing him in a gay porn video

"Sawing" him? I weep for the English language...

I heard Netflix is showing it.

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Finished watching it. The fucker didn't even have the balls to finish his own life after he done the deed. He just got in his car, thinking of himself like some sort of hero. Everyone he attacked was defenseless. If he hate muslims so much, he could have went for the terrorists, then it would've been fair, but I guess he wouldn't have the balls to do that, would he? He would just shit his pants and beg for his life.
It's also disgusting how nobody called the emergency, from the cars that were passing by.
Anyway, a "man" like him deserves to burn in hell for a thousand eternities, that's just my opinion.

Its on Bestgore, just type shooting in to the search bar faggot.

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He is the hero NZ deserves, not the one it needs right now

>that's just my opinion.
cool story bro

A goy reporting the news without a permit is the worst crime in the world.

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He’s a hero faggot.

>incite others

Post the screenshot.

"hero", right. Everyone can grab a gun and kill a bunch of innocent civilians, there's nothing near heroic about his act. If he was indeed a hero, he would go and kill the terrorists who would actually need to die. Needless to say someone like him probably wouldn't accomplish much in that scenario, therefore not a hero.

can't wait for the day that telling someone to go fuck themselves will result in sexual assault charges

Liberals say he killed women, I say he killed baby making factories.

Liberals say he killed children, I say he killed future terrorists.

Liberals say he killed men, I say good.

shut up stupid

Homie wtf are these tabs

Read my faggot.

Trust me, I hate muslims as much as the next guy, and I wish islam would just die, it's a shit religion, but who's innocent is innocent, and who's unarmed is unarmed. It would be more heroic to go in without a weapon and tell them in their face the problem he has with muslims.

>Everyone can grab a gun and kill a bunch of innocent civilians
you sure don;t have balls to do that. plus he did eliminate a group associated with the terrorist ideology

bot probably

hey guys, we have a new member, please everyone kindly welcome him

Not innocent Muslims, their religion is a disease and it’s gone viral worldwide. A dead Muslim is no different than a dead cockroache to me.

>and I wish islam would just die, it's a shit religion, but who's innocent is innocent,
do you read what you write?... do you even think b4 you say shit?

I have a sense of honor and morality. I would never kill someone innocent, and I wouldn't bring a gun to fight someone who is unarmed.

Those children who probably didn't even have a choice sure did kill a bunch of christians.

Fuck this guy and the music he listens to in his car

Ooohhh how'd you know?

he got in his car to get to the linwood mosque. at least read about it you autistic fuckhead.

what he did was disgusting, but if you assume for a moment, just hypothetically, that his core values and beliefs are correct, his conclusion is actually pretty valid, which you cant say about most other mass shooters and/or terrorists.

also, memelord

Regardless of him being a hero or not it should be said that he has a pretty good taste in music.


Fuck that music

kek, you white knight piece of shit...

they were armed with religious doctrines they are trying to enforce on other nations that incentivize public executions of innocent civilians.


He’s going to find god, repent, and convert to Islam in prison.
Then when he gets out he’ll blow up a kindergarten full of infidels.
NZ PM will praise him for his courage and embrace of diversity

Even if, hypothetically, his core values and beliefs are correct, his conclusion is nowhere near close to valid, and with some thought and reflection you would also reach this obvious conclusion.
But whatever man, this is Yea Forums, I'm done arguing.

>change profile pic with NZ flag overlay
Lmao I changed my pfp to literally a pic of the shooter himself.
Also my account got deleted

yeah here you go bucko

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I need a floss version of this

thats like expecting a woman to obey her own rules. saved btw

I did drugs to this video. Psychedelics opened my eyes

Daily reminder there are no innocent Muslims.

>white knight
Kek. Ok, I kind of sounded like one.
>armed with religious doctrines
Yeah, when I wrote unarmed, I wrote in the literal sense. What the fuck is a religious doctrine going to do against a gun? If he went in with his gun, I bet some of them would say that they would say that the giant spaghetti monster was the one true god, if our "hero" wished so. If, in your twisted sense of heroic acts, he was really a "hero", he would have went in with his fists and fought a fair battle against the oh-so-powerful-and-scary preachers of the cancerous doctrine.

>innocent civilians
No muslim is innocent liberal go back to Facebook

What crime did each of the victims commit?

So there was some news about this guy visiting turkey and other mideast countries - but haven't heard any news in awhile. Any non-mainstream sites have up-to-date details on this?

Worshiping a religion based on terrorism

Here you go

sorry dude, but if they have it in their book that they can and they should be killing people that oppose allah, well then they can expect the same thing back... . not saying that i'm up for anything like that myself but this is not 'uncalled for'

do you know that people die for less reasons every fucking day and no one fucking cares?

