Just imagine the smell. Imagine all that you are missing by being a logless shill

Just imagine the smell. Imagine all that you are missing by being a logless shill.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>imagine the butthurt you must feel to try to pre-empt others mocking your mental illness

Grow up kid.

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stay mad son

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>imagine being so desperate for attention you go after the only response you got in your lonely thread

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Who's this handsome dude?

Attached: 3371005595_b44c1fd670.jpg (500x376, 47K)

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The throat destroyer. Andy fucking 6

Attached: C62F1B93-9076-4B46-8F11-67D54EA8627F.jpg (480x924, 327K)

no wonder everyone accuses you losers of being mentally ill. i've never seen such a willful denial of reality

Attached: 3FEAC7C9-6A43-4D13-A1AC-71E8468803A8.png (680x1007, 932K)

Grow up already!

Attached: 1532943629299.jpg (800x800, 88K)

deny deny deny

What rhymes with age?

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>getting this butthurt over being told an uncomfortable truth

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lol stay mad cuck

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Would you?

Attached: 6E4774F9-FBFA-4A29-9E8C-69582818F08A.jpg (610x611, 80K)

I agree

Attached: andylogsaoc.jpg (600x778, 105K)

except none of his responses showed the least evidence of anger, do you lie like this out of desperation, or out of that mental illness that others accuse you of?

Have one of these and age a bit son

Attached: 32C6EAED-050C-48E6-AFC6-91347E75DE23.png (900x900, 447K)

Mental illnes is what the one who doesn't suck logs has.

Attached: 59a.jpg (620x388, 168K)

they're off their meds, you'd have more luck pointing out mental inconsistencies to a child

so they lie on purpose?

What rhymes with age?

If you reply to this comment than you are a fag btw.

Attached: 548.jpg (512x527, 119K)

you didn't answer my question, are you afraid of being proven a liar?

Do you like my new shoes?

Attached: 9BEEE998-7D94-478D-923B-A6D3ACD984B4.png (1314x1461, 1.13M)

sage only works in text responses, when you include an image, you always bump a thread
thanks for the bump, kiddo!

>thinking he can reason with mentally ill coprophiles

Silly newfag, an image bumps the thread!

Attached: 7F9CBAA4-22E5-444B-9F28-CC69469D9C6D.jpg (600x451, 61K)

i'm not trying to reason, i'm just genuinely curious at why they think lying will work for them when it's obvious they're desperate to attribute emotion to others

because it's a game to them

Putin likes logs

Attached: BF527E41-F4F2-467E-940C-3A97EB6DA492.jpg (678x558, 69K)

Nope it doesn't

Also this:

Hello there you fucking faggot. You better 1v1 me right fucking now. You are a pathetic little whore. The only shit you own is that pathetic iron armor and your dumb iron axe. You are nothing compared to me and my enchanted diamond gear and my fire aspect sword. Fucking fight me, you little asshole. You are the definition of fucking cancer in the minecraft community and I hope that 50 subscriber minecraft channel of yours shuts down. I will fucking celebrate once it gets shut down. If you don't surrender RIGHT FUCKING NOW, I SWEAR THAT I WILL SEND MY WHOLE FUCKING MINEPLEX CREW ON YOUR PATHETIC ASS.

Attached: f31ece31d5c0adffa361348134aa0a27.jpg (1047x1696, 856K)

It’s all about getting clogged by Andy

Attached: CF215812-B103-4426-82E3-577D4BE7FAA3.png (741x743, 117K)

Do you like my cock white boi?

Attached: BBC.jpg (375x500, 75K)

This is now a minecraft thread! POST YOUR BEST MINECRAFT MEMEMMEEMS

Attached: 8853572.jpg (500x500, 72K)

>Nope it doesn't
yes it does, silly newfag.
Yea Forums.org/faq#sage
it's the easiest thing to prove even if you were too stupid to read the rules.. simply create a response (like this one), and look at the page counter.
if inserting "sage" in the "options" field truly does not bump a thread, you will see the page counter will not move when you submit a comment like this.
yup, it's that easy to prove you wrong

I'll start with this.

Fuck yeah finally a good thread!

Attached: minecraft-meme-minecraft-in-real-life.jpg (570x785, 117K)

You are still a fag tho lelekelekelele

Attached: ei9mX1SAMtVS.jpg (373x521, 39K)

>samefagging this hard
>not realizing you are still helping spread the log

and you're a useful idiot
>tfw a useful idiot doesn't know what the term 'useful idiot' actually means or where it comes from

I'll keep this thread alive forever

Attached: IT.png (711x389, 201K)

thanks u̶s̶e̶f̶u̶l̶ ̶i̶d̶i̶o̶t̶ friend!

Yes keep on fagagagagagagga on a cock
While keep on fucking your mom.

Also you dont get my language. So I am automatically an ubermensch over youuuj.

Kanker op domme lul lalala je kan lekker kanker krijgen homo hoertjeeee. Kanker op hihiji

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No need to thank me.
I just want to spread the log

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Other fag faggot!

grow up kid

Mature already!

Attached: IMG_20181211_171708.jpg (226x301, 60K)

Eat dicks kid. Your comments are just as predictable as your one inch cockette lel.

>actually thinking nietzche makes you a deep thinker and not a pathetic child
you talk like you're a 7-year old faggot who just discovered the internet

Attached: 4chan advice.png (666x580, 363K)

grow up

>tfw the useful idiot is getting played

Haha seeing all these triggered logless shills is just too good

Attached: honk.jpg (768x768, 66K)

so you are desperate to assume your efforts are the cause of "triggered"?

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Attached: nigger.gif (1100x600, 881K)

Someone want some nice and warm log pockets?

Attached: logpocket.jpg (124x124, 4K)

I do.

Attached: andy.jpg (401x399, 34K)

deflection when faced with an accurate statement, got it

nah, he got mad and posted his angry nigger response, you literally triggered him!

This meme died before it took off, also there are 5 of these up, and you tell us to "grow up" when you fantasize about swallowing literal shit, from some dude who this makes no sense to be about, just let the deal die, literally. And if you could kill yourself too that would be nice, since it's obvious your parents either,
A. Didn't love you enough when you were little.
B. Were killed and you became a foster child(which is my favorite option)
C. You have so much mental retardation that you need to post a dead forced meme.

Now that I think of it, you're all 3, so follow these simple steps.
-know when people hate you, and kill yourself
-don't post spam, and kill yourself
-stay mad, and kill yourself

and most of all...

KILL YOURSELF, nobody will care if you kill yourself you useless waste of carbon and atoms, not even your parents would if they weren't dead, and responding to this post with any spam bs that can be found on knowyourmeme, or any other site. Will prove my point indefinitely

I will admit this image is hilarious

thanks for the bump newfriend!

>being this ignorant of why logposting exists
>not realizing his annoyance ('kill yourself') and his denial of annoyance is what logposters literally live for

You're the one that's new, I was here when Dropbox threads were in the place of mega threads, and there was no loli or shota in sight

I'm aware of logposters reasons, and find them quite hilarious myself, but what I hate is that there are more than 5 of the same thread, just stick to one maybe 2, it has the same effect

Don't become worse than Yea Forums politics, as far as thread spamming goes

>and there was no loli or shota in sight
so, never then?

Good luck logposter, I'm going to see r9k cancer

Nah just a few good months then it came back

lol stay mad cuck