Last ylyl 404'd

last ylyl 404'd

Attached: 1544766569945.png (634x623, 943K)

Other urls found in this thread:

reply or mom big die

Guess how old his girlfriend is?

Attached: 31421.jpg (958x960, 179K)

Attached: 1552794338327.png (761x889, 835K)

Attached: image0.png (567x425, 254K)

When you try so hard to be edgy

Attached: IMG-20190321-WA0007.jpg (720x715, 146K)


I have no idea what's going on in the edited panel. 'splain?

Attached: 1551897793316.webm (720x404, 1.93M)

I'm just as lost my guy

The guy who posts this image is an obsessed fag who started posting this
back in early to mid 2018.
SRPis in love with the guy in his pictures, but is butthurt the guy
doesn't even know he's alive
and is not a faggot likeSRP(he likes females)
how do we know?SRPadmitted it in the past
but when others made fun of him and his OBSESSION,
he realized it was better to accuse his CRUSH of being a rapist.
===========SRPIS MENTALLY ILL============
===========SRPIS MENTALLY ILL============
how do we know?
SRPspends 14-18 hours a day posting the same shit.
and he gets BUTTHURT AS HELL when you make fun of him
(watch him lose his mind)
===========SRPIS A BRITFAG LOSER============
which is funny because most of his time he is posting late at night
(crazy people don't sleep)
he uses BROKEN ENGLISH, typical retarded britfag
and he will
Yea Forums until you fall in love with his crush.
=======what ifSRPis right?===============
what if his crush is really a rapist?
think about it, if he really was, it would be so easy to ruin his life
with a few calls to the local constabulary.
considering cops are EAGER to believe even a half-baked story,
even a weak story would work.
this faggot's claim (that his crush is a rapist) is nonsense
it's just his butthurt way
to get
more attention
to the man
remember, he's mentally ill. you cannot reason with him. but you can make fun of him and watch him respond like a butthurt faggot.
he gets even angrier every time someone spreads the knowledge with messages like this ;)

when your diameter is perfectly toleranced...... real machinist hours

It's exactly 16mm when measured on a micrometer, I think it's just creaming at how accurate that is because being THAT spot on is some seriously precise shit.
t. precision engineer

Attached: 1532259778382.jpg (500x374, 54K)

Attached: Pizza.png (577x432, 642K)

Attached: DB7C5E06-E5DE-4641-BA51-7300AFEDC8D3.jpg (540x379, 39K)

Attached: 1537721639178.jpg (497x544, 25K)

The guy who posts this image is an obsessed fag who started posting this
back in early to mid 2018.
SRPis in love with the guy in his pictures, but is butthurt the guy
doesn't even know he's alive
and is not a faggot likeSRP(he likes females)
how do we know?SRPadmitted it in the past
but when others made fun of him and his OBSESSION,
he realized it was better to accuse his CRUSH of being a rapist.
===========SRPIS MENTALLY ILL============
===========SRPIS MENTALLY ILL============
how do we know?
SRPspends 14-18 hours a day posting the same shit.
and he gets BUTTHURT AS HELL when you make fun of him
(watch him lose his mind)
===========SRPIS A BRITFAG LOSER============
which is funny because most of his time he is posting late at night
(crazy people don't sleep)
he uses BROKEN ENGLISH, typical retarded britfag
and he will
Yea Forums until you fall in love with his crush.
=======what ifSRPis right?===============
what if his crush is really a rapist?
think about it, if he really was, it would be so easy to ruin his life
with a few calls to the local constabulary.
considering cops are EAGER to believe even a half-baked story,
even a weak story would work.
this faggot's claim (that his crush is a rapist) is nonsense
it's just his butthurt way
to get
more attention
to the man
remember, he's mentally ill. you cannot reason with him. but you can make fun of him and watch him respond like a butthurt faggot.
he gets even angrier every time someone spreads the knowledge with messages like this ;)

Didn't know there was any witnesses left who could have possibly overheard him say that.

>that pic
did halsey change her hair again?

He didn't say that. Watch the video.

Soo...nice one Elon Musky!

Attached: iohw8ovr4cenujt46228508334400.jpg (1636x1161, 122K)

The waste of sperm is really losing his mind lol.

Attached: podesta_NZ_03102019.jpg (768x781, 490K)

Attached: 1539262697940.webm (720x404, 622K)


Attached: _1_zazzle2.jpg (1086x1122, 88K)

Attached: 1551692213932.jpg (741x663, 35K)

new reports say the shooter live edited the conversation out of the stream to further suit his agenda.

He made the edit while walking with his hands were out of frame.


Attached: 1297836486170 (1).jpg (251x249, 11K)

Source on that?

