Christians 1 - Authiests 0
Christians 1 - Authiests 0
Because humans have different clines.
and who made those?
exactly, God did
Christians win again
God 1 : Atheists 0
Allah wins
Ah. that´s Aquinaś old First Follicle argument. The Benedictine Schools of Cosmetology were brilliant indeed and could do a short bob with pastel highlights in under an hour with conversation
Lmfao imagine believing in god in 2019. Actually laughing hahahah
Wait, what?
actually no, but whatever
mormon jesus wins again
> Imagine being dense enough to believe the universe came from a giant random explosion
>imagine being dense enough to believe the universe came from Morgan Freeman
i know rite? these people are morans
>Imagine being dense enough to believe the whole universe was just put there for us to look at even though we can't see at least 99.9999% of it.
If God doesn't exist, then why do I know about him. Checkmate
Christians. If we're all created in gods image why do we look different at all?
Atheists 1, Christians fed to lions
Much like god, hair is a social construct. I consider my faith a non-binary choice. God is fluid. Don't try to pigeon hole me bro.
If God is real, and "benevolent", how come there are such horrors, and so many retards (especially amongst believers) ?
Atheists: +infinity, Believers: Forever with their imaginary overlord.
because we are not clones op
Happy days are here again!
Because of evolution. It was either a benefitial or a gene that did not do any bad so the person had a higher or equal change to pass the gene on. and so he did and that is why i have dark hair
Because god is a real, he's just evil.
And who made god?
God did. It was kind of like masturbation, so every time you beat off it's an act of worship.
God was still a stupid idea before Origin of Species
Genetics. I thought you fascists we're all about it.
no, because chocolate isnt real
no matter how you slice it, Christians win
It's in your DNA. Religion has nothing to do with it.
Prove god exists without quoting the can't.
Darwin wins...everytime
>there are "atheists" who aren't even Marxist Leninists
pitiful fools