The Trumpisher

The Trumpisher

you guys are gonna get so fucking mowed over in 2020

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>Implying Yang isn't coming in for the kill

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if the dems go for anyone besides bernie (or yang MAYBE? I dont know quite enough about his policy) than they'll lose. Bernie and Trump are the only candidates who represent any values besides Reagan/Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama-era cultural toilet shit

Yang is a fuckin joke. one of his prime policies is dick cutting? what a fucking joke
Trump is a cake walk in 2020

his proposals on UBI are at least intriguing, they seem overly simplistic though

>Bernie and Trump are the only candidates who represent any values besides Reagan/Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama-era cultural toilet shit
I agree. Though i really don't think that "I'll take everything you have ever saved and give it to someone else" is much of a vote getter except with people that are fucking deadbeats. The middle class maybe fooled until they realize that there aren't that many rich people, so they are the ones Bernie is actually going to take it from.

Yang has neetbux
He might be tapping into the most valuable resource yet. Who knew, China in with the insane takeover again.

Name on that makes any actual sense. Seriously, the guy may think he's right but he is delusional

3924000000000$ per year.

I think bernie argues more strongly towards reducing the military budget and then enforcing taxes on companies and the ultra rich. I dont necessarily agree with him on everything, but if the we closed all the exemptions and aggressively enforced taxes on those groups/companies, we'd have a lot more money

The world is actually ending as we speak and you are contributing to it.

I'm not saying you should or shouldn't, but I am saying you should be aware of the reality.

there isn't that much money there. anything you can take is just going to force people and companies overseas, they we are right back in the same situation we were 3 years ago. then to pay for all the freebies he promised, the middle class will be soaked.

>The world is actually ending as we speak
because orange man bad, right?

But he's right, automation is different coming around now than ever before. It's not creating huge industries anymore, it's sustaining the ones that already exist. We're reaching a point where the humans aren't needed to make the robots anymore, because we have robots to do that.

Therefore UBI so even if you don't have a job you can keep spending into the economy.

nah because we live in a culture sewer where mediocrity is enforced and encouraged, everything is dying, and there's no sign that it'll ever get better. Trump isnt a cause, he's a result. There isnt anyone to elect who'll change this, we're fucked.

3924000000000$ per year.

>but I am saying you should be aware of the reality
I am very aware. I stockpile canned goods and ammo. I realize that the three forms of commerce will soon be food, guns and pussy. I realize that in the near future I may have to eat people to survive. How's that for being aware of the reality?

UBI makes sense when I think about the truckers, mcdonalds employees, and janitors who will lose their jobs first in the next decade.

you mean like al gore predicting polar ice caps being melted by 2012?
like the great lakes being evaporated completely 6 years ago?

Or are you some nutjob that believed in the mayan calendar predicting the end of the world 7 years ago?

What I am aware of in my inner eye right now is you, dressed and smelling like a hobo, standing at the corner of a street, holding up a sign that spells "the end is neigh".

>a famous, non-scientist politician who made a movie to argue the importance of environmental intervention exaggerated

>must all be fake

you're a retard.

McDonald's is a slight maybe, truckers and janitors will be fine. No one is going to share the roads with automated semis and it would takes a full automaton to do janitorial work, something that's not even a dot on the horizon.

well i can't really argue with that. and if Trump can't help it's only because the rest of the elected government is more worried about keeping their thumb on power than anything else. as was said some time ago, it isn't demos vs. repubs anymore, it's washington vs. the people

get rid of niggers spics and jews 2020

Truckers will never lose their jobs, user.
Even if automated, someone will need to be there to supervise everything, including the truck and the merchandise.
Janitors won't either, especially in the next decade.

It's to make up for lost jobs, nobody is making bank. That money isn't just extra money. Economics isn't just big number x population, there's more to it.

but where the fuck is all this UBI money going to come from? it doesn't just grow on trees. sooner or later, the few people that are still producing are going to say, fuck you, i'm not doing this just to have it given to people that are doing nothing. this is why socialism away eventually fails

Trump seems like a final vestige of the dems/repubs fight. In actuality anarcho-syndicalism is the only way.

thanks for the badass logo, lefty

3924000000000$ per year.

Who's going to pay this, user?

Hell yeah, With that $1,000 a month, now all land lords and business owners can jack up their prices to correlate

Gimme Dat yang wang money!!!!

it was all BS. but that didn't stop them from forcing my kid to watch it in school as if it was science and all true. get em when they are young, that's what Pelosi just said a few days ago

i'm not a lefty. hell, i have a tshirt with that on it. it's cool

it must be so cool to be an old-ass boomer who will be dead before any of this actually effects you.

The white people they are trying to kill off, ofcourse.

that's incredibly gay.

yeah, 1 grand a month. after taxes, that will be 500 a month. let's all live on 500 bucks a month.

it must be so cool to be so fucking young that you fall for this horseshit

that's good and cool actually.

cry harder pussy

no, you are

Do you know how old boomers are, Junior?

