What are your final thoughts on legend of zelda: twilight princess ?

What are your final thoughts on legend of zelda: twilight princess ?

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worst 3d zelda game


Still the best looking loz game ever made, easily.

Shit game that felt like a copy and paste of other Zelda's with no original or redeeming qualities of its own. Was highly disappointed when I finally bought it a year ago for the Wii.

I'd give it a 5/7

Dude, I can't wait for this one to come out.

Heyyy! he was behind of this..?

Attached: gv43xnznem4dwe1su228149298400.jpg (1628x1147, 114K)

it sucked ass, all you do is spam wolf-form-hand-grab-thing and all shit dies instantly. Worst 3d zelda game indeed

I give it a C.

Maybe C+

Not great

mediocre at best

that's not breath of the wild

It was a more serious take on Zelda. Incredible graphics, somewhat interesting story- but not truly Zelda. Ahead of Skyward Sword for sure though.

Bland overall but not as bad as skyward sword. Only thing ss has is visuals.

At that time, I'd played and beaten all the Zelda games (save the cdi's), my childhood was oot / mm / Links awakening. I'd borrowed a friends gamecube and clocked Windwaker with no memory card.
I took an immediate dislike to TP, I didn't really get too far into it, if i'm at blame for 'not giving it a proper go', But I've never played a TP or newer Zelda since.

2 edgy. Tried to be dark after Wind waker. As for gameplay, definitely better than the shit controls of skyward sword but i found myself hating anything other than the dungeons. I would literally dreas having to do anything in the overworld

You're not missing out with Skyward Sword, but I assume you've seen gameplay of BOTW and just didn't like it?

It was the best one and it all went to shit after tp. Go fuck yourself you childish faggot

Apart from hearing it's really good, I just haven't looked at it. I also don't own the hardware, I don't even know what I'd need to emu it, I can't play SS in Dolphin without hardware adapters either.

best game of my childhood 10/10 scenes after ganon still bring tears to my eyes. Best ost of all video games too

>a copy and paste of other Zelda's


Its worth playing. Not sure if its out on the Wii, but for sure the Wii-U
If you can, buy a shitty one of those and play it, its definitely worth it!

Like BOTW is a good game, but not planning to play it in a long time

Ocarina still far superior

Might emu it on Cemu, check it out.
I couldn't even boot SS without having physical wii remotes and ir bar, as you can't map it to a gamepad, same is true for TP on the wii, which is why the gamecube TP version is considered superior (for being mapped to a standard controller)

Didn't know you needed actual Wii hardware to get it working through an emulator! Hopefully they have an emulated version, it really is worth it.

It's just for SS. I play mario kart wii etc with a 360 wireless controller (on pc) no worries, problem is SS-wii requires wii remotes, it's not gamepad compatible, even if you could emulate and keybind the motion control, the game wont boot without actual remotes.
Whereas SS-Gc is gamepad bound.

But thanks user, i'll gave botw a shot

MM is better than OOT