Ah, a Seth poster I see

Attached: 1526249244780.jpg (719x600, 67K)

Attached: 1528046522238.jpg (600x800, 45K)

Fuck that i lost

Attached: 1551601096509.jpg (500x537, 109K)

2 / 10

i mean, at least the posters tried in this thread to post the funny.

but fuck they failed.

found it on google, reverse image searched it to find a sales site, then learned the algorithm may be a Yea Forumstard.

Attached: bpy.png (739x870, 184K)

That's not what I was asking for source of, I was asking for the source of someone saying that about the new Zealand shooter

Attached: 2167E045-4949-4D40-B2B3-29DA3ACDB9BE.jpg (1080x1080, 105K)

while in a thread labeled
on Yea

Attached: 0A3414F1-CC0A-40C3-8E95-83F29795FD41.jpg (491x663, 238K)

Fucking Duggnut gets me every time

Attached: 1528161289042.gif (504x686, 268K)

Autism at its finest


Attached: 1533748170740.png (888x600, 64K)


She's probably 19 now. This faggot nigger has been posting those things since forever. The guy he posts actually looks like an alright person. I think this cunt is just jealous of him

My man!

Attached: 746886f1a7830842ac2c8b18a2b9344c.png (329x343, 127K)

Attached: 4UVNU90e5eamzV05cJWAXLaKp6ncFUHF14W3Vy61bwc.jpg (640x360, 54K)

literally u

Attached: 1548698510644.jpg (958x960, 622K)

i dont care how old she is, i want to rape her


Attached: ugay.jpg (736x585, 195K)

Attached: hfsfdhgfgbhjbjh.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

No u

Only straight people can come from America apparently.

Attached: f7d95a0.jpg (937x1171, 71K)

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Attached: ZHmHih5.png (441x302, 58K)

i lose user.... damn man.

Attached: e9955e1779bbced8da98c7cbf063a6c5.jpg (749x708, 113K)

Attached: ughs.jpg (3438x3438, 918K)

Attached: A0DAC6E3-7DD6-45EA-8680-E9DD116FD34B.png (776x643, 224K)

Samefagging this hard. Ouch.

Attached: A6AA9423-1177-4436-8D0D-139D297F033A.jpg (1024x916, 109K)

That's not how you ask for directions to Reddit.

trying this hard

Attached: Screenshot_20190321-175502.jpg (1920x1200, 422K)

Lost like a bitch.

Anybody have more of these?

Imagine being this cringe

Attached: 1552990624604.jpg (470x470, 70K)

Ylyl threads are filled with shitty unfunny Facebook mom memes

Attached: IMG_20190321_111546.jpg (640x707, 65K)

Yep ......lost.

calm down, faggot. just because you were wrong about samefagging doesnt mean you can throw an autistic temper tantrum and start losing to something posted early thread in an impulsive burst of rage.

Attached: 1519462252113.png (325x217, 91K)

>Uses tommorow style
>Has a t-pose meme in the corner
Even reddit wouldn't take you, jesus.

Attached: tenor (1).gif (220x194, 452K)

as an asexual I find this innacrate. Also you and everyone else who fells sexual pleasure is disgusting vermin to my eyes, just a heads up.

Attached: Just like me.jpg (478x478, 46K)

Well shit hahaha
Took me two shots to make sense but tops

lol faggot

>t-pose meme

you mean youtube?

Attached: 1524911217477.png (303x311, 158K)

That Shaun King?


Attached: Solid_2_295.jpg (340x435, 27K)

yeah. he just got done shootin some hoops wit hims pops


imagine that

lol make that 11am

Idk did you see old mate cop the tyre to the face
That was fucking hilarious

Attached: 1552847879352.jpg (750x750, 42K)

Nobody cares

you from Yorkshire?

Attached: 1541277648818.jpg (720x960, 95K)

six hundred dollarydoos for a plane ticket to New Zealand!

Mike Truk is about to win the batting title this year my nigga.

Attached: 1550703766679.gif (264x264, 1.37M)

God damn I'd save that if it was spelled correctly

So that explains the late 80's early 90's baseball vidya.

Attached: Curly_Howard_1.jpg (290x425, 33K)

suck his dick already.

Rolf is so confused. Who is this Ray Pist whiteboy?

Attached: 0551B545-11A2-4454-A383-92A5A43B8198.jpg (640x480, 20K)

B hop niggas in tf2 be like

please let us ugly people not procreate in peace


Nah bloke northern Territory of Australia
Why Yorkshire?

