How do get Goth GF?

How do get Goth GF?

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Jesus the amount of people with sunglasses in this pic

Hang out in front of a tattoo shop and offer heroin for blowjobs

How long have you been doing that?

Go to Spencer’s and don’t leave til you get her number. Invite her to play laser tag.

If you want Bipolar or mentaly disturbed girl go for goth, puno metalhead etc. Dated shit load of them and they all have some mental issues

He’s right

Yea and?

Any girl I'm going to date is going to have mental issues. Otherwise she wouldn't be dating me.

Not worth it, definitely generalizing here, but most goth people I've met we're so fucking far up their own ass it's unbearable

stop bathing for a few months and go to local "underground" clubs wearing black.

more importantly how do /get?

First step is get out of mom's basement, go into the real world

Travel back to the 90's/early 2000's

that's my experience as well, OP

Would someone post some big tiddie goth girls? I don’t have any pics

Came here to say this.
Is this even a thing anymore?

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God, I wish I could

Oh god I wish I could do that more than anything.

>Oh god I wish I could do that more than anything.
Dude, it totally wasn't worth it. 70s/80s/2010s are better.

No, I was there for all of these except th 70's. 94-2001 was the height of Western Civilization. My God, the pussy...

I highly doubt that, you say overrated, I say way underrated.

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what you hiding on her forehead? its a bad photoshop. does she have "looser" tattooed on her forehead?

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>have goth gf
>"hey I went to the video store and rented some tapes, weird shit, 'Clerks', 'Dazed & Confused', something called 'Pulp Fiction' which I got just cuz the chick on the cover has your hair.
>They prolly all suck but whatevs, we can beat Donkey Kong Country and I can go down on your muff


or just right

You better get a time machine. All the goth girls turned into feminists somewhere around 2012.

>in the sun

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Very nice girl.

Btw. early 90s goths were the best goths. I really miss that time.

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Bump for more pictures

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versus what? wearing them at night retard?

is that a bulge?

Yeah... it's sunny. Fucking mong

Yeah. chokers used to mean “I’ll suck your dick”, now they mean “I have a dick”


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im dating one. They dress dark because they are dark. trust me you dont want to deal with a fucked up girl with issues. theyre annoying

Get a proper music taste first off.
If you dont luke Joy Division or postpunk music in general, the proper ones wont give two shits about you.