Your women were created for the purpose of being bred by our kind. Whiteboys need to settle down and accept this

Your women were created for the purpose of being bred by our kind. Whiteboys need to settle down and accept this.

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Ok nigger

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You know this is a pornstar and getting paid for fake moaning and fuckery.

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I’d fuck anything if I’d get enough money. Plus dragon dildos are much bigger lel

The look in her eyes says it all.. money or not this is what women want..


somebody know the name of the girl?

Look at all the fucking trap/femboy etc shit getting posted on here.

Tell me with a straight face if you think they give a shit that black guys are doing white girls. They'd be more offended if they saw the black guy doing a trap

A hahahaha hahahaha you pleb

I’m white and I’ve fucked black girls before, so I don’t care if black guys fuck white girls

Those are the whiteboys who accepted their submissive role... they realized early that white women love melanin. The old gods are having their way. Melanin will reign supreme again..

Good boy.. he gets it. Our women are worthless take em off our hands

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this shit is so utterly stupid to think adults actually spend their time discussing this nonsense. i know it's all bait, trolls, and lulz but seriously. Who gives a fuck who is fucking who? Just fuck someone worth your time.

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nigga, please. ain't nobody falling for your jew thread