New Zealand bans semi auto guns and high capacity mags after a 50 victim gun massacre

>New Zealand bans semi auto guns and high capacity mags after a 50 victim gun massacre
>a mass shooting hasnt occured in NZ for over 20 years until the recent one
>USA doesn't ban semi autos and high capacity mags after MULTIPLE mass shootings in the same 20 years, claimimg over 150 victims
Americans are such fucking brainlets about "muh guns". You're a bunch of retards not banning semi autos.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>be 28
>going to a restaurant
>ordering a pizza pie
>i said no ansjovis wtf
>girl says sorry i say is ok
>eat pizza pie while lying
>go outside wait till restaurant closes
>walk up to girl call her a bitch
>punch her repeatedly in the left eye
>shit stars bleeding she yells "whyyyy whyyyyy"
>take her head and place it above my cock
>let blood pour on cock
>shove it in her mouth NOW SUCK IT
>manager comes out yells WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING
>grab my pistol and blast him twice
>then blast girl in skull with my cock inside her mouth
>let blood pour all over my cock
>feels good man
>escape and go home
>masturbate with her blood still on my cock

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

i can't hear you, speak up

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I FINGERED MADDIE ZIEGLER. there, I said it, its out there now and i don't give a fuck. two weeks ago I met her and she has this snotty little attitude, I'm just a sucker for spoiled little rich girls so I walk up to her ask whats up. Next thing I know i'm in her bedroom she's showing me all these awards and shit telling me how basically she's a big deal. I had no idea she was the girl from some music video. before I know it were on her bed making out and she actually moves my hand towards her panties so im thinking "fuck it", and I fingered her. she cums which is pretty damn hot to hear her moaning in my ear and i'm thinking "nice, i'm getting to tap that" but no. suddenly her phone rings. it some bitch with a SCREAMING voice telling her to come to "the studio" or some shit. she gets up and goes "shit im late" and im like "what about me?" so i whip out my dingaling and shes like "wut? gross! no! I gotta go!" she packs a whole bunch of stuff and then her mom knocks on the door. "my moms here, quick, hide your cock!" she hisses at me. next thing I know we're all in the car, she asks me where they can drop me off. then she pulls up this window thing in the limo so her mom and the driver dont hear and lays it on me : "look, if you tell anybody about what we did, anybody at all, miss abby and my mom are gonna have you killed." i am like what. the. fuck. next thing i know i'm being kicked in my side out of the car after it stopped and in to the snow. as they drive up she opens the window of the car a crack and hisses: "remember now! dont call me i'll call you" its been a long time now and i still havent heard anything from her. tried to call her but she blocked my number so i figured fuck it, i have to tell you guys this. what a bitch. what an ungrateful little whore. she was hot though. never met her sister but heard shes hot too.

Fuck you you stupid fucking faggot

Op likes bolt action and lever


I don't even know where the FUCK to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP. Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.

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Donate to my kickstarter so I can build a time machine and:

get Julius Caesar addicted to hentai

seduce Cleopatra.

"Oh but how will you seduce Cleopatra?" you might ask because you're a moron. it's simple: im 6'2" and i'm fat. fatness was considered attractive back then because if you were fat, that meant you were wealthy enough to get fat. plus, 6'2" is unreasonably gigantically tall in the BC times. so Cleopatra will be like "a giant? AND he's got stretch marks?" and she'll instantly become infatuated with my rotund, hairy body then i will live in royalty for the rest of my days.

Kickstarter backers will have their names written in my tomb, baffling archaeologists for centuries to come.

Shut the fuck up, faggot. Tell your girlfriend's boyfriend how much you like sucking his dick.

What if we tried just asking people not to shoot each other? I feel like that really hasn't ever been tried.

Ah. Virgin.

: 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


Billie Eilish is such a fucking idiot I hate her so fucking much. She was LITERALLY born into the music industry, and grew up in an area of LA where people like Skrillex and Beck came from. Her brother is a fucking professional music producer yet people still want to sit around and talk about how fucking smart and talented she is holy shit man. "uhhh buh her voic is so good!" yeah maybe if you're a fucking dipshit teenage girl that started learning how to sing from taking choir freshman year of high school but obviously her voice is going to be good. Listen fuckhead, imagine you're born into LA, you're entire family works in the music industry, you're parents put you in the fucking LA Children's Choir when you're 8 years old, and you sing for literally you're entire stupid fucking dipshit wannabe depressed life, obviously you're going to be able to sing very quietly and do falsetto pretty well by the time you're 16 and your fucking MUSIC PRODUCER BROTHER is helping you write music. But that's not even the worst part of Billie Eyelash, her stupid fucking wannabe depressed attitude. Look, I get it, she's 16, she doesn't understand her emotions yet. But If she's 16 and want to express her emotion, learn how to express it in a way that isnt the most fucking vapid emotionless shit on the planet. One of my favorite bands is Radiohead, and Thom Yorke has a quote where, in regards to their music being sad, he talks about how it's not about the music being sad, it's about using that emotion as inspiration to make something good. Billie Eilish is homeschooled and hangs out with celebrities every fuckin day, but all she can manage to do with her emotion is by basically bragging about being depressed 24/7 like it's some cool shit. Is there anything more annoying than those fucking idiot chicks you knew in highschool that would talk about being sad all the time? Then why the fuck are you imbicils actually supporting this dipshit that just brags about being sad all the time.

America doesn't negotiate with terrorists.

