can u guys give me some reasons why the gender pay gap doesnt exist?
all of my friends are liberals and im trying to convince them, pic not related
Can u guys give me some reasons why the gender pay gap doesnt exist?
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The gender pay gap is just an aggregate figure across all the money men make and all the money women make. It makes no distinction between Trudy who works as a part time secretary and Greg who works in high-rise construction.
Men work longer hours, take less time off, work more overtime, do more dangerous jobs, and don't take time off to have kids. Women work part-time way more especially after having children. Women also have less motivation to get high-paid jobs because money and status isn't what attracts men.
if you would be able to pay women less for the same work, all employers would only employ women to cut cost.
since no one on the free market would deliberetly reduce his own profits, there are 2 explanations:
men work better then women
there is no pay gap
economy 101
thankyou my nigga, i do apreaciate my nigga
There is none
You’ll never have a good woman. You’re a piece of shit
You literally know nothing about economics
leave libtard, it nigga sextime now
This is the logical conclusion of their lies. its not observed so thats why you can tell it a lie
But the reason it doesn't exist is men and women make different choices about work.
Also there are massive pay gaps wider than the ones feminists say, and these are between men and women in modelling and pornography. Men are paid MUCH lower than women in these industries, but do you ever hear about it?
Because he stated, albeit tactlessly, facts? Blinding yourself to reality and self flagellation are not prerequisites to a fulfilling relationship, user. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Your mom’s a libtard
Petty arguments without facts or research from peer reviewed sources is worthless. Your liberal friends know this. You choose to come to Yea Forums expecting anything concrete?
There's a word for that. Something about iron...
We don't need any more replies. GG, this user is accurate.
yeah tru they should pay them the same, fucking oath,
nigerfaggot niggerfagot nigger hoe slut
nigga ur feelings don't change reality somehow
Nah cause he’s an asshole and obviously doesn’t respect women
My man
Why doesn't the small teapot circling jupiter not exist?
How the actual fuck did you gather that?
You know what, i don't fucking care, get out of here. GIT
Yeah, and neither do yours asshole
shut up, these are facts
hahahhaha im fuckign dying
Google did a study over several workplaces and determined that there is actually a wage gap, at least in their offices, this was caused due to all the affirmative action taken on the previous false notion that a wage gap existed and showed that men are actually being severely paid less than women
Exactly, now can we agree women get periods and have babies now? Or is that too enraging for you?
link to source please!!-OP
What the gender pay gap actually meant:
Women as a subgroup of humanity earn less than men. The reasons don't matter. What this causes is that women have lower buying power, and by extension less influence on products and less influence in politics.
Women make better tips than men, as wait staff, bartenders, and strippers.
i need more evidence to fuck over the liberals
Thank you for this insight. *sucks your genital*
>The reasons don't matter
kill yourself
Because trying to understand what the other side means is gay, right?
You can argue about men being more motivated, but everything else he mentioned is 100% true.
The line about women making 80% of of what men do that liberals love to quote is based on the average income of women vs men and in no way indicates that women with the same qualifications experience and job performance are paid less than their male counterparts.
Much of the difference comes from the fact that more men work full-time and thus the average man works more hours than the average woman.
Women also simply choose to go into lower paying fields than men. The most common jobs for women without a college degree are cashier and waitress. For men it is jobs like truck driving, construction and mining which are obviously higher paying. The highest paying college degrees are STEM degrees, which men are much more likely to go into. Even now when 60% of the people going into college are women, the STEM programs are dominated by men. Legally there is nothing preventing women from going after higher paying jobs most of them just choose not to.
And of course women are far more likely to choose children over a career. Of course a women working part time because of her children is going to make less than a man working full-time. The same goes for women who go to work after their kids are older. A woman who spent the last 20 years as a stay at home mom is going to make far less than a man who spent the last 20 years working in his field. If you look at the average income of women and men who have never been married or never had kids, it is virtually identical.
There may be a gender pay gap that exists in certain fields, but it would be far smaller than the numbers you hear thrown around. To actually prove a gender pay gap would involve a large scale study of men and women with the exact same qualifications, experience, and performance who work for the same employers. Such a study has never been done, and thus there is no real evidence to support it.
No, I'm just an odd person. (I'm >>'043)
Unfortunately, a concept called “marriage” also exists. In marriage, men earn money, then give it to women to spend. Hopefully it is spent well and on necessaries like clothes and food, but not always.
Anyway, the net effect of marriage is an artificial reduction in the buying power of men, and an artificial enhancement of the buying power of women. Take it away, and women would have less buying power, as you say. But old habits die hard, and marriage persists.
that's proving a negative. it's up to them to produce evidence that it does exist
They like to use the term "pay" or "wage". In all actuality, there is an "earnings" gap, but they will refuse to use the word because they know exactly what that means. If you open up a lemonade stand for the entirety of the weekend, and make more than little Suzy's lemonade stand across the street because her lemonade stand was only operating on Friday afternoon, then you will have made more earnings despite the fact that you both operated a lemonade stand. Then lets say next weekend you and Suzy decided to operate your lemonade stand for the same number of hours, except you decided that you needed to make more than little Richard's lemonade stand down the block, so you market more aggressively. Suzy thought that the amount she was making being open all weekend was fine, but in your effort to try and outsell Richard, you made more than Suzy as well. Little Suzy things that it is unfair that you made more than her despite operating your lemonade stands for the same amount of time this weekend, but little Suzy wanted to play with her cats on Thursday while you put up flyers for your lemonade stand around the neighborhood that day. Little Suzy had the same opportunity, but chose to be a cunt about it instead. Little Suzy told her parents to do something about it, and they decided to tell your parents that you shouldn't be allowed to operate a lemonade stand anymore, and that little Suzy's friend Jessica should operate a lemonade stand in your place because Jessica and Suzy have the same ambition, and this will make little Suzy feel better, despite not having made any improvements to her financial situation.
People accused google of paying women less than men but they found it was the other way round, rofl