Shots fired

U reply or I rape ur fat mom in her sleep

Attached: Screenshot_20190109-212227.png (1080x1920, 1.37M)

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Attached: 63908F29-A274-4D6F-BD8F-CD3761EBB96D.jpg (750x832, 123K)

Attached: 1551057947657.jpg (523x605, 28K)

>Unironically posting a bikecuckhold comic

Attached: 1546080037326.jpg (600x600, 34K)

Attached: 1540513859031 - Copy (2).jpg (480x480, 63K)

Attached: 1541576578028.jpg (600x704, 41K)

That's not Bike Cuck, that's the ex BuzzFeed comic guy who can't do a different face to save his life.

Attached: 93cc11a3010279a44a2459b5272808efeb34afccb6cd0a2520b50afc45d21032.jpg (550x543, 83K)

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Attached: 1551037150826.jpg (691x496, 44K)

lol! New Zealand itself is cancer. Fuck NZ.

Ok I guess

Attached: dc4yrxt-fa47a4be-2fc2-4c20-a3e2-6b2c91a2c4b9.jpg (999x1154, 675K)

Dunno why you posted a selfie, this is a YLYL thread dude.

Fuck off furfag

Attached: 1552738195858.png (1920x1098, 1.14M)

Attached: 1551067731950.jpg (326x751, 82K)

No one gets it anymore. Rest in peace.

does anyone have a link to the video? I'm curious

Attached: 1546682539907.png (1000x1000, 82K)

Attached: 1551056088516.jpg (650x623, 50K)

go away, respect the deads

Attached: 49704151_1648200511993381_700325865363341312_n.jpg (960x960, 128K)

Attached: z1549242180655.jpg (728x546, 164K)

Attached: 1549240535284.gif (500x281, 1.54M)

Someone reverse this image for me. It shall be a fine dubs image.


Death by horsecock. Washington state.

Attached: 1542137302861.png (950x761, 1.18M)

Attached: ec7f812a725ae82747a94a24f25917d2514d026369d4f18761237b8c8c5a4ec9.png (768x767, 1020K)


STFU Moralfag, there are rekt threads all the time why don't you moralize there faggot


Attached: cover 02 sml.jpg (695x735, 501K)

You know, I gave the fucking reason.

Attached: f4398e_4356739.jpg (821x576, 158K)

>name this band

Attached: aUntitled-2.png (176x170, 18K)

All her braps are filtered thru the jewish star

Attached: dasfdasdfasd.jpg (1280x720, 154K)

your reason wasn't fucking good enough

Poor guy

Attached: 1546069548586.jpg (720x960, 139K)

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fuck off

Attached: 1548451021319.jpg (768x1024, 75K)

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Attached: CBTYUPmUUAATEE5.jpg (610x610, 49K)

fedora man go away

Attached: 1548578724721.jpg (1440x2560, 177K)

Attached: images.jpg (236x214, 8K)

Attached: 1546293245158.jpg (500x910, 102K)


> he says with a somehow straight face in a thread with stupid edgy cringe like

Attached: limitdumb.jpg (226x223, 6K)

Attached: 123.jpg (237x213, 13K)

It's on 4chin, faggot. Not in a crate. God, you're dense.

Attached: 1e3416f49d0e4a6559b49ae575f842cd8ea2fba0732d7ff4d762d85e55897060.jpg (945x637, 166K)

>Actual true story inbound:
>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"We're not a thing anymore"
>tell my father this
>laughs uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down

Attached: autism_0.jpg (1190x1080, 399K)

not his brightest moment

Attached: de4e4a5af28790b3a256b323a67bf8b1cc846cbdfdfd5859b216296bc84ebc82.gif (720x480, 1.12M)


Attached: _silly_640_15.png (640x523, 577K)

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Attached: 1551390741901.jpg (670x906, 85K)

Are the left actually learning to meme? Getting closer, all you have to do now is have context with objective reality, and be funny.

Is that a young Olivia Coleman?

Attached: rP11h1q.jpg (818x499, 144K)

Attached: 484848.jpg (854x480, 137K)

there's nothing wrong with the bidet is there??

Attached: 860517B8-4883-4539-B21B-B71CAAF89433.jpg (500x874, 73K)

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Attached: 1468513550407.jpg (1280x1060, 286K)



I noticed that too


Owen Benjamin is a bottom?


Attached: 2CF8C1E2-8D9B-4222-AF41-3B7697F3A579.jpg (93x125, 3K)

Thanks, I was picturing it a bit more theatrically


is the joke the picture is too tiny for human eyes

yup you want a reg size of her?

Dumb people think it looks pointless and therefore funny. In reality designers use features like this to control traffic speeds, or to bring traffic down a certain amount of vertical distance within a small space without exceeding allowable grade angles.


hmm, I didn't think it really looked like that steep of an angle, but if it was, that makes sense

Attached: 1522003961000.png (249x299, 122K)

God speeds science man

Thank you

Disgusting brap faggot.

