Your next president and vice president

your next president and vice president

lets make it happen america

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too young, fuck off with you retardation.

not relevant, never were

like america would give a shit,they elected a president with a fake birth certificate and only cared about wanting a black president

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>he really thinks a nigger is gonna be born in hawaii

lol, no - they'll have felony records before they are old enough, which that will disqualify them from running

Fuck off Back to /pol. Fucking amerifag...

That would be a living hell.

>fucking amerifag

oh right,the foreign kid who thinks people care about his opinion.go back to whatever 3rd world shit hole you came from now

not like donald trump has been much better,he does the same shit obama did yet doesnt get criticized for it

This is a randomly posted political thread you moronic nigger. Eat shit.

People don’t get that trump did nothing, and I mean literally nothing. Besides all the immigrants and Muslims he’s kicked out he’s pretty much done nothing else.

Let's not

Must gibs gunz

>pretty much done nothing else

>to stupid to realize he's passed 2 gun control bills.while pretending to be a part of a political party that preaches about gun rights

oh right,more fear mongering that the democrats are gonna take away your guns.meanwhile,it was a republican president who signed the bump stock ban and increased background checks

but your right,those democrats surely are the ones who are going to take away our guns

Fucking US fucked up A is the biggest shithole in the world. So try to fucking grow up and getting older than 30 before sowie shitty psychopath or random dumb amerifag shoot you for no reason. The only "land" where you get raised underedjucated, fat and can't pay your fucking bills when you're break your leg or something.
Best regards a citizen of a real 1st world Country, bitch.

>real 1st world country

yeah,like what? europistan,or some other shitty socialist country you pretend is 1st world


how ironic,you cant even spell undereducated right.try working on that before you try to make a point about being undereducated you 3rd world moron

Stfu up little slut, if it's political go to fucking /pol cause it's for political posts.
Are you a retard or just a stupid little bitchy amerifag, fucking son of a bitch.

>cant pay your bills when you break your leg or something

i dont know what americans you've talked to.but 1st world countrys have this cool thing called insurance


yeah,i think you need to go back to the 3rd grade and work on your spelling instead of insulting a country full of people who can spell better then your retarded ass can

Who is that American History X looking skinhead?

>hurr durr, socialist country is so stupid and boring that i need to worry about another countrys politics

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35 years or older. Shut up. Bad thread you should kys

and you also have to be born in america,but tell that to kenyan bathtub boy barry