They didn't commit a crime. Our traitorous politicians who only care about money are the real criminals here. The vast majority of muslims don't intend to replace us, but their normal birth rate relative to our low birth rate means that they will. The minority of violent extremists speed this process up. Multiple nations have been taken over this way. I invite you to research the history of Pakistan. It was once a Buddhist nation.

"Malala says because of the apathy of those right-thinking people, the Taliban becomes all powerful in the Swat Valley where she lives. There have been ruins of thousands of Buddha statues and stupas in the Valley, indicating the signs of the rich civilisation it had long time ago. Malala says that the people of the Valley have always been proud of that rich civilisation though they practice a different religion now."

wtf was the music he was playing prior to the march of the British Grenadiers? anyone knows?

Serbia strong?

The world is black and white. You have a narrow perspective, so there's no point in arguing with you. Maybe one day you'll grow up and see that the truth doesn't come from what other people with agendas tell you, and that the world is not as simple as you make believe.
To give a brief answer, not only being a muslim is not a crime in NZ, it's also not a crime in the two widely-known philosophical systems of morality.

I still can't like muslims though, so I guess we share an opinion.

the guy doesn't look Serbian but who knows the song is a clue of why he did it.

True that about the politicians

>> and I'm too stupid …
You're right about that. Seek help, you're virtually non-human.

Remove kebab.

"According to the Independent, Tarrant met with right-wing extremists while taking a trip to Europe in 2017, and also traveled to Pakistan and North Korea."

Manchurian candidate in exchange for NK pussy?

Also, only a total nut job paints his weapons like that

I'm addicted to watching it lol. Feels good.

It's Serbia Strong, you got it !

White was the right camouflage for the job done.

You can all just suck my fat cock.
Religion must be eradicated as it is the bane of man, warped in superstition, ignorance and fear. I would free the hero who killed those bastards and give him a medal.

It was fake and gay.

Shoes on, shoes off.

some job. kill defenseless sheep
also, he grace shot a woman on the ground asking for help
the guy is a piece of shit

Welcome to the leftist police state. This is what liberals want.

god damn id love to have a convo with these gents

Enemies are not criminals.
Look at most wars, the enemy did not commit crimes. The enemy is engaging in hostility and conquest that comes naturally. Islam is a religion and political ideology of dominance, conquest, and breeding.

Osama bin laden did nothing inherently wrong; he was waging war.

But for western countries to roll over and cuck themselves instead of fighting for their people, THAT is wrong and abnormal.

TLDR Muslims are the enemy. Not because they are evil, but because they are invading Western lands.

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And when the forbidden months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them and take them prisoners, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, then leave their way free. Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.

i be innocent too if i offed some peeps

Top fucking kek. Even Serbia is cucked now. This song, in praise of a convicted war criminal, doesn’t condone killing the innocent, it’s all about defense. LMAO.

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already bored of this video, when is part 2?

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Sheep you call 'them' ?
In that case they all follow one leader, and when caught off guard they should be defended?

Do humanity a favor and just exit.



Kek Kiwi cucks are the the new cuck island next to Bongland

Guns down unarmed civilians.
Calls it a firefight.

>browsing Yea Forums
>telling someone to seek help

something something glass house something something

I want full track listing including what we missed when he left the car. Awesome soundtrack


Masterpiece. This is beautiful

Blow me. Your type go first

Who cares about sheep leaders? what are you, a zoologist?

Killing obviously coward, incapable and defenseless people iis the act of animals, not men.

Doing it for no good reason is beyond what even animals would do,

People one doesn't like are still people, bigmouth



>Girlfriend ASMR


everyone in this thread who hasn't posted it are bitchmade ass faggot niggas. here's the actual video, full length.


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btw we all agree the guy is a psychopath. regardless of your political affiliation, the killing of civilians is not beneficial. if you suggest or defend any such violence it is safe to assume you are law enforcement, or israeli shill. either way you will be gassed feds.

theync dot komm

Speak for yourself faggot.

He pretty much just sunk to their level by mass killing civilians. He's no better than a suicide bomber, except he's not getting any virgins.

it's almost like you WANT the extreme right wing to be imprisoned. you will be killed

Probably yes, i smoke too much, so cancer will get me.

Neither are they because neither god nor Allah exist.

Seriously bro fuck off. I don’t support what he did, but I’m not shedding any tears over it either. Islam is a cancer, there are no moderate Muslims. They can do what they want in their own countries but they don’t belong in ours. I don’t support genocide, but I’d be fine with mass deportations.

yeah, i want mass deportations too. do you realize our enemies want to use this so called "mass shootings" to IMPRISON US for political reasons? the jewish controlled media uses it as a propaganda talking point for eons, and any resistance to mass immigration is culled. thats why me must assume they are feds when they suggest we should commit violence.

