Saw a dwarf in the mall the other day. Are they dangerous?

Saw a dwarf in the mall the other day. Are they dangerous?

Attached: dwarf .jpg (980x1230, 322K)

Other urls found in this thread:,animated,video&source=no&sortby=hottest

Your mother sucks dwarf cock

Brenton Tarrant has lil man complex...this midget was angry with the world. only a total scumbag would shoot unarmed women & children
They should pass a law barring manlets from owning guns

Attached: bret midget.jpg (768x431, 89K)

only across short distances, they're deadly in a sprint

only when thrown into a small air duct

Attached: Master_Miller.jpg (180x471, 17K)

Only if you provoke them.

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Only if you give them booze and a pickaxe.

Attached: 1502874747762.gif (320x240, 62K)

magic trips. OwO. Apu here love you. I wanna suck cock with you again sissy Alice.

Sure why not

Hey there again friend

Attached: AliceLol.gif (500x381, 427K)

Attached: fag Eric James Borges538474.jpg (240x160, 17K)

did you sell him horse tranquilizers?

As long as you keep intense eye contact, they're harmless

Don’t get their germs on yourself or you’ll turn into one of them.

Yeah, they can get aggressive around feeding time. Best to keep your distance and cross the road if you need to.

They might be considered a small threat

Edmund Kemper was 6'9", and shot and decapitated women, including his mother. Also he shot and killed his grandparents when he was a kid. So I think size is irrelevant.

I hear they grant gold and three wishes if you manage to capture one.

Beware of the hobbit

>be me
>walking through mall
>turn the corner
>see a dwarf pushing a wheelbarrow full of bread rolls
>i smile at him
>he turns to me and says "No croissants today boss"

>Are they dangerous
they'll bite your knee caps

lol yeah...this midget Brenton Tarrant is like 5ft 4inches...built basically like a child and from his writing, lack of education etc., one can estimate his IQ at about ~70 i.e. lower than most wonder most 4channers relate to this subhuman

My grandfather kidnapped a midget to bring home to his mom for this reason when he was out drinking one night
His mom wasn't happy about it


your comment is funny because it's true.

They have better access to your kneecaps, so yes. Unironically dangerous

Now that quest sounds like a great tale.
Dwarfs are loyal creatures, so it would make sense the mom would be mad for not being included in the wish count.

no one gets the reference user

Saw this same thread posted the other day. Is it gay?

Sorry for the long wait. But could you do a voice over of this viddy.,animated,video&source=no&sortby=hottest It can be about anything you like.

If they spit on you, you'll become a dwarf too. That's how new ones are made.

Did you mean to reply to my comment with that?

My point was size is irrelevant. One day they'll probably have pills that will allow people to grow further, making it even more irrelevant.

Attached: 1246800085335.jpg (390x520, 26K)

Yeah, they’re a threat that’s often overlooked.

Absolutely. Mall dwarfs are the worst dwarfs. They’ve overrun malls all over the country and that’s why malls are dying. Or it could be the niggers too come to think of it

Natural sprinters. Very dangerous over short distances.

Wasted on cross-country, though.