This copy paste is literally true. Fuck billie eilish (and many more like her)

>be 28
>going to a restaurant
>ordering a pizza pie
>i said no ansjovis wtf
>girl says sorry i say is ok
>eat pizza pie while lying
>go outside wait till restaurant closes
>walk up to girl call her a bitch
>punch her repeatedly in the left eye
>shit stars bleeding she yells "whyyyy whyyyyy"
>take her head and place it above my cock
>let blood pour on cock
>shove it in her mouth NOW SUCK IT
>manager comes out yells WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING
>grab my pistol and blast him twice
>then blast girl in skull with my cock inside her mouth
>let blood pour all over my cock
>feels good man
>escape and go home
>masturbate with her blood still on my cock

OP gets instantly spammed with copy pastas for retard post my sides

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Kek none of those fuckin shooters ever do it because they want guns banned.

They do it because they want to get famous/get revenge.

It wouldn't be negotiating with them

Yeah, we are the "brainlets", not you.
Yeah, you are from New Zealand, not another lying libtard from America.
Sure, kid.

Why are libtards such liars to the core?

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Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama.

I’m a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!

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>Shall not be infringed

lmao who TF calls anchovies "ansjovis"?

more deaths are on there way and when it's over with we'll be in such a great situation.

every 80 years the world is due for a bloodletting and it's about time. get ready and certainly don't re-arm yourselves you idiots. I just bought 2 ARs 5000 rounds for each gun i have, and 15kg of explosives. ...

i'm ready to blow away some shit skins, no matter their religion.

>15kg of explosives
the van
start it

I'm from Australia you nigger which is another country with sensible gun laws i.e no semi autos allowed

Congrats your now on the FBI's watchlist

Yeh.. It means absolutely nothing if I'm on that list or not.

To be fair tho, japanese culture is beautiful.

>Implying they can follow the master hacker known as Yea Forums who is in cahoots with the chinese hacker Lm-fa-o

he's american

Why is death bad?

>Americans are such fucking brainlets about "muh guns". You're a bunch of retards not banning semi autos.

Then the next guy will just buy water pipes, diesel fuel, fertilizer and some boxes of nails and improvise him some fragmentation grenades and achieve the same fucking effect.
You're literally mentally retarded, incapable of thinking anything thru logically.
You should shut the fuck up and never have any opinion of your own and you should never adopt anyone else's opinion as you're clearly incapable of thinking.

The reason why these things happen and why our world is so shit is because of people like you, and ONLY because of people like you. Compliant sheep mentality people who can't think for themselves, lack intelligence, and merely follow the herd. You're a plyable mass for the elites, who manipulate you to achieve their goals which fucks over everyone, including the few percent of decent, intelligent people who are the real victims in this perversly fucked up society.

I literally suffer due to your mere existance.

Dev up those trucks guys, you can use a vehicle to kill more effectively than a gun. Just find a crowd and surprise them with your 80 kph vehicle traveling right at their face

Just reading this was enough to know how you most likely look like. Kys


This coming Saturday is best to execute.
Try it faggot

>Sheep mentality
>Being right wing
Seriously kys you pathetic faggot. Of course people cna improvise bombs and what not. It's way harder and less efficient, also everything you need for a bomb doesn't have the purpose to kill people but have other important purposes which makes it harder to ban them... Unlike guns. Their only purpose is to kill. "People kill people". Yes, but just osning a gun trifgers suicidal or homicidal thoughts way easier. That's a fact. You wannabe redpilled intelligent faggot. You're nothing. Dumb motherfucker. The modern altright is the new slowflake NPC wave. You all deserve to die

Well thread is Dead
Point has been made.
It's sad to see that even the faggot liberals acknowledge that they've taken over this board.
And still the best retort they can make is, "if you don't like it take your backward ideals and leave."

You fucking pussies, I don't usually say this and actually mean it, but I hope you kill yourself.
I hope you continue to be the fucking predictable zoomer beta bitch everyone thinks you are.

Take the board, it'll probably change back in 2020 when the Democrats take over the white house and a greater need for nationalism grows within the disenfranchised.

Until then keep being feminized men getting punched by the same shit skins you fucking rioted to let them pour into your countries.
Globalism is crime against basic human rights of those born into a country that isn't fucking retarded.

Also I'm calling it, there will be a mass shooting sometime this year when anti-fa pulls their bullshit riots in a major city.
I just hope some of you are caught in the cross fire.

Here is solution for you mate ... move to new Zealand

>I'm from Australia you nigger which is another >country with sensible gun laws i.e no semi autos >allowed
In non-retarded English, this means I do what my government says and have no recourse should they start sending us to camps.

Fuck off ((Merchant)) lover! Good luck fending off the tyrants coming for your fucking children at night!

Yea Forums being alt right was literally a meme. But dumb faggots like you just prove everyone that Yea Forums is full of retards. Also
>Muuuh Democrats are bad so we keep supporting stupid ideologies and facism
Even many liberals hate the democratic party, faggot. Reactionaries are the dumbest people on earth. Instead of trying to fix the problem, they start disagreeing with the whole political/economical concept of the left. A bunch of feminists and niggers triggered you? You don't wanna tay paxes because you have no fucking idea what they are good for? Let's vote republican! The right is crying about all these problems but don't offer any solutions that are not completely immoral and emptionally loaded.

Well thread is Dead
Point has been made.
It's sad to see that even the logless shills acknowledge that they've taken over this board.
And still the best retort they can make is, "if you don't like it take your steamy, creamy logs and leave."

You fucking pussies, I don't usually say this and actually mean it, but I hope you log yourself.
I hope you continue to be the fucking clean throated beta bitch everyone thinks you are.

Take the board, it'll probably change back in 2020 when the weedposters take over Yea Forums and a greater need for neologismism grows within the disenlogized.

Until then keep being logless shills getting slidded by the same shit you fucking rioted to let them pour into your throats.
Glogalism is crime against basic human rights of throats born into a country that isn't fucking logged.

