The other YLYL eats a million dicks

The other YLYL eats a million dicks.

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Lost like a bitch

Classy and underrated

its funny.. like a lot of things on paper.

>how much heroine to inject?
>the full tank, please
>thank you sir!

This brings back memories

How come you only ever see white kids going on a shooting rampage?

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Oh fuck, I'm ashamed I had to see this three times before the memories came back. Also, lost

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seung hui cho isn't white

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Need the whole convo please

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All I have, sorry

This haunts me more than any rekt content I've ever witnessed.

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Makes sense

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Actual true story inbound:

>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"We're not a thing anymore"
>tell my father this
>laughs uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down

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lame and obvious

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Fuck. Lost.

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>learn to code

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how come there are no black Einsteins? or Beethovens?

was that kids name shane wayne? these parents never deserved a kid

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swastikas are not sentient, how does your swastika own a "now answer me"? and what is a "now answer me" anyway?

That s Mirio, he was still a little noob at that time

>how come there are no black Einsteins? or Beethovens?
cops shot em

Scott Joplin

There are, they just get killed for lookin at a nigga funny


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This thread eats a million+1 dicks OP

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I remember this post.

>if your pal consumed something they shouldn't
like underage ass

I think it's meant to be like "I showed you my dick, answer me".

Took me a minute

Weak and predictable


The fucking drawing KEK

le epic reddit meme

Imagine hiring several of these people, for 5. and all of them start jumping to the grave, but because there're so many of them, they start taking turns.

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already attention whoring lol

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Its a joke... some dude trying to fap over a rape larp and totally missed the part about the van breaking because of that heffer. Lmao

>sad cum

whats up with all the antisemitism

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suicide is not an option

Figured it played nicely off the OP's post.

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noice try

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Idk what's up with all the anti-white shit on here, rabbi?

cause you whites post it to bait and make jews look bad

why would jews be against themselves?? you nazis dont make any sense

look "worse FTFY

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jews push for so much power over others that they do it to themselves.. they're obviously pushing for some kind of eventual political take over and will face another brutal conflict


nonsense. how's life under so much tinfoil??


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Fuck lost

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I honestly just clicked whatever was in my folder and I happen to be something of an antisemite. Don't wish you to die rabbi. I just wish your constituents would own up to the insane amount of power they hold in the world and stop trying to turn it to shit.

so true

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Why are so much of the 0.01% Jewish? Don't get me wrong there's whites in there too but serious question, do you not realize the disproportionate amount of power Jews have when compared to how much of the population they make up?

This is ylyl, not cringe faggot

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I don’t get it

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> I don’t get it

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A remake of a bad meme, great....

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Actually i normally say "see me after"

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Jistbsad how dumb you would have to be to think this is funny. We know you dont understand economics it's ok and not too late to learn.

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I'm going to get accused of being a muzzie for laughing so hard at that one

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coolest thing i can think of
"sorry ladies i only dance with the music"

i like it.

how tf did i lose to this

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When you really look at the intricate laws and societal structure upon which Judaism is founded, there are all kinds of government checks and balances, safeguards for marginalized people, and rules regarding charity, family, and community.

Add to this the encouragement of entrepreneurialism, and you have the foundation for a strong, prosperous society. As the Jewish diaspora has moved out into the world, they have carried this structure with them. It is a blueprint for prosperity. Those who adhere to it succeed.

But no matter your religion, if you succeed consistently, there will always be malcontents who gaze upon you with a jealous eye. Jewish people's societal and community structure breeds success more often than not.
So they are consistently successful. For this, they are targeted.

As an American, I hear many of my fellow citizens refer to the "Judeo-Christian values" upon which our country was founded. Typically, these people tout the Christian part, but gloss over the Jewish part.

The fact is, so much of our governmental structure was set up at our founding to resemble more of the classical Jewish society than many people know or would care to admit.
But it works.

Jews throughout the centuries have been consistently prosperous. Therefore, people get jealous.
Antisemitism is born of jealousy, and sustained by it as well as propaganda and ignorance.

is your sister's name,Daisy?

the dead guy is losing

You're using lots of words and I THINK you're making some kind of point...

...but all I hear is;

"cut him and suck him!"

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I always feel uncomfortable when I see this one

Because Jews are objectively a massive threat to freedom and social cohesion, duh.

her milkshake is better than yours.


Take a look at all of the anti-white threads you make every day here you stupid hypocrite crooked nose Schmoyoho.

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Brilliant retort.

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k. Guess it's the 0.06% Ashkenazi Jew DNA talking.
My son, btw, will remain uncircumcised since there's no real reason to do that.

First time losing. Thanks.

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these kind of normie 'social campaigns' are so fucking cringe, how does the avg retard eat this shit up? does it hurt to have a brain that weak?

Wow, Donald fucked a lot of raver girls...

Really takes their thinking to its logical conclusion lol

I dont speak spanish but

Likely without their consent...


