Ur not a Nazi are u user

>ur not a Nazi are u user

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Oh shit you caught me user, I'm a complete fucking Nazi

Pee on me please

Drink my vaginablood user


Nope, not even a little

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back to /pol/ where you belong.


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just a little

No, I don't intend to lose.

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Not if that's how nazis dress. Ew that sweater.

Ugly as fuck, too. And can't even use proper grammar. Maybe I'll just stick with those hot rainbow-haired SJW emo chicks.



No, not for a long time!

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My people killed Nazis.

hello rabbi

God damn fucking straight.

oh hush bb, just bend over and i'll lick your shit hole

filled an entire bottle, not gonna lie

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Nazis ended officially in 1945. Stop being stupid.

Who is this girl tho /b

I don't want to be "that" guy but Google is your friend you filthy nignog bastard.


oof, you got me
here -> Alina Kalenich

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Thx m8... Appreciate it