Also I'm calling it, there will be a mass logging sometime this year when Andy-fa pulls their throat slidding riots in a major city.
I just hope some of your throats are caught in the cross fire.

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Haven't seen this one before made me kek

>Im OP HURR DURR, I think that just because one country does something, another should do the same DUURRRR. THATS A SOLUTION BECAUSE I SAID IT IS HURRR.

You're retarded. The problem with terrorism is ideological, not technical. Much of the equipment used was not even allowed in civilian hands, yet the shooter smuggled it in anyway, just Like Anders Breivik, and half a dozen other dedicated shooters that are not talked about today. You are a fucking moron, just like every other jack ass who thinks they know WTF they are talking about in regards to terrorism/mass shootings, etc.

I am also aware it is a troll. Those who have half a brain might realize that OP's argument is flawed, and by reading this they may realize why. That is why I respond. For the lemmings that would follow OP off a cliff in his own stupendous idiocy and autism.

Hey when violent crime doesn't spike in NZ we're going to say "see dumbasses only criminals will have guns" was a fully retarded argument

>Seriously kys you pathetic faggot. Of course people cna improvise bombs and what not. It's way harder and less efficient

It is easier and more efficient. You don't need any license, background check or anything to buy the components, there is tons of guides on the internet how to do so, you can remote detonate it without even being there planting them the night before, or just throw them like literal hand grenades.

You're mentally challenged.

>also everything you need for a bomb doesn't have the purpose to kill people but have other important purposes which makes it harder to ban them... Unlike guns. Their only purpose is to kill.

Hunting is a necessary thing to control wildlife. The military is a necessary thing to defend the country. Both requires an arms industry and the production of arms, both will lead to firearms being reasonably accessible. There is a gigantic black market for firearms even in all the civilised countries.

It is practically impossible to ban guns in a way where someone who wants one for an illegal act won't be able to procure one. You can only make it mildly more difficult for a criminal, and meanwhile hurt millions of legit gun owners.
And it is entirely impossible to ban ammo, because it is even harder to control. Everyone i knew who served in the military has a story about ammo that was stolen. Making a gun isn't hard, making ammo is hard. And making a semi-auto or full auto gun is easy if bolt action hunting rifles are available for legal purchase, because they have a bolt and barrel that can be repurposed, and they're the difficult to make pressure bearing components.

>You're nothing.

Seems i struck a nerve. Nice butthurt.

fuck off kike

Speaking of brainlets.

oh yeah, loli schoolgirls getting nailed by tentacles is just adorable

Congrats cucks letting a woman tell you what you can and can't do. You should all start shooting your politicians. Anything else is cuckoldry. Queers

lol the only use of the AR-15 beyond hunting is resisting the police

you know in your heart why they want them

so when they come to tell us our rights are over and it's frankenfood slop and uranium mining from now on they don't fucking die

your betters will make you mine uranium until your hair falls out to get off this rock they know full well they're going to destroy, if your life meant they left one second sooner they'd make that trade - better that this world become their tomb

i guess we know what happened to all the aliens, eh?

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Ya its fucked they just did that and blocked a bunch of sites because of one psycho. NZ is authoritarian as fuck and the media are complicit.

I'm not an USfag and I'm all against weapons. But I find banning some types of weapons a way bigger dick move than anything else. Either ban them all or shut up.

What is banning certain types do? To allow their killings, just less and/or slower? Idiots.

You are welcome to come get them if you like. Put your money where your mouth is.

Or you can help with the genocide machine of Planned Parenthood. Over 300,000 murders a year are performed in these clinics.

What seems to be the bigger problem to you?

Banning weapons doesnt stop criminals frlm killing people. But it stops victims frkm defending themselves. Psychos will kill people regardless of if guns are legal or not. You can obtain weapons illegally, make bombs are run people over cars. Banning guns because of a shooting is idiotic. LLike putting a bandaid over a gaping wound.

>Banning guns because of a shooting is idiotic. LLike putting a bandaid over a gaping wound
don't overlook the obvious. the government wants an unarmed and sheepish populace.

Holy shit they aren't the same.

People aren't going out to the local abortion range on weekends to jerk it to their latest night vision fetus scope with a high capacity vagina allowing you to quickly eject like 18 babies in the general direction of your foes.

And even if they did, it'd just get messy and not have the potential to kill anyone.

Clearly I am pro choice because I don't see any evidence of a 1st or 2nd trimester fetus having thought process that would designate it as a live individual... so dont turn it into a rights issue, its just a wad of flesh at that time bro.

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>sensible gun laws
I remember reading an article touting gun control. It was talking about how after the port whateverthefuck shooting in the 90’s politicians and some citizens were wanting gun control and there were groups of citizens against. The article said one of the claims made by the groups of citizens against was that home invasions would go up after the ban. The article went on to proudly say the level of home invasions stayed the same after the ban.

Let me repeat that you dense faggot. The level of home invasions stayed the same even after those homes were left without defense from them and the article acted like this was a good thing. How is this logical?
>inb4 hurr durr crime levels went down
They did here in the US too faggot

I’ve defended against a home invasion with a gun. Didn’t even have to fire it. See that what you anti gun fags always do. You drone on about victims of gun violence and NEVER do ANY research into lives they save. No. That would be too difficult. You dont give a shot about those numbers because this way you can virtue signal on social media about this magic cure all that requires no thought or actual research.

A bolt action rifle is not a defensible weapon shit stain.

nice try Shillaxin Shkrillington
ain't no one marching on our soil. BITCH.

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>Unlike guns. Their only purpose is to kill.
Well there doing a pretty bad job at it then dipshit. There are an estimated 2-3 guns for every person in America and the numbers killed certainly don’t reflect that. Throwing suicide in is clearly cheating. You have no idea how many of those people would commit suicide anyway.
>cars aren’t meant to kill anyone
Weird how they kill 3 times the number gun do dumbfuck. Seems like that a pointless and inaccurate statement about guns isn’t it?