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The Jew stuff is conspiracy tier honestly. They’re just dumb liberals. It all comes down to demographics. In America, we should deport everyone to 1960s level proportions. Deport the Mexicans and Muslims, force blacks and Asians to assimilate, and the rest will take care of itself.


Contains the full manifesto.

>conspiracy tier
yeah it is a conspiracy. of jews. read culture of critique by kevin mcdonald

I know I’m in the minority on this, but for most of American history Jews made positive contributions. I’m in favor of tolerance and pluralism. The problem is that recent groups absolutely don’t share our values, especially Muslims and Hispanics. America is best when it’s white. Jews, and other soft hearted liberals, can’t tell the difference between dismantling real racism like Jim Crow and giving handouts to invaders who hate America and inviting radical demographic change.

oh .... dis gon be goood

see being stoned makes you miss out on life

What a fucking retard

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is there a video of the second mosque?

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>Never show a video of any crime because it will just radicalize people to do the same
>never show any violent act in a movie because it will just radicalize people to do the same
>never sing of a violent act in a song because it will radicalize people to do the same

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As a American I’m more worried about gun laws being tightened and new libtard surges after mass shootings. So CAN YOU FUCKING STOP. LET THE NIGGERS SHOOT EACHOTHER IF YOU WANT GUN VIOLENCE CAUSE IT DOESNT MATTER WHEN THEY DO! I myself am also hateful of shooters like those. And wish people could just fucking have a gladiator stadium instead so we can shoot eachother if we want to and have legal race wars.

I'll not weep for a mosque that was investigated for being a radicalization hotbed

Fuck off moralfags

Anyone have the link to the one that plays a queen song while hes shooting everything

Op go on has the video

Absolutely completely unironically based.
There is no political will to stop nigger crime. If we lose our guns it will be because of Dylan roof and school shooters etc. so if you love guns cut it out.

Is that true? Source?

>shooting happens
>gets taken down and censored
>makes everyone want to see it even more
>media makes point about racist sickos on the net
>puts pressure on the EU lawmakers who don't know what they are doing
>they accept article 13 next week
>effectively killing the internet

damn bruh u stoopid or sum nigga

you cant watch the best solo vs squad irl

Weed doesnt last that long

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is a Maga supporter, dont worry soon most white trash will do the same

Kek nice.

No need to watch the video, this picture pretty much sums it up.

Attached: 1.jpg (852x480, 29K)

Australian PM Faggot wants social platforms to devise an algorithm to catch white haters. White people are now racist against white people. Left wing faggots.

function IsRacist($message) {
return strpos(strtolower($messsge), 'Yea Forums') !== false;

>reverse image search
>no results
original image, well done

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The comments have been disabled lolz. You fuckers must have been having a field day.

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The only funny thing there is madden 2004 cheats

>madden 2004 cheats

Kills 50 Armed ISIS - Legend
Kills 50 innocent unarmed civilians with shots to their backs - faggot loser air waster.
Pine tree car freshener - pure prostate massaging faggotry coward.
Mercy killing a woman begging for help in the back and head - extreme prostate massaging faggotry.
Mimiking ISIS killing live stream? Sad coward prostate massaging faggotry god.
Main Points: killed 50 unarmed people. Most shot in the back whilst trying to flee. Comes back and shoots wounded and dead at close range. Shoots woman from a distance and as she cries for help he slams shots into her and then runs over her body in his car
Conclusion: Coward. Shoots at a distance in case he is theatened. Then only has the balls to shoot at close range in the back because victims are either dead or wounded. Double shootsdead innocent unarmed people.

Will go down in history as the biggest coward prostate massaging piece of faggotry in the 21st.
He's made right-wing conservatism a crime. No decent right winger wants to slaughter innocent people. We are not as low as ISIS.

Mongchester United

>doesn’t know what success Taste like

Crymor Faggot. And for the record, I’m not condoning his actions. This is what a planned out school shooting would look like if it was done by someone that was actually competent.

yeah, but he probably took like 3 weeds tho

Don't dance around it, say his name.

Speak his name!

>history as the biggest coward prostate massaging piece-
woah, hold on there. cowards dont use prostate massagers. taking something up the ass and enjoying it is pretty hardcore to be honest.

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>Madden 2004 cheats
Ultra kek

They individually did not like pine tree car fresheners? or any other lame uncalled for reason.

...with liquid paper.

> Accuses someone of having self-righteous rage
> Defends the murder of innocent people by a man who wrote an entire manifesto out of self-righteous rage.

K it's because you haven't gone through puberty yet son.

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Underrated post


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>not having it saved long ago
New Zealand/Aussie/UK/German commiefag detected

Muslims don't count as people

Ah the Quran. That is the only fantasy book which scared the shit out of me. Why do dickheads believe in fairy tales?