>Ray Pist
>lets make america great again

No, I’ve been told it’s euphoric to be stupid. Imagine never thinking about mortality, barely thinking about politics, be utterly unconcerned with everything save the few morsels of entertainment thrown to you by the mainstream machine. This is why humanity is destined to destroy itself, these people.

furry fuck fest, bust the airlock


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No way! Her tits aren't that big!

He's turning her into a Papa John's!

White kids have a harder time joining street gangs as a legitimate outlet for violent impulses and desire to shoot their fellow man.

Imagine my life, im stupid and know it. im so stupid i keep trying to kill myself but fail, how hard is it to lay in a road or on a train track, or cut myself horribly. im american i can literally just buy a gun eventually. im stupid and know it, and i hate myself. been drinking and drugging a lot

When you slip them a molly they just let you you can get away with anything.


Typing that made me feel a bit ill actually.

KRS-one looks terrible

fake and gay

its like the second time, i ever say anything about that skinny fag.

>Why u so fookin simple?

Finally a copypasta meme magic I can get behind.


We don't envy you, rest assured.

Why should you envy me?
Genuinely curious.

That was your theory on anti-Semitism


"People that denounce jews are just jealous" is one of your most supid tricks, because we all know jews are extremely jealous and angry at whites because they are racially inferior, hence why they are trying their best to make whites mix with negroes.

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How feminine is it?


>does it hurt to have a brain that weak?

you tell us user. your brain is weaker than hers.


But you said you wouldn't envy (or be jealous of?) me, as if I'm Jewish.
I'm not. (Again, unless you count the statistically questionable 0.06% Ashkenazi Jew DNA.)
I'm just pointing out things about a societal/economic structure that you too can emulate (parts of, at least) and do so without being Jewish!

>i know, i know, only soybois and fellow juden defend jews

Why are you so gay for this guy that you need to post him every day? It's pure obsession you fucking fag. I bet you jerk off to him every night. The idea of him being a rapist satisfies your submissive fetish and you need to broadcast your homoerotic fantasies of having your anus cheeks spread to every YLYL/cringe thread/rekt/pics you saved/etc. thread you find. And to make it worse, you post your own threads as well, effectively doubling your faggotry because you become the OP. This essentially makes you the gayest person on Yea Forums. You are obsessed with some guy and you are the faggot OP. Well done. I don't think anyone has ever achieved such faggotry in the history of this website, perhaps the entire internet. I bet you eat cocks and shit rainbows for breakfast and everything you utter faggot.

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If you dont mind me saying so old chap that is a somewhat jaded attitude

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Kek. You and Francis E. Dec would love each other.

Ew! No! You just made them bigger! Fuck! I can't fap to this! And neither can Ed!

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Got to say Trump isn't changing any liberal minds, but he certainly is on the middle. You know, the part of the population that decides elections.

McCain is famous for being a "maverick" but in reality he just fucked over his own party on a regular basis.

He was promoted as a war hero. Sorry, getting shot down isn't heroic. He did well in captivity, but again, no heroic. He did his duty, which is to be commended. But that is the extent of it.

His political career is that of a backstabbing loser.

What kind of pussy doesn't like nice round woman tits

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What kind of a faggot is so worried about another man's preferences that he has to call him a pussy?

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Lost hard.

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Obviously fleets of ships greater than any single fleet of ships ever known, has been patrolling the rim (be that an ice wall or actual edge) with an unaccounted-for massive crew of sailors, who never let the secret get out, since the dawn of recorded history.

The truth is...... There are way more Jews then you think.

The Jews are middle management. They control the Freemasons, the Illuminati, and the corporations (which everyone already knows). Those lower organizations control the governments of the world, the CIA, KGB, PLO, MRA, etc. But the Jews are tight, tribal, family even. They may be slimy, vicious, and evil but their die hard loyalty is to be admired!
As most people also know, the Holocaust was a fabrication. But those six million Jews went somewhere!
As the ice fleet crews age out, they must be renewed with new blood.
Six million strong, the Jew crew is now. They sail their ancient ships using (stolen) Atlantean technology to protect the border of the world from those who might discover its truth.

But who controls the Jews? The reptilians of course. You HAVE to know that already.

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I mean you can make the same argument for communism and your people invented and pushed that throughout history as well. But I wouldn't call it jealousy. That's how libertarians talk. Libertarians ignore the element of power. And that's what a lot of Jews have in our societies. Power. And that cannot be overlooked or ignored. So yes. It makes one suspicious and rightfully so of the Jewish people. I agree that entrepreneurship and academic excellence are pushed among the Jewish people moreso than others but with that also comes other things that I don't think other cultures tolerate. Specifically usury comes to mind.

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>>His political career is that of a backstabbing loser.

No his political career is that of someone whose positions are not dictated by party affiliation.

Thats silly talk but this early representation of harvey weinstein is kinda spooky

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Thanks mate that was great

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Man when people get red pilled on the jewish people it's always faggots like you that got to make the rest of us look supremely crazy.

What kind of bitchboi is so offended that calls another man a faggot

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This looks like she could be an actual girl on a college campus user.

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>spicy wind

fucking lost

>your people
But... I'm not Jewish.

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Well, you're the one posting Marie Kanker fanart, so...