>"People kill people". Yes, but just osning a gun trifgers suicidal or homicidal thoughts way easier.
>That's a fact
Hmm today I learned correlation equals causation. That must be why Japan has such low suicide rates.

Goddamn you are dumb as fuck....

>USA doesn't ban semi autos and high capacity mags after MULTIPLE mass shootings in the same 20 years, claimimg over 150 victims
Yea, not willing to neuter ourselves because some nutty got a gun. Our issue is failure to compromise. Liberals go too hard and conservatives go too soft.

>Liberals go too hard and conservatives go too soft
Well one side actually understands the subject at hand and the other gets their info from movies soooo..

OP you’re a fucking retard
>there hasn’t been a mass shooting in New Zealand for over twenty years
It almost sounds like the issue isn’t gun control you insufferable prick.

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try and tell them the same.

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Maybe you should never come to American if you don’t like how we do things here?
>good job fellow Americans, the plan is working, those foreign fags won’t step foot on our sacred land

"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary." -Karl Marx

I hope they ban mass shootings next

> It’s just a wad of flesh bro
> It’s totally not a complex zygotic amalgam of two different chromosomal pairings performing rapid Mitosis in order to form a new, Sentient being.

You fucking tool. You care about it when one crazy, selfish person kills 49 others but you don’t give a fuck when one stressed out person kills just one potential person? Fucking hypocrites.
I’m PRO-CHOICE and even I can understand that it’s actually murder. I just support a woman’s right to chose to kill it because hey, it’s on them not me.

Hey, doesn't Mexico have similar gun laws to what New Zealand is moving towards? Seems to be working out well for them.

ITT: triggered yanks who don't understand the difference between responsible ownership with regulations and totally banning guns. They aren't coming for your penis-pumps, faggots.

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So having thought processes is the legal standard for being alive? Can I go fuck a brain dead coma patient and say it’s not rape? Because not human. Just a breathing flesh not.

This argument is extremely retarded.

Non-Yank don’t understand that it’s a right guaranteed by our constitution and inborne in the history of the country. At the very least we won’t so easily give in to a knee jerk reaction. I think its reasonable to ask whether a law will have any real effect on the purported problem. In NZ there is not right to firearms, it’s a privilege. So trying to compare the legal and political implications to the US is dumb.

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In the US such an outright ban on semi autos would probably be unconstitutional because the caselaw looks at firearms in common usage. AR-15s are in common usage based on numbers owned and sold, aftermarket accessories, use in hunting, and home defense with pistol caliber uppers. So, given that a ban is probably impossible, most legislation that remains probably won’t do much. If people don’t like it, amend the constitution. Good luck with that.

trolls are retards

I love my guns, I'm gonna rub my AR15 all over my body and shoot it naked in my back yard, there isn't a damn thing you can do about it either.
You mad lefty boy?

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Wait is that the real statistic? That's a Fucking drop in the bucket of human lives and you guys are going crazy? Why is there nowhere near this kind of effort to try to anban things that kill literal millions over 20 years. If that's all I honestly think we need more semi autos.

trolls are retarded

trolls are scum

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trollls should be shot

I love you too friend

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you were trolled

But new zealand banned guns AFTER that 20 year gap between shootings
Correlation =/= causation, retard

we are coming to take your guns, make your kids gay, and pay for it with your tax dollars.

and to think, this couldve all been avoided if you just used your manners.

nah, i have sex with consenting adult partners on a weekly basis who enjoy it. but hey, you do you.

Never forget that the NZ shooter was a leftist/socialist. Further proving that they are the problem

>At the very least we won’t so easily give in to a knee jerk reaction.
Exactly. That's why we didn't freak out when some idiot tried lighting a bomb in his shoe aboard an airplane.

Doesn't Brazil have strict gun laws, in some areas more restrictive than the new NZ laws? Hows that working out for them?

His ideals are clearly aligned with the far right ideals of national socialism (the nazi party)

Segregation by race being a stand out

No one on the left would ever call for the things he wanted to happen

Stop trying to redefine what "left" means not everyone is stupid enough to fall for your ignorance

>ban semi auto guns.

Can some leftist explain to a German faggot what a semi auto gun really does and which guns would be okay following that logic

ethnocentrism is an angry coward's crayon picture of the world he fears.

Right. Don't let white supremacists tell you which race is okay to be extinguished. It can't be racist if it's against whites anyways

could you troll some more?

All I'm reading is how buttblasted nz is over not having guns when we have guns. Why can't you just live your life instead of worrying about what the first world has?

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Sounds like you need to amend the constitution again.

According to a 2017 report by theU.S. Government Accountability Office, "of the 85 violent extremist incidents that resulted in death since September 12, 2001, farright wingviolent extremist groups were responsible for 62 (73%) while radicalIslamist violent extremists were responsible for 23 (27%)".
Banning Muslims and trying to build a wall but letting white supremacists commit 73% of terrorist attacks since 9.12.2001 seems like an issue.
America is full of terrorists.

To oppose a tyrannical government uprising, or so I have heard? Your government has tanks, mortars, bombs, attack helicopters. If it came down to you against the government, the guns civilians have amassed will not ensure victory, to which the second amendment is fairly pointless then.

This stupid argument again

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So a really small group of your population is responsible for almost 1/4 of those incidents? Shocking

Right. That's also exactly why the us won Vietnam and irak/Afghanistan wars.. I mean.. right?

Your government wouldn't think twice about drone striking an entire neighborhood just to show they can if it came down to it.

>implying a civilian militia can stand against a standing army that's properly equipped.

