Daily Reminder: The United States is TWENTY TRILLION DOLLARS in debt and Democrats want more free shit

Daily Reminder: The United States is TWENTY TRILLION DOLLARS in debt and Democrats want more free shit.

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Reminder that the last presidents to pay down that debt in the last thirty years were democrats.

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>homophobic posts to score imaginary points on the internet
Libs are collapsing this is fantastic

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Reminder, the real U.S president is Vladimir Putin. Do svidaniya bitches..

I've never heard of a republican who cares about our national debt when it's not in the context of hating Democrats. Don't pretend you actually care about this country when really it's just my tribe better than your tribe

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What else is new?

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>gays take note - your lifestyle is a joke to dems

Except the new proposed budget eliminates it in a decade...
But that would require staying informed. Why do that when you have emotions :)

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That's blatantly gaslighting. You know damn well the budget doesn't do shit for our debt

I can care about the economy and use faggotry.

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I'll believe it when I see it. Again. Republicans for decades have had no numbers to back that up. In fact quite the contrary. Tax cuts, large military endowments. Cutting social and retirement funds. Trump doesn't seem like the guy to cut against the grain even it he does a piss poor job at going with it.

Yeah you're the ones taking it so seriously.

You could feed every man, woman, and child in the U.S. for what we spend on an aircraft carrier--which no one fucking needs. Oh, and how about that wall for that non-existant border "emergency".
Fuck off, shit-stirrer.

It's funny seeing the (Re)tards trying to drum up some sort of argument that these fag photoshops are anti gay political stance from the Dems when in reality it's useful because of the blatant closet homos and rampant homophobia. Learn to take things a little less seriously Trump cucks. Projection doesn't look good on anyone.

Not to mention the $200 trillion in unfunded liabilities.

Stop giving free stuff away to the jews, then, fucking conservacucks.

Impotent ineffectual president

You sound Nigerian. Shareblue cutting back on salaries?

And who created that debt, hmm ? That's right, it's rep-tards, by allowing the rich and powerful to grow richer and more powerful, by indebting the whole country.

Let's hope for a socialist revolution which would create a New Deal in America !

haha, funny, OP

What's funny is if the socialist revolution reminded those in power that they had the right to bare arms. These fantastical weapons they cling heartily to, I bed we'd see gun law reform.

saged because OP has no fucking clue what he's talking about.


daily reminder : op is a faggot that can't stop posting the same bait threads over and over

Not if a magic wand is waved and the economy starts running at 7% growth.

>butthurt lib who can’t do math detected

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>Daily Reminder: The United States is TWENTY TRILLION DOLLARS in debt and Rich want more free shit.

>butthurt OP that can't stop being a faggot detected

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3 points:

1) The US is in debt because of military spending and tax cuts on the already fucking rich. Thank Republicans for both. Just look at the national debt; it goes through the roof whenever there's a Republican president.

2) Dems don't want free shit. They want our tax dollars spent differently. It's so sad that you have to lie to try and win this point.

3) You're a dumbass.

OMG tell me you don't really believe this?

Daily Reminder: The Trump tax cut doubled the deficit, making Trump the worst fiscal president in history

At this point the US being in debt means completely nothing, theres no power on earth that can call in that debt.

Militarily no one could ever take over US property on US soil, try to fuck the US over politically or in trade and everything worldwide goes full retard.

China alone would full well inplode

>US being in debt means completely nothing,
imagine actually believing this

Lmao. Yeah ok

Never forget that the NZ shooter was a leftist/socialist. Further proving that they are the problem

It is a weird time to be politically-minded. I've been into politics since I was about 10. I've had my dabbles in conservative talk radio. Neal Boortz bridged that gap with his "libertarianism" and I read a lot of classic literature like Locke, Hobbes, and down to the Romans and the Greeks. You know, intro to Western Civ shit.

I am not a huge fan of Trump's personality at all but the insane shrieking from the progressive left is disconcerting. AOC is insane. I feel like if she were to suddenly seize power then there would be public executions.

I am white, but I don't buy into "hurr you can't debate politics if you're white" from the left and the far right are far too gone with their news talk radio platitudes and everything.

I'm just glad my parents have land and whenever things go bad we'll just hold up there. God Bless The USA

pic unrelated

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Durr... I suck at economics, and so I think corporations should
be taxed less even though corporate profits as a percentage of GDP are through the roof. Also, how are we gonna pay off all this debt? It's probably the programs that keep us all healthy and sane and allow us to keep our dignity in old age that are the problem.

found the deluded liberal who thinks if we just tax corporations then the new money for social programs will solve everything without effecting the economy

Fuck off /pol/ incel

That’s quite autumnal

>not knowing government spending on social programs will increase aggregate demand
also not him.

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Let's see, have corporations bear the brunt of America's tax burden as profits hit record high levels, or have individuals, chiefly the poor and declining middle class bear that burden as wages stagnate? Tough.