Why do retards want to live in San Francisco?
Why do retards want to live in San Francisco?
>Why do retards want to earn a lot of money?
I’m gay btw, not sure if that matters
>lots of money in a place where 4 people families need to earn 12k just to survive
I don't, I want to live in Palo Alto.
is there a place like san francisco but for non faggots?
I just got a 120k a year job in mountain view, I'm thinking of moving into the slums of san jose. If I continue my fairly spartan lifestyle, even with the high rent I'll still be able to put away 4.5k a month pure profit/savings
I've been always curious about housing prices, especially for family homes there.
So how much are decently sized houses for a family with 2 kids? Let's say at least a 2ksqft house with a front yard, back yard with pool, 2-car garage. Located fairly close to work. So in this case a max commute of 45mins to all the meme companies.
Thing is all of the above can be had for about 1.5k per month in my state while the wages for tech staff aren't too bad either. Around 80-100k/year in my case.
that shit would easily cost above 1 million.
even shitty poverty houses are easily 500 or 800 grand.
Seattle is basically a more tolerable version of SF
San Francisco is the only real city in the West Coast. LA SEA SD and Portland are just spread out suburbs. If a city doesn't have a decent public transportation system, there's no difference between that city and Iowa. Enjoy the Mountain Dew you tasteless mutts.
go conmute three hours every day to your shitty job at facebook, faggot.
TIL that there is no difference between SF and Iowa.
>he can't handle sitting on a train for 15 minutes
lol COPE
New Yorker here. I agree with the Castro React developer. Every West Coast city is garbage. San Francisco is the only real rival of NYC.
>he has to pay 150 USD for a haircut
lmao retard.
I'll be making $300k total this year in SF. Not sure where else in the US I can be paid this much.
you can't even afford to buy a shitty poverty house retard.
>Why do retards want to move somewhere where pay is far greater than other places, even factoring in higher cost of living
>Why do retards like more cash in their pockets at the end of the day?
>retards think buying less things are good because their wage number is bigger
literally never took an econ class.
You come to San Francisco to bump your prestige and salary, save your earnings (), and then buy a house outright in bumfuck nowhere with cash and work remote. Once you get near the 10 year experience hump, you can virtually name your terms with any company.
>he hasn't shaved his head
Basing life decisions purely on money, whether it's goals or self-worth, is the true brainlet move
Insane levels of cope
fuck off yuppie, east san jo is for raza only
I rather earn less money at much cheaper place fucktard.
read an econ book.
enjoy your shitty four hours trafic jam, faggot.
>>retards think buying less things are good because their wage number is bigger
Go ahead and pretend that the massive salary difference doesn't more than compensate for the COL. And go ahead and ignore that you can also save up money like a motherfucker if that helps you live with yourself.
>not working in SF and living in Nigeria
>San Fran
Speaking of SF, did you attend Andrew's rally?
Hey man there's no need to get all buttblasted just because you never achieved anything in your life.
Imagine caring about money
I save more money towards retirement than you make in an entire year.
nigger, you need 12k per month to live like they live in fucking philiphines faggot.
>standarts of living are thirld world tier
>but is ok because is SF
fuck off.
kek retard.
I can work on the internet and afford 10 times more than SF faggots because I live in a 170% cheaper place than SF.
I live in San Jose make 130k and pay $1000 month for rent.
Too bad I have a horrible spending problem and constantly buy shit I don’t need
Do you have a trap gf?
Hi Bay Area friend :)
>I rather earn less money at much cheaper place fucktard.
I did. Florida at a quarter of the salary. Still moved to SV for the salary bump.
> read an econ book.
Since salaries tend to be sticky [1], negotiating for higher salaries outright does better for your long-term earnings. Even factoring cost of living, taxes, and all other higher costs, I put more money away in savings than I took home in Florida.
Likewise, factoring in the next few years of saving, I will be buying a house outright in Oregon and working remote while still taking home the same salary.
Has there ever been a bay area /g/ meetup? It would be interesting to see what /g/ is like after you filter out all the shitters.
Some of us just like the weather and we aren't fucking poorfags concerned with money like 90% of the retards on this board.