Shit nigga, you're just talking fantasy. Almost no revolt has been successful without the assistance of the military in the form of a coup or mass mutiny. The odds are less likely in this day and age where technology and access to information plays an ever more vital role in success.

It's a false equivalency.
These combatants actually knew what they were doing, were equipped with decent equipment, at least enough to perform to a standard, and had received or is still receiving training from outside sources.

The tree niggera may have been nothing more than dirty rice farming commies but they were dirty rice farming commies that knew how to fight and had an organized chain of command with battle doctrines.

So why again did you have to implement basic combat training in Afghanistan when the combatants on the other side were so we'll trained already.

You can't win against a dedicated guerrilla even when they are lesser equipped and trained. That's the point here


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New Zealand is a joke country.
Banning weapons wont solve shit.
Did you know that people can kill with a Sock?
Anything can be uses as a weapon.

New Zealand should fix their shit on helping the mentally ill and stop bringing in sand niggers.

American here. My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my bitch

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>I carry my gun to the supermarket only because I am too afraid of a racial confrontation or some other maniac with a gun.
>My tactical experience is derived from internet forums and anecdotes from my cousin who was discharged from the military after 3 months.
>I am a well regulated militia.

I cant say america will ever solve their gun issue, because at this point its just one giant Mexican standoff, citizen to citizen.

is OP a troll?

Nah just a faggot

The soviets had gone in initially with improper equipment and a poor understanding of what kind of war they would be fighting in afghanistan.

The US has had considerably more success, while taking casualties their performance is leagues better than what was going on in Vietnam and how the Soviets did decades prior.

They've adapted some to the fighting conditions and certainly are more prepared to resist the hit and run tactics of the guerillas.

Without outside help and effective leadership, citizen militias are little more than ineffective hazards.

OPs always a faggot

Try walking into a building full of people and taking out 50 of them with a sock before they beat your ass. Good luck.

Basically chimpwithanak47.gif

The people here (especially jack) would love to discuss this with you

But if you have an elite squad with highly engineered, tactical socks against common people with average, cotton socks?

Seems reasonable..

It should also be noted that the groups the Soviets were initially fighting were very ineffective in the sense that they had very little idea of how to fight in an organized way. It wasn't until someone who knew what they were doing and how to successfully fight with these hit and run ambush tactics that they actually started to make a dent.

Yeah hate to break it to you but isis is still a thing. You didn't win the war and left a whole country in more of a mess than it was before. Same with Vietnam. The last war you won was when nuking Japan I guess.

Now go ahead and claim how the gov will just nuke their own people but that's going to be real bad for your tax income so if you're a politician with more than two brain cells left, you're probably going to step back from that idea just out of your own interests to get your paycheck at the end of the month..

If your point is that it's better to surrender to fashism instead of trying to do everything to your possibilities to prevent it.. then there's no helping you I'm afraid

Lmao. Being proud of a dent you made with those airline carries and battleship fighting jets.
Dude. It's sandniggers we're comparing to muh highest and bestest trained military in the world. And you're talking about a dent like it's any success other that giving isis more fuel

The server where all we ever talk about is politics

>Be New Zealander
>Get thrown in prison for 10 years after watching the Mosque incident video on Kiwi Farms
>Spend the next decade in Kiwi prison getting ass raped by Muzzie niggers
>"At least we're not like those faggot Americans & their Constitutionally protected rights, amirite guise?""

Albeit rapidly losing territory with the assistance of western powers.

The argument was never that bending over and taking it is the way to go. But that the fallacy of armed citizenry leading to automatic success is fucking retarded. By all means, resist tyranny and fascism if you see fit. But just because commonfolk got their hands on the latest H&K or colt firearm doesn't mean that they're going to stand any sort of chance unconditionally.

That hero complex and view of things needs to die.

Can't post

Not just any sand niggers, mind you. Trained and organized sand niggers. And that can make for a big difference.

But in the end it's more of a futile struggle for those SN's, there's little outside support and hemorrhaging casualties means they'll always be there... But they'll never be able to turn the tides.

The war in Afghanistan been going on since 2001 pretty much? How long was the 2world war and would you still claim a dent is a honorable achievement?

If you want to give up on the right to protect yourself that's alright. I wouldn't appreciate if you take away my right to do so (I'm not a us citizen). I don't care if it's against some tyranny dictator or just the random home invader

I'll just go ahead and assume you're trolling there

keking like kekkler over here.

Okay retard

Suck it bitch

I just can't take you serious if you're praising any of that as a sucssess.
You literally created new terrorism with invading their countries

banning semi autos is banning anything that isn't a bolt action or a musket

If only guns had never been invented. No one would ever be murdered.

At least we won the war on drugs.

Careful. Libtards will think you're being serious

>implying New Zealand was not a false flag

Dead baby shot in the head you were saying? GOD BLESS AMERICA.

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You don't know what semi-automatic means, do you?

Hell yeahhhhhh fuck da freddys

Its the new fashion to be depressed, user.

Holy shit. You’re a fucking moron. I’m speechless.

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All Copper Fit Energy Socks should be banned.

Nicee! one Elon Musky..

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ITT: Mostly spineless, liberal faggots. Easy to ignore.

Rawr x3 nuzzles how are you pounces on you you're so warm o3o notices you have a bulge o: someone's happy ;) nuzzles your necky wecky~ murr~ hehehe rubbies your bulgy wolgy you're so big :oooo rubbies more on your bulgy wolgy it doesn't stop growing ·///· kisses you and lickies your necky daddy likies (; nuzzles wuzzles I hope daddy really likes $: wiggles butt and squirms I want to see your big daddy meat~ wiggles butt I have a little itch o3o wags tail can you please get my itch~ puts paws on your chest nyea~ its a seven inch itch rubs your chest can you help me pwease squirms pwetty pwease sad face I need to be punished runs paws down your chest and bites lip like I need to be punished really good~ paws on your bulge as I lick my lips I'm getting thirsty. I can go for some milk unbuttons your pants as my eyes glow you smell so musky :v licks shaft mmmm~

yeah real men encourage mass shootings

You fucking melt.

