Test for Yea Forums:
Clockwise or Counterclockwise?
Test for Yea Forums:
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counter, does that mean i have the gay?
really counter?
It's an illusion. Because she doesn't have an outline, your brain can't fully grasp which way she's turning
but it seems impossible to me to see her turn counterclockwise...
Clockwise but I can switch it
I posted the picture but the gif. But look at this. Then try looking at the original image, closing your eyes, and imagining her going the other way
Which ever way I want her to spin
not work for me
She has a damn fucking outline and she turns clockwise so you can suck a nigger dick and die, FAGGOT
Yeah, it's an illusion from the olde days of the internet
but still not work for me
Obviously brainlet
Yeah that's cool, depending on which one I look at last, the on in the middle spins in that direction.
here work, but if I see at the original, it never change to me.
like you
I know it's meant to be an illusion, but whoever made it fucked up - it's anti-clockwise (counter-clockwise for retarded ameribros). And yes, I can prove it. Suck it brainlets.
It depends are we looking from above, or below like a pussy creep?
2008 called,it wants that thing back
Pro tip. You can change her direction by looking at her planted foot
If I focus, I can see her both clockwise and counter
fuck you, ya jackal kissin' ho
The 90s called. They want their landline reference back.
Can you prove it though? I can, just waiting to see if anyone cares.
Look at the floor. You only catch the reflection of her other foot when it's at the back - simple geometry.