I have to wonder, what basis was his bail refused? Is the country in fear he will express his opinion again?

>hurrdurrrrr are you watching this america?

2 edgy 2 furry ass

I still remember seeing that on CNN.

Remember folks it's illegal for you to have and see those emails, but see we are reporters so the Constitution grant us super powers that you normies do not possess.

Most retarded news event in the wrold.

This part was hilarious, got his stupid ass hat blown off lol

A cowardly piece of shit, who shoots unarmed people in the back.

kek I wish I monitored how many views this video got after the mosque video was put out

>gouged out eyes
>sliced up genitals
this dude either has a lot of moves on his action bar or he used macros

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I thought Norway wasn't letting in many muslims compared to the other cuck EU countries. Guess I was wrong

Orwell's 1984. NZ sentencing peeps for 14 years for sharing. Banning Brenton Tarrant's name. Pixilating his face at court. The pinko lefties 'oh my lefty god, let's not put a face on NZ's darkest day.' Ban the haters! Kill them all!
And you were saying?

The was clearly MOSSAD or working on behalf of a foreign entity.

You must be eradicated for lying. Your cock is a micropenis. Your mother told me.

literally kill yourself faggot OP

The media narrative is imploding

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She was disappointed after you did her.


He sunk way down. In the back whilst dying or dead. He can't get virgins anyway, he is alive and he's not Muslim. Correct me, if I am wrong.


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The (((media))) will likely drop this story now that it's unravelling... similar to how the Vegas shooting fell from pundits and news commentators consciousness. SHUT IT DOWN

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Congrats for having analytical informed thought processing. You should teach this skill to the minions.

hello newfags

Like the other guy wrote. Source?

Nah brah... i realize all this information is old news to all the shit lords here... but these images are EXCELLENT tools for jolting normie blue pilled bitches. Just thought I'd share... should anyone want to rattle friends and family that are fence sitters or purple pilled.

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>for most of American history Jews made positive contributions

You do know about WWII right? Do even a little reading of the actual reason for it? Not the history books and hollywood fairy tails, but like the actual facts about jewish embargoes and everything to drag the usa in to the war. so... more psyjew shit posting. noice

Not crying faggot. Just did your mom, she was good. She told me she would help you with your punctuation after you get to puberty.

Well aware of that history... as presumably most that frequent this board are. Now how do we incrinentally increase public contempt and critical inquiry amoung the general populace... that have been taught all theoughout their public indoctrination ed. years not to critisize jews, even when it valid to do so (ie. naming/identifying their anti-nationalist ethno nepotistic strategies).

How do we turn public scrutiny on those that must not be named.

What? LMAO What's taking it up the ass got to do with being a coward? Lucky stupidity is not a crime.

It's on bestgore.

Hey faggot... not an arguement. Go to bed. This is adult conversation hour.

Or is it... are you actually more of a (((faggot))). Hmmm.


they do it for us for the most part. the lies are so big, so poorly constructed, so one sided they have lost all possibility of truth. you'd have to be stupid not to smell the bullshit.

the majority of people prefer comfortable lies to inconvenient truths. only when it affects them will it change. we're starting to see it now in bigger numbers from social media, and why they try so hard to control and censor it all now.

more however wake up all the time. it's almost impossible to stay asleep past 30. we are one medium sized world event away from it all collapsing. and there's a lot more of us then there are of them. and we're all connected now. there will be no attics for them to hide in when the time comes. don't think people aren't working on a black and jewish virus. something that could pass over whites and wipe the slate clean. it will just happen one quite day. and by the time anyone knows for sure what's going on it will be over. this is our future.

Jesus Christ, dude...

Well said... i appreciate the white pilling share. Good night fellas - we are subversives... technically before the development of open hostilities. May you all have a good Friday/weekend. Don't forget to "lift" if you've the means and time. Keep the body strong there by lofting heavy shit... and your minds sharp here via red pill shares.

LMAO Adult conversation hour? Really? Such biting prose. Probably better to go to bed, rather than read illegible works of people? Cannot grasp the last sentence. It's okay, not everyone can write with expression.

Dude, calm down. Just fap and go to bed. Sleep it off. We won't hold it against you.

Imagine being a New Zealand fag searching for mosque shooting footage on a VPN in an incognito tab and then watching out the window hoping the NZ police don't show up and give you 14 years

“If you ignore everything that’s wrong with him, there’s really not that much wrong with him!”

Yea Forums logic, everybody.



That was Breivik though and it was in 2011, before the refugee crisis

Tfw I first got interested in Europe around 2009-2010 and even going to Sweden was an entirely different and cool thing to do.
Why did this have to happen?

manifesto link?

In Poland all the major websites hosted or linked to full uncensored 17 minutes footage.
Accusing anyone of sharin a stream is a fucking nazi shit.