Woah woah. Hang on hoss I'll let you talk but now let me ask you one question.
>one nation under god
Just what the hell does that mean to you? Jesus didn't come over here to listen to your jibber babble about taking our freedoms and guns. You gon burn in hell all right.

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Make sure to livestream and sub to pewdiepie. Also kys.

fatness was seem as a sign of weath in the high midde age, not during the roman empire, a times where athetic bodies were and physical strenght were praised and beauty was on par with physical fitness.

You'd the the same pathetic fat fuck that you are now

See? No defense. Just name-calling.

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>just osning a gun trifgers suicidal or homicidal thoughts way easier

So are you against video games? For years people were against video games because they desensitize violence and promote murder, rape and other criminal activity as entertainment. The fact that so many posters claim people are joking about attack (which visually was identical to a videogame) is more proof of this than a need to ban guns. Nobody needs video games.

FYI I'm personally not against video but its the same damn logic and you can bet all the 20 somethings would be screaming their outrage over freedoms if you took away their consoles.

Do you think having a spine means being in favour of mass shootings? That was your stupid point wasnt it?

How can you shoot up a mosque with a ps4 game disc? You fucking idiot. You're just a oblivious as the old men that try to pin all crime on violent games/films.

Actually we're going the other direction, Missouri is banning the Federal gun laws. I've always wanted to own a minigun for home defense.

Have fun doing life in prison for owning this video you kiwi fuck.

Of course not, you dense sea cucumber. My point is those who would rather live on their knees rather than die on their feet, are limp-dicked subjects of whatever crown they happen to live under.

And establishing criminal penalties for federal agents who attempt to enforce federal laws on Missouri soil.

Whine about 2A some more for me.

>be murican

>watch as republicans fight obama for 8 years because they respect freedom while democrats shit on freedom

>trump gets elected

>republicans are happy as hell

>see shooting

>see donald trump pass a bill banning bump stocks,and increasing background checks will be abused

>wonder how the hell republicans nominated this liberal pile of shit to begin with

>Be outsider
>Jealousy of this awesome land pours out
>Can do nothing but attempt irony while biting >his pillow as a stiff cock enters his soy anus.

>>wonder how the hell republicans nominated this liberal pile of shit to begin with
This. He flat out said before he supported Clinton's AWB of '94.
He's a fucking RINO NY Democrap.
I honestly hope he's impeached.

New Zealand has a population of of around 5 million with gun ownership around 20 per 100 people. The USA has 330 million people, with gun ownership around 120 per 100 people. To ban all semi auto weapons would be impossible, expensive, and extremely divisive. In New Zealand the government says gun ownership is a privilege not a right. In the USA it is a right that is protected by our constitution. Sure the government can go on TV and say you must now turn in all weapons, but the reality is the government can't even enforce the laws as they stand now, let alone add more.

The most pathetic pseudo intellectual nonsense ive ever read, how is that mentality going to stop mass shootings you fucking moron. Going round calling all people who disagree with you weaklings screams insecurity. I'm guessing in your world everyone would have AR15s so mass shootings because mass gunfights instead.

The US government can't ban semi autos, it would be a violation of the ex post facto articles in the Constitution.

You're not going to stop mass shootings, you Denebian slime devil. You can't. You can ban everything from cruise missiles to butter knives and some mong will find a way. Since that is not going to happen, I choose to live as a citizen, not a subject.

After all this time, finally.

And furthermore, what is pathetic, is your willingness to be lorded over. Saying "Please masters, may I have a little freedom of thought, expression, or whatever the commodity may be. It's actually disgusting, your willingness to be subjugated. Slug.

worst argument in here. "Hey guys lets not pass any laws criminals are just gonna break em"

If your 'Murican, you can move to New Zealand. Let muds take control and realize you're limited in means of defense when the muzzies become the majority and no longer need to exercise discretion.

If you're not 'Murican, fuck off and mind your own business.

Because I know I'm not gonna go out and murder a bunch of people, and my weapons don't just walk out and start killing. Banning the guns already in circulation is not "gun control" it is "people control". To me that is the sign of an overbearing heavy handed government, that is saying "we can't trust you (the people)". Nanny states never win.

When laws are passed banning things, who is punished overwhelmingly?
The law abiding citizens who had zero to do with any crimes.
You advocate for punishing the innocent, rather than holding the guilty solely accountable for their misdeeds.
You are part of the problem, not the solution.

In case you just crawled from under the earth, worm. It's already illegal to kill people. And the criminals that do, are breaking that law.

>unironically defending reactive legislature

Except that it's not nonsense. To this day, tribes in Africa take and own slaves, simply bc the mentality there is that it's easier to just give up, don't fight, don't stand up to protect your friends, children, or loved ones. Let the women get raped in front of you, and children recruited.

Inb4 "America isn't Africa, hurr"

Yeah, guess why.

Wake the fuck up.

right, so ur saying murder should be legal since we cant stop it all. very enlightening

Dubs of truth.

But Africa is sooooo much butter than America


>dying from being run over or raped and strangled is okay so long as a gun wasn’t involved!
The high capacity magazine the shooter used was already illegal. Your ban on guns doesn’t stop anyone from shooting shit up. I would also like to add that New Zealand is a small island with a relatively small population. I want to believe that banning guns would take care of most murders, and violence. But all you’re doing is disarming people that just want to protect themselves. Oh and also,
>shut up liberal

No, you half-wit. Murder is illegal (and immoral). You are just a pathetic, nut-less creature who can't stand to be proven wrong, or see alpha males who are willing to stand up for the rights and freedoms of others, because you want to be told how to do everything from breathe to walk.

