You know the drill. Dubs decide

You know the drill. Dubs decide

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You want some social anxiety with that

rolling for this


fucking normas reeeeeeeeeeee

Can you peg me?

"you look like a homeless Megan fox and that makes me want to rape your asshole"

Despite making up 13% of the population niggers commit 50% of all homicides.

Can you smoke me out?

Do you know in some specific Caribbean Islands sucking dick after midnight is illegal?

For my dad’s drug talk he told me about two of his buddies smoked weed and passed outside of camp. VC found them slit their throats and cut off their cocks. So now everytime I smoke I’m paranoid the vietcong are gonna get me.


Hippity hoppity women are property


Rollin for this


I'm autistic and 12 I'm rolling for this

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

I'm rolling til I get dubs


Wtf is wrong with that Oggah-bogga wall paint? Do you racemix you slut?

How does it feel to get a dick inside? Sometimes I wonder when I suck my friend's cock

I have been one away three fuckin times rerolling again for this

Ever gave a man a blumpkin?

norma you fuckin roodypoo

I want to smash your face off a wall and rape you, stinky nigger fucking thot

Fuck you, My one was better



Looks like you could just offer her some coke and you're good to go.

haha and u get dubs right after too perfect

God fucking dammit I rolled 7 fucking times and this weapons grade autistic fucking bullshit won

Rolling for stinky nigger thot

Dubs responds to dubs. Twice the Winrar

Fill my asshole with weed and smoke my cock like a bong

Dubs wins

ur late

> I’ll teach you to be a toilet whore



Close again

I don’t know what I was expecting

Yeah I just noticed
Only just woke up and beat my meat

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Show me how those tits fart

Soo...nice one Elon Musky!

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I doubt she will respond

rolling for this

wine + netflix 8pm at my place on fri/sat? I need to dumb my load into you

Hippity hoppity women are property


winner winner chicken dinner

Trips of truth

Hello beautiful


You have the name of an old woman, and I have the dick of an old man. Wanna help iron out some wrinkles?



blessed dubs

Yeah I doubt she’s gonna respond but I’ll post something if she ever says anything

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>show me how tits fart

wow you stupid kek

I sent this to another person. Still doubt I’m gonna get a response

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Im genuinely surprised

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Hippity hoppity it means women are property

it means im gonna dump my load into you this friday night

Tell me the size of your anus and I’ll show you. Diameter.


rolling for justice

This is good. Upvote this guy reddit

cmon i just wanna make op get laid


You ever seen rolie polie olie?



It means I'ma fuck that fat ass




It means you have to send nudes and I'll send something back

> you look like a mix of Kesha, Faye Reagan and that red haired scat slut that gets regularly posted on Yea Forums

A girl that has tried anal before and won't do it again

I could explain it better in person.

If you send me a picture of your tits I will tell you the story of my circumcision

Roll for this

It means thee is a nice olive garden bread stick with your name on it provided you supply me with your vagina

Sub 4 pewds

Wouldn't you like to know, beast

Mmm daddi

they see me rollin

Nevermind that. Let's get together so I can whip your bare ass with a belt until you're a sobbing mess. We'll see how things go from there.


Roll for this as well

This one

I'd like to see where this goes

aw man this shit weak

I'm surprised you replied. I'm rich btw

I'll tell you after we fuck

justice roll

I'll tell you tomorrow night as you're putting your clothes back on.

Who cares, lady. You, me, this weekend.

is Nicole an old person name now...
Am I an old person?

rolling for this.

My nigga, rolling.

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Ask me again when you've put your clothes back on

Wow, could this actually work? Theres a first time for everything, i guess.

Roll. This is the one


Wiener is u





Rolling for this

That shit got lame quick

I am currently screen capping our conversation and posting it on Yea Forums. All my responses are chosen by the anons. Thousands of guys want to see you naked.are you going to disappoint all of them, or become a legend?

Roll for this

rolling for the lulz

fine let's go



You guys are dumb Norma’s fucking long gone by now no way OP getting another response after that dumb ass last one



yeah go away nigger



rolling for this anons suggestion


wtf is happening

no clue hombre

>Shit in my mouth pls


I want you to fart in my mouth

Hello dear norma, I'd like to explora your hola with my bolas.

Sit on my Face tonight?

I guess this.

Yeah still havent gotten a response

There was a hole here. It's gone now.


Smooth ha
The rest of cunts could learn something from this chad
Post a picture of yourself cunt