How do I get rid of these fucking warts? I’ve tried filing them, using salicylic acid, and freezing.
How do I get rid of these fucking warts? I’ve tried filing them, using salicylic acid, and freezing
stop being a disgusting fuck
See a doctor.
eat them
Have you been putting your hands in mulch?
They need to be frozen by a professional, over-the-counter won't work here.
Professional freezing has about the same success rate as that over the counter shit.
Wrap duct tape around it at all times, the slight acidity in the adhesive and the lack of oxygen/light will eventually kill it.
I also had a wart on my hand when I was a kid. Go see a doctor, you'll get some fluid shit looking thing and have to smear it on the wart. My mother would always use the nail clipper to cut a small amount away from the wart and smear the liquid afterwards.
Just because it has the same success rate doesn't mean it won't work, it's a different treatment you fucking retard
literally just file it down as much as you can, then freeze the area with those dr scholls freeze cans, ive had two in my life worked each time
I didn't say NOT to try it you fucking retard. I said it has the same effective success rate.
Warts you have to work at getting rid of, they often grow back no matter what you do, the key is consistency.
they disappear on their own after ~1.5 years
Bandaid soaked in apple cider vinegar. Burns like hell though.
buy breast milk online. swipe it on your warts until it disappears. breast milk also removes HPV genital warts. there are some special antibodies in breast milk that help kill warts. but dont tell the seller what you plan on using her breast milk for. just say your wife is not lactating enough for your newborn child.
Go to a dermatologist. They have much better freezing techniques than what you can buy over the counter.
You are retarded and should probably stop posting now.
Lubricate the area and use a face razor to shave it down below the surface of the surrounding skin. Thebrazor should bite on the wart but leave your healthy skin uncut. It takes many many swipes with the razor but eventually you will see the "roots" of the wart. Like the grain of sand that irritates the clam and produces a pearl. You need to keep shaving till you cant see any signs of the roots. You will bleed a bit but will be worth it. Then use that banana smelling wart acid and wrap with duct tape.
Now the most important part: THINK THE WART AWAY. spend time every hour or so and think about how you "killed" the wart. Your body will help you fight the rest away.
Use laser
I had a wart on my thumb that would not go away. I tried over the counter freezing and oils; neither of them worked. Finally went to a dermatologist and got it frozen off. All was well for about a month, then the wart came back bigger than ever. I was honestly embarrassed to shake hands with people because it was so unsightly. Went back to the dermatologist and they shot my hand up with anesthetic and took that shit out with a scalpel. The doc told me that even if a little bit of the wart remains it can keep growing back, so using the scalpel was necessary in eliminating the wart.
Been over ten years since that happened and it never came back.
>How do I get rid of these fucking warts?
It's albinism.
By going to a doctor
Cut of your finger.
Try burning it away.
just cut off your finger faggot
when i was 12 i had like 2 warts on each finger one year at myrtle beach i soaked my hands in the salt water everyday and ALL of them went away
This is good idea
Tea tree oil made mine of my feet and pinky go away relatively fast
Had a wart/growth thing on my hand
shaved it away with a razor blade over like a 2 week time period
left a faint scar but looks alot better
Dig those bitches out with something sterile. Dont leave any specs of brown. Dispose of the wart without touching it. Bandaid. Its the only thing that works ive been doing it my whole life and Ive helped other people too
gypsy tears and horse whiskers
Apple cider vinegar. Soak a cotton ball and scrub for about 10 to 20 minutes a day until the warts turn black and fall off.
Salicylic acid, if wrapped with a bandaid and kept moist with the acid solution should get rid of them in a couple days.
Source: had them before
Seriously don't listen to these assholes telling you to cut it, that doesn't work and it will come back. I used the vinegar method and have had about 4 years now without anything coming back
I heard putting duct tape on warts can get rid of them. You should look it up first though.
lemon juice
soak the warts in lemon juice everyday that worked for me
or duct tape
wrap duct tape around them and leave it on all day
then file it down or use nail clippers to chip away at it
repeat till its gone
I wish I could bump comments
quickest way is to resect them in their entirety. the results are durable and the procedure doesn't require a surgeon, just a sterile instrument. if youre not inclined to pass out, do it yourself