>he doesn’t know the difference between a right and a privilege

If you disarm the proletariat the government can just steamroll you. What’s stopping Trump from becoming a dictator? Guns in the hands of the working class

'Freedom' - Since when is the definition of freedom to allow the perpetuation of guncrime and murder? No mass shooter bought guns illegally, they got them licenced and legal.

no actual response, just insults. Again, very enlightening

Hows that freedom working out for you? You keeping all the mass shootings at bay with your pickup truck and AR15? OH wait no, you have the highest concentration of mass shootings in the western world.

weak and predictable response from a NRA brainlet. Feeble

Look I don't want to give up my arms as much as the next man but you can't possibly think this is a good reason for keeping your guns

if bait 10/10

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Freedom has a price. It's not your socialist utopia. Innocents are going to die at the hand of the insane and immoral. You just have to decide that you are not going to be one of those who die just to satisfy the whims of a government that wants subjects.

Towing the lame ass response from the faggot left I see.
"Blame it on the NRA."

Right, I'd like to see any americuck actually try and stage a defense against the might of the American Military. It's not the people that keep the government in check, it's checks and balances.

Won’t your attack result in calls for the removal of gun rights from Whites in the United states?
Yes, that is the plan all along, you said you would fight to protect your rights and the constitution, well soon will come the time.

Won’t your attack result in calls for the removal of gun rights in the New Zealand?
The gun owners of New Zealand are a beaten, miserable bunch of baby boomers, who have long since given up the fight.When was the last time they won increased rights? Their loss was inevitable.I just accelerated things a bit.
They had long since lost their cities, take a look at Auckland. Did you really expect they would not also lose their rights?

From the manifesto of that shooter. I guess if he's right about that...

Shit will get fixed when we country boys turn the cities into open air death camps and use our heavy equipment skills to bury you faggots in mass graves.

See ya around bitch.

And again, you have not provided any valid argument as to why I should be forced to live under your totalitarian state. Pro-tip: As long as I am armed, I never will.

Kek see

Yes. I agree. You are feeble. That's most likely the reason you want to be nannied by the state. However, I am not an NRA member. Gun owners of America and Jews for The Preservation of Firearm Ownership. (GOA, JPFO). Spineless manlet.

This is bait right?

You'll just die to the hands of police. The crazy guy who needs guns to defend himself.

Banned in 3, 2...

That just makes you even more delusional, at least they have an institution polluting their way of thinking, you're just straight up self deluded. As if having a gun magically makes you free. You'd die just as quick as if you didnt have a gun, most likely quicker.

im just picturing it now. The government actually takes over like in ur wet dreams. You've spent years preparing and are holed down in some defensive structure you've made, all your guns ready to go. Then a predator drone that you cant see or hear spots you out with infrared and blows ur ass to bits.

You dumbass LOL

What you leftist half-wits fail to realize, is that those same soldiers have families that are civilians. Speaking as a retired member of the military, and having spoken with thousands of current and former soldiers on this very subject, not one would obey such an order.

Hopefully it will happen when we finally get another Democrat in the White House.

kek but muhh AR15 muh freedom

Actually, I won't. Most law enforcement is squarely on the side of the people.

Again, you show your ignorance. Just myself having a firearm doesn't mean much. But when most citizens do, it means everything.

I mean in France the government started to listen when they brought out guillotines and started this weekly yellow vest protest. Imagine how much faster their gov would listen if they had weapons too

But if no one's going to obey, than that means that the government will have no way to be control the populace. And if there's no way to control the populace, the people have no reason to use their guns.If what you're saying is true (Which I think it is), then for defense against the government is meaningless.

doesnt fucking matter, for every single member that refuses there will be 10 that carry out the order. Your tiny crossection of person anecdotal evidence is meaningless. Much like your ridiculous idea that owning a gun somehow makes you safe and free. Your face is on a database, your prints are on a database, you're being watched and logged like everyone else. You are not free. No amount of pathetic micropenis compensation with guns is going to stop that.

Oh so it's about "potential to be a person" is it. Therefore semen should be protected. Periods are murder.

Won't happen.

You're living in a fantasy world.


I'm sorry to hear about your dick dude. I smell the fear wafting from your pores. It's hilarious.

The US Gov will never resort to drone strikes on our own soil because SO much infrastructure would destroyed, and would ignite so damn much insurrection that it would make the BLM & Trump riots look like friendly potluck picnics.

You're just oblivious to the real world. Why are republicans so fucking behind on technology. Digital weapon potential completely shadows firearm potential now.

I hate all of you so god damn much. All of you fucking fagets having the same arguments and posting the same stupid bullshit day in & day out. And nothing ever fucking changes either and it never will. You all look so incredibly stupid. Will you ever stop? No. So at least fuck off back to /pol/
You're all fucking retarded. Kill yourselves And don't reproduce

They don't need to. Amerifarts have no interest in revolution. Things are pretty good here. Unless they try to take our guns.

Kek so the jist of this thread is all the stupid gunfags are holding onto their guns for when Amerifat implodes and you all start killing eachother. What a great country built on freedom.

>things are pretty good here

>Fantasy world
Revolutions happen literally every year.

Actually, no. I am aware of what is out there. With my security clearance and contracts, probably more so than you (no offense intended Yea Forumsro).

it's because of the NRA

I hope you're trolling and not LARPing. The latter would be next level pathetic.

please do elaborate, whats out there Agent Q?


