How to break up with a depressed and annoying af girlfriend you don't want to hurt 2 much and with a guarantee, that she will not beg you to fuck her again?
She has some serious stuff in her hands against me, I think I'm fucked
How to break up with a depressed and annoying af girlfriend you don't want to hurt 2 much and with a guarantee...
Other urls found in this thread:
Example of stuff against you or giving advice is useless
Act like you had a mental breakdown and can’t talk to anyone
She looks hot. Are you sure you can do better?
Fake your death
im not reading your post, I just wanted to say fuck you for making me look at that picture.
Give me advice faggot
I was in the same situation, but I went back and now I'm stuck again.
Advice: Get out now while you can and don't try to stay friends because if she's clingy now she's going to be 25,000x worse when you break up.
Pretty much this. Sounds like the whole thing hinges on how bad she's got ya nuts.
Tell her you were raped, and that you don't like being touched because of your trauma. Tell her its best to break up if she couldn't give you space.
Let's just say I wouldn't be out that soon
That pic
You demand advice
After that.
That's how I fell erryday man, help me
I did
Op is a newfag nigger pls die
Maybe, don't fake it?
That was damn good advise. Chicks do it all the time, and it works.
Give us examples of the dirt she has on you retard
Man if I could pay just a quarter to end my suffering, zoo-wee mama.
You need to bait her into doing something for counter blackmail. /thread
She knows your a pedofile
Nigger I want advice to leave her not advice on how to clean my shit up. I want a clean break up without her wanting to bust me to the cops
This. Same situation. I'm just ghosting the slag.
We sage newfaggots in these parts
Say you're gay.
I've been in this boat for awhile bud. They're all going to be annoying, can't help you there. But the depression? Maybe. Way I see it is you either combat her depression which could yield health improvements, weight loss, and depression wane via joint exercise or stealth exercise (walks n such). Or. Or you do the pussy approach and stop trying/caring and generally ignore her to force her to break it off. But you seem ready to jump ship. Hopefully you have separate friend bases.
I need to know the gravity of the situation you braindead autist, I've been in similar situations twice
Actually I'm just abandoning you, you don't deserve my well thought out advice
Out-depress her.
Seriously be ultra-depressed for a bit, because of her depressed nature she'll assume it's her that's dragging you down. After a little while she'll ask if it's her, say you don't know what's happening. She'll accept she's bad for you and move on.
Uh oh. I'm afraid you're my boyfriend and you wanna know how to leave me.
You're not gonna be the good guy in this no matter how you spin it. Let her down gently, apologize profusely, show her the respect that every human being deserves. If she's an awful person and wants to ruin your life, maybe you learn not to get so deep into a crazy person's heart and protect yourself in the future.
>She has some serious stuff in her hands against me
Like? Pretty much anything she says you can use the line "she's pissed off and lying because I dumped her" plausible deniability user
Tell her you are gay