They did noting wrong
They did noting wrong
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Yes they did retard. Voldemort is evil you fucking nigger. Vader and thanos did their things for the greater good or so they assumed. Joker saw himself as a force of nature. A juxtaposition of human complacency.
This is probably the dumbest post in the last 24 hours. Kys
Narcissist Psychopath Sociopath Psychopath
Thanos theory of fucking up half the universe is fucking stupid. He just postponed the catastrophe he was talking about for about 2-3 generations and wasted the most powerful sources of energy in the universe. What a retard.
Even Spiral King from ttgl did it better.
Thanos is a moron that doesn't understand environmental balance and biostatistics.
Voldemort is a power-hungry psychopath too busy to do some background research that could have prevented his downfall when he attacked Potters and later his death when fighting the autist Potter.
Vader was just an overemotional teenager who was tricked into his downfall and after he killed Padmé became such a cuck that he didn't raise against the Palpatine who was ultimately the reason of his suffering, until his own son nagged him into it.
Joker is fine.
Also imagine disintegrating half the workers in something like nuclear power plant and causing Chernobyl all over the planet(s).
Also imagine a population of creatures where there's an unequal, like 1/1000000, ratio of male/female and destroying the only one who is able to continue the race.
Replace Vader with Hitler, and you'd be right.
Thanos's theory is just the plot of Dan Brown's Inferno broken down for people too stupid to understand historical and cultural references.