Check em

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LOL. No thanks. I'm married. But I appreciate the creativity.

Let's assume you're not (I'll take your word for it). Do you not agree with the statement I made?

I hope melkormancing makes a hentai out of her soon

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Its not too late dude half your stuff is a good price to pay for escape

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Hmmmm...who think was him..!?!

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Came close once. But she showed her loyalty. She kissed the metaphorical ring. I'm good homie.

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He's referring to that wrongly put appostrophy which implies "now answer me" was an entity owned by the subject "Swastika"

Fucking ace

Good man keeping them on their toes is the way

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Yo literally the best popcorn you can buy prepackaged.

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this is moronic

The US is Israel's bitch

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Nice :^)

All i took from this is to write a strongly worded 2000 word letter to the Whitehouse. Every word would be nigger except at the bottom where it's signed Nigger Nigger Esq.

>Actual true story inbound:
>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"We're not a thing anymore"
>tell my father this
>laughs uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down

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It's hilarious... because Bernie wants to spend everyone else's money... cuz he's a rat fucking communist piece of shit

He literally said no one should be looking at his show for inspiration to do anything. He called the widely reported john oliver effect utter nonsense. This comic is only funny if you never watched the show in your entire life. Also, what liberal snark? He's a bumpkin from the UK. The entire purpose of the show is supposed to be from the outside of the problem looking in.

YNW Melly was charged for a school shooting and he's black.

Some. But define "usury". Do you mean charging interest on loans at all, or charging "a lot" of interest?

Also, as far as libertarianism, well, congrats, I'm quite libertarian actually (lowercase "l", as I don't belong to any party). But that's kinda the point of a government with checks and balances. To prevent the consolidation of too much power. Is it 100% perfect? Nope. Is it working as intended right this minute? Nope!

But this whole "Jews invented communism" thing. Haha, no. You'd think they would have had a better time of preventing the KGB from fabricating that Elder Codes if Zion fanfic.


I like dead guys who weren’t captured

We send all our crappy unfunny tv wankers over to you lot its our revenge for Madonna being over here

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File name kek

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no it's not. You're moronic.

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>be me
>meet an older milf at a bar
>we kiss and flirt
>she had to leave but we exchanged numbers
>we get to talking over the next week
>we start "sexting"
>I say something about fucking her in the shower
>she says "I love watersports"
>I tell her I'm going to piss on her face and in her mouth
>she freaks out and say's im disgusting
>we never talk again
The dumb cunt thought watersports was shower sex

What an awful way to do shrooms though.

McCain voted with the people he represented over his party, kept a sense of humor about him despite facing war, and being a wounded POW who didn't crack under torture... Yeah.

My problem with McCain is he held office too long, and career politicians are more dangerous then career CEOs who only have business degrees and no vested interest in anything but the dollar.

Wow this meme aged like fine milk.

That's some weak shit faggot

> Anonymous 03/21/19(Thu)20:13:56 No.795552231▶
>File: 54521992_2639590556133982(...).jpg (178 KB, 640x619)
Hah jokes on you!

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> Define usury
You pretty much defined it. When you're savagely taking people's homes away they tend to hate you.

>I am a libertarian
I was once one too. Somewhat still am. All for checks and balances. Unfortunately that doesn't stop power from rising due to capitalism. In the short term capitalism decentralizes and is great. In the long run it forcibly consolidates and corrupts governments. That is why we must not allow the rich to become as rich as they've become in this new gilded age.

> I apparently don't know that communism is a Jewish invention
Karl Marx was Jewish dude. 90% of the people at the top of the hierarchy involved in the Bolshevik revolution of 1918 were jewish.

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Yea he's pulling the same shtick that Jon Stewart did. Using their comedy show as cover to spout their politics. It's very disingenuous.

Thats pretty fuckin good

Wrong color nigger!

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Shite story go kys beta cuck. There was literally no point in mentioning how much of a faggot you are.

swollen brain Mccain

dat noob

This one doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

PAGLIACCI THE ANAL CLOWN exclaims, "Help sec to surgery!"

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I'm a little turned on by this. Not because of the shit, but by a sexy looking naked Wendy.

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Lost. Hahaha

Kys immediately

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Kek. Lost hard

I don't get it

Fuckin retard.

>using snopes


I saved and filenamed it 'Sorry ladies...' because of that.

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Dude, the wizard from age of empires

imagine unironically using snopes

why do cats do this?

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keked hard

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could be better

fake news

this is gold

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I would ask for a living kid for my last meal

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shit i forgot i couldn't afford the real one and had to settle for a Asian copy

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unless they are taking his stuff without paying then its socialism

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Because if they're sitting there, it's their space, and they won't put up with anyone putting shit right in their space.

Kinda like if somebody walked up to you while you're sitting on the couch and just dumped their entire pockets on you.

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implying that popcorn is any good at all.. fucking faggot

you mean like how capitalists take the value of labor without paying?

Get real

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what a waste of space and energy

They pay as little as they have to which is why jobs are moving to china

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Why is he wearing a cross?
Just for decoration?

Not much energy i suspect

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Kik account?