>job in mountain view, I'm thinking of moving into the slums of san jose
Enjoy wanting to kill yourself every morning and every evening in 237/101/280/85 traffic.
Apparently you're the libshit, you tell us.
>being this sensitive
Your ancestors were unceremoniously swept off California following humiliating and indisputable defeat. You are a mongrel breed. Yes, equality and all that, but understand your place.
Plz stay out of Oregon, we have enough shitty Californians as is.
just take the train
Did you mean 300k?
Believing life doesn't revolve for the most part around money is the true brainlet move
The moment you realise it doesn't you will be free.
>tfw no bf
Based beyond belief
i remember renting a room in a house just off university ave when i lived off campus for $400/month. it was nice there back in the 80s
Stay delusional
Anybody want to go to tahoe?
Stay a slave
he's not throwing his money away either. when he decides to move to a more sane place in 10 years, he'll get all that money back and then he can buy whatever he wants, and still have a hundreds of thousands of dollars leftover
lol fucking beaner. go move to watsonville where you and your faggot homies belong.
oh that lovely place where little 4yo kids live on the streets and are out walking around by themselves at 3 in the morning? yeah, you can have that shithole all to yourself.
nope. we're coming. locusts.
Bet you also shave your pucci, faggit
>he thinks the bay area is a shitter filter
You’ve already been coming for decades and shitting up everywhere else like California.
> decent public transportation system,
> SF
Pick one and only one
Actually you're losing because your birthrates are down and you have to work twice as hard because you won't improve an employer's diversity.
t. maricon putito
We all know that you wouldn't say that to a mexican's face because you would get fired from your basedboy job and you would get asswhooped on sight.
>he will pretend that it isn't
Haven't been here, but it seems to be like that.
>bay area public transport
>being feasible anywhere outside central SF proper
>not reeking of mix of curry-saturated sweat, weed, vomit and homeless
Yeah I'll take shit traffic but in my own car any day. Or with some luck you could use one of those company-provided black coach buses, those only reek of curry-saturated sweat out of all things listed above.
>rent $800
>comfy tech job with free food
>work literally 10 minute bike ride away
>have more money at end of day after expenses
>don't have to live in butt fuck suburbia
Sf is amazing. Don't know how people live outside a city. Must be why opiod rates are so high in buttfuck suburbia.
IIRC a lot of the bay area /o/ guys also use /g/ or are at least employed in tech. They seem to have monthly meetups with a tight knit group coming out to most events. I went to one meetup about 2 years ago before moving out of state.
It always amazes me how /g/ can't perform simple math. Income - expenses.
So the /o/ shirt I saw on Bart wasn't a coincidence...
most likely not
You should only want to live in California if you're rich. If you aren't making well over $200,000 a year, you're too poor for the California good life.
Lower class and middle class in California are basically the same, you'll be living paycheck-to-paycheck and paying way too damn much in rent/mortgage for an overpriced piece of shit and you'll be surrounded by well over 90% non-whites. You'll be paying the premium to live in California, but there will be next to nothing to show for it.
I'm more amazed at the complete lack of understanding of real estate. Cheap COL is not a feature, that's the result of nobody wanting to live in that area.
a friend of mine went to SF on holiday, he said the streets were filled with homeless, and that the place stank of human feces everywhere you went
Homeless people want to be around people with money. There's nothing inherent to SF that attracts homeless.
it's a sanctuary city, so homeless illegal immigrants will be attracted there.
Except the year-round temperate weather, the closure of the asylums, and a government that won't do anything about it.
He doesn't just let it grow out
Pretty sure you'd pay like $5k. But there even fresh grads are making $200k+ (at least in the good companies like FAANG).
>raising kids while working
So how much shit do you dodge in the streets?
San fran is a human shit minefield. Well that and the drug needles.
How bad is east sj? I can barely afford to rent as it is.
get roommates or rent a room
>He doesn't care
Are you fucking Kim Jong-Un of North Korea or something
sounds about right. I don't know anybody under the age of 30 in California living on their own without a bunch of roommates.
>a government that won't do anything about it
If all local governments were equally hard on the homeless they'd still pick SF because they want to be around people with money, so that's a stupid point to bring.
This only proves that you don’t have real friends
so people living with their parents or with roommates aren't real friends?