>tenor (1).gif
>acting like you're better than anyone else

Attached: 1553037921684.gif (336x335, 1.95M)

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Attached: 1553134810386.jpg (1024x768, 141K)

Attached: 1553134885149.jpg (480x432, 34K)

>When you throw your shirt off to brawl some chump but you forgot you drew abs on yourself with a sharpie.

fuckin raul chamgerlain ever time

He said it. Just as he walks up, turn your volume up. Pretty sure though it was just two people greeting each other at the door. If I was a shitskin I sure as hell wouldn’t say welcome brother to an angry lookin white guy in combat gear holding two guns

Fuck lost

fucks her son

skype live:kasiami364_1

Attached: PfNLmKN.jpg (2232x2976, 891K)

What is this, a picture for ants?


lol that's joke, want her in reg size pic?


Attached: 1533721896045.jpg (74x110, 7K)

Must be because it would be too steep for trucks to go over the train tracks.

Attached: 1551933875567.jpg (1068x600, 162K)

Attached: 0FF75CC9-79AE-482F-BC24-E88DE7CB1E52.jpg (643x820, 80K)

Machinist here, you’re retarded.

I dont get it

>saves the thumbnail
God summer gets earlier every year

Attached: 1552857607316.jpg (610x1024, 127K)


Attached: 89C88C66-514D-419D-9909-E764C0451427.jpg (300x323, 13K)

This is bait.

It has to be.

>Space Station Firteen

you being a virgin isn't a sexuality faggot

Attached: FE67BDAA-F974-4ED4-87AA-A001F333AAF9.jpg (200x248, 11K)

that's an odal rune dumb nigga

goddammittt Todd Bonzales.

The PewDiePie painting. my sides, good lord my sides

Attached: 1382234834416.jpg (455x523, 19K)

You are defective according to nature


She got naked in a film about weddings or something. Wasn't v good, the film and her body.

>not any of the automatic/semi auto rifles


pretty sure that still thinking the stereotypical "america fuck yeah" shit is epic and funny makes someone more of a faggot than any of the other shit

you got that right

Attached: 50494732_2603955016297686_7248658086901055488_n.jpg (720x912, 86K)

According to nature, humanity is a swarm of locusts.

Attached: 7C88ECF9-03AC-42E9-9B1F-F898EDB17D4E.jpg (604x508, 49K)

Congrats, OP. It wasn't even close.

Attached: gayest thread of the day.jpg (864x569, 67K)

These "witches" killed faggots too?

Attached: 1463230121378.jpg (706x614, 55K)

No a swarm of locusts is a swarm of locusts


Attached: 1543590675330.jpg (1233x2048, 196K)

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I'm in love. Any face?

why not?

Fucking lost

Attached: 1456184389174.png (1314x1320, 1.45M)

Looooooooolst hard

Attached: 1.jpg (2048x1152, 569K)

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I don’t think it is.

it was on tape.....

Faggot. Anulado

Meant to say to you

lol what

MODS, it's cropped turned to the side with snapchat filter photo shopped over it, it's cp.

Attached: 1552894270078.png (584x534, 288K)

Attached: 1477543836997.jpg (800x931, 159K)

Attached: 1552953093666.jpg (480x535, 46K)

Hum, is hse even legal ?

Nigger you fucked up


Pick one

Attached: 1458707538560.jpg (1019x1192, 220K)

She *

not likely

Attached: 45026466_365509840879906_8268975134828658688_n.jpg (868x960, 40K)

Who is this

>Hating men this much

Attached: 1454697785512.jpg (502x600, 77K)

Attached: 1462404965333.png (641x316, 316K)

He did say it. Although I doubt he said to the guy approaching him from behind in the riot gear and holding the rifle within the flashing strobe.

Attached: 1490486089856.jpg (600x800, 80K)

Building a Mosque in a town called christchurch.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

>having a conversation with a guy holding a rifle
Sounds legit

My sides

Got the original image?

Attached: 1459828850378.jpg (1600x900, 495K)

Cry more faggot

Does it gay?

Attached: flat,800x800,075,f.jpg (200x200, 23K)

Attached: 1453057047942.jpg (540x960, 40K)


If the constitution was perfect and infallible, why did the founding fathers put a method of changing it into the constitution itself

I don't know either man.

Attached: kevin.jpg (320x240, 18K)

I'd hate to transport shit that far by hand. Living out there, he'd be doing bulk shopping

underrated post

Attached: 1474584554505.jpg (768x1024, 75K)


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Attached: 1463686047154.jpg (1040x1186, 135K)

If you find this funny you probably aren’t a well person

Stop watching liberal media

Why the fuck would someone ruin the pic with a caption of an explanation?

pink shirt girl has no arms???