More than you'll ever know fuckboi

Get killed

Knew you were a pathetic liar.

>NZ has relatively lax gun laws
>doesn't have a mass shooting for 22 years

Wow it's almost as if massacres are driven by socioeconomic factors instead of access to weapons

Explain to me how a ban on assault rifles will keep people from dying in mass shootings in a country where police openly kill anyone they feel intimidated by. Do this and I will concede your point.

>gun owners hav small pp

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Haha you caught me. I'll be laughing from my bunker when everything Alex Jones says comes true. Lick the depths of my ass

Nah, the faggot soyboys ain't doing shit but getting buried in mass grave ditches when the time comes.

Attention 2A fags:

>If you want things to change, then do something about it.

Ever hear that? Well, it's fucking true. You're all here complaining and whining. Nobody cares about your feels, faggots.

You need to shift public opinion. You need more positive publicity.

MOST of all, you need to band together. Get off your high horse and figure out how to organize, faggots.

Or don't. Just let them take your guns.

alongside all the subhuman NIGGERS and Muslim scum. May they all rot in hell forever

Vietnam. Iraq. Afghanistan. If the military could win every time against illiterate goat fuckers and rice paddie muckers, I'd say you have an argument.

On top of that, the military would have more members siding with armed Americans, especially in Army Aviation and the entire Air Force. Marines would split a bit more but still over 50% with armed Constitution supporting Americans. I don't know much about the Navy, but bubbleheads I know would mostly support armed Americans.

If you are so certain, why haven't you done it yet?

Anything "New" in the public knowledge with serious hardware and software is at least ten years old.So, let your imaginations run free. I don't have any knowledge of the really advanced systems, but what I have seen could be frightening. But, you already knew that.

Neither, actually. Everyone has to work and pay taxes for those who refuse to work.

So? You're dead baby doesn't mean shit if you are trying to move on my Rights.

Your stupidity will get more kids killed than anything else.

It's the entire reasoning of the 2nd Amendment you cuck faggot bitch twat.

Only a dumbass would think banning guns would fix anything. You won't be able to protect yourself and your property if your attacker had a gun. Think about it.

When the drones are controlled half a world away, the operators are invulnerable. Since they're controlled largely from Nevada, they're no longer untouchable. Also a full list of military members and their families addresses would be readily available. As horrible as it sounds, in this type of conflict, they;d be targets too. Getting food or fuel trucks into bases also gets complicated by armed revolt. Drones, tank and planes don'r move without fuel. A war on American soil would be a disaster in every possible measure.

I'll be your Huckleberry.

Love it.

Put me in the reddit screenshot faggot!


Yang doesn't have a chance cuck. Bernie 2020

You are the type of faggot that would whine "can we talk this out" to a bull dick nigger as he's ripping your ass.

We're past that now you idiot. I don't want morons like you on my side. You want to support the 2nd Amendment? Then people like you should join the gun grabbers. I'm not even joking or being ironic.

Fuck you.

Do you ever stop to think about how archaic the second Amendment is? It was completely justified maybe up until the end of the Cold war. Now its just a leftover piece of legislation that causes damage and empowers uneducated morons like yourself.

They know. They just use it as a defense for their dumbass love of guns.

Let's see you take them then.

Works pretty well.

Look at your faggot ass just bitching and not doing shit.

im 12 andn wat is this

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Go fuck yourself Ivan

Hurr durr if a bad guy broke into my house I'd shoot him just like in the movies!

fuck off

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Happens everyday, jackass. Well, except in the spineless cucked countries. There they just bend over and take the sand nigger cock. The ask her majesty for more cultural enrichment.


>Guns to fight government tyranny
Tell that to Dorner

The US civil law authorities are so fucking armed up the ass with military weapons, vehicles, aircraft and urban warfare training that you don't stand a chance.

You have been going "muh guns" while asleep at the switch your government has prepared to fuck in the ass before you get a chance to locate the safety.

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full autos are already banned and now you're advocating the ban of the only other type of gun? are you fucking mental?

i didnt fuck my cat. I didnt cum on my cat. i didnt put my dick anywhere near my cat. I've never done anything weird with my cats. I promised myself i wasn't going to make any apology videos after last year's thing so im just trying to be as short and honest with this as possible

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I shot my brother inlaw with a .357 wad cutter when I was 7. He drove from NY to Texas and past a restraining order into my families home on that summer morning. Dad was at work, mom out shopping, just me, my older sister (16 year difference) and my niece.

He kicked in the door. I heard the screaming and my niece crying. Came down the hallway with the pistol my dad gave me for my 7th birthday, my birthday present request.

He's over her, she's defensive, bleeding. I level the sights, hammer already back, fire.

All these years and I still clearly see the moment. He lurches away, hits a wall and slumps down. Haze in the room now, smell of cordite. He whimpers, blood puddle starting. I close in, sisters now in the shot. She put her bloody hand on my arm. "Please, he's done". I point the pistol down, she scoops up her daughter, takes my hand and takes us outside. She then gives me my niece "watch her, ok?".

Rest is still blurry. Sheriff comes, I place the gun on hood BIL's car. Ambulance comes, then an air ambulance from a nearby Army base.

I'm amused watching the Huey. I'm not arrested, but I'm questioned when my dad arrives. BIL survives. "finger of God" the docs say. He lost part of his liver and part of a lung. He's arrested. Home invasion, assault with a deadly weapon (he picked up a firepoker) and other charges.

Me and mine were ok.

Fuck you. Come and take it.

FPBP, audibly kek'd



As if people who want to commit crime care if gun is legal or not. Dumbass

Indeed you are. Sad really.

Shut up nigger cuck fuck

If you don't live in America then shut up. If you live in America, and from the sound you don't then, shut the fuck up. What do you care?