>a famous, non-scientist politician who made a movie
based on the "scientific research" available back then.
Ever wondered why weather forecasts get more inaccurate the more they look into the future?
>Hurr Durr climate is no weather
Climate is the average of recorded weather over 30 years. And so far, not only did our weather-forecasts fail nearly every time due to the complexity of it and us lacking giant amounts of data to measure it accurately, we failed our climate change forecasts consistently, too.
This is why every predictive model on climate is handed out with a big fat disclaimer, pointing out its margin of error, yet you people interpret it as the WCS and then some.

You got fucked over by a scare-tactic to politically utilize you as useful idiot.

please just die already, boomer.

i ain't cryin, i got all the money. you are poor ass fucker

>Iraq + Afghanistan cost $4 trillion over the span of 17 years
>Yang wants to give that much out a year
What a madman. Anyone who thinks he can even make the democratic primaries is severely delusional.

it's okay, we'll redistribute your money forcefully after the inevitable communist revolution. And if you're dead by then, we'll take it from you dipshit kid.

> bnoomers are my enemy because my superiors told me to see them as such.
Your grandparents would be proud about the valuable education that you received, payed for by the taxes they generated.

lol look at this boomer who got mad because i was mean to him online.

actually i think it's like between 1.8 and 2.4 trillion a year. it's still ridiculous amount of money. but according to AOC, hell, just print more. Weimar Germany did it, why can't we????

this is why i hoard ammo. taking all mine will cost a lot. are you willing to pay that price?

so, how about I stop having kids then and donate our money to the KKK?
Not because I particularly like them, but for shits and giggles.
Imagine all these blood-young and lazy college kids screeching for communism when the klan turns up and stomps them to pulp.
I wouldn't care, cause my kids wouldn't be among them, then.

I always feel bad for the person begging for attention and validation from others.
Nobodies going to hold your hand here, user.
No boomers are on Yea Forums.

>implying Boomers are the only people who pay tax
>implying elderly retiree’s taxes haven’t been spent


boomer ignorance baby

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These guys don't have a clue what you are talking about, don't waste your time.

Dude, I'm not even a boomer.
I tried to ridicule you over you holding the lighter under your own lifeline, but I guess that went right over you head...
And once you have to explain a joke, well, you know the rest (I hope).

That's why competition is a thing. Don't pay for something just because you have the money to, do your research and actually apply yourself in the market.

Corporations using automation. We have the money, we just need to use it differently.

Also, if it ever fucks up, this is why you should have a crypto wallet or gold to fall back on. It's not my fault I'm prepared for the worst.

The lowest estimates possible for it are 1/2 of 2018s total federal budget and all he has to say if he gets in is that the deadlocked congress wont allow it, just like the wall.


shut up newfag

both implications come straight out of your ass.
Reading/Comprehension-levels of millenials are quite... underwhelming.

You shouldn’t try to be a standup comedian, is how it ends I believe.

This post is comedy gold.

>We have the money
Thanks for the insight, wizkid.
We don't think you're a brainlet, I swear.

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this applies from the inside and the outside

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Fuckin' A, right! #Trump2020

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Naw, I'm pleased with my current occupation.
But should I ever come into a midlife crisis and feel like fuck it all, I might.
I'll make sure to send you a ticket to the show.

You claimed his grandparents paid for his school through their taxes. That is literally the thing you said.

Not sure where you got the idea I’m a millennial though.

Fucking do it.

damn dude you got me dude, im fuckin owned man.

With UBI, you can cut the hell out of welfare, social security, Medicaid, and basically any other social programs because people would have the money instead of it being filtered through a million different levels of bureaucracy. You could also cut military spending. Just a thought.

Guys, don't worry about these assholes. Just a bunch of kids that still think they deserve to be given anything they want. Let them grow up a little and they will get over this shit.

>I'll make sure to send you a ticket to the show.

massive boomer energy here. unprecedented honestly

how old are you faggot? stop posting on Yea Forums lmfao dont you have like a social security payment or some gay shit to make?

>a social security payment or some gay shit to make
to make? ever looked at your paycheck stub hahahahah you are a fucking maroon

>That is literally the thing you said.
And is it false?
Did I somehow type "exclusively" or otherwise implicated that they were the only payers?
Words mean things.
And if certain words are missing, their meaning is missing, too.

It's simply ironic how millenials shit all over the generational contract when they themselves have contributed nothing yet.

is this really how you type dude? i mean god damn ur so old lmfao

>you can cut the hell out of welfare
>instead of it being filtered through a million different levels of bureaucracy
where is the picture of the nigger with the question mark over his head when i need it?

oohhh, good answer. calling someone old shoots down any argument you can't win. top fucking kek

Sounds like you have it all figured out, user.
Care to show me which corporations will be paying trillions per year?
Please include their growth rates and profits while you're at it.
Let's go ahead and do a deep dive into this amazing tax you're taking about.

wasn't ageism one of your millenials deadly sins?
I mean, I don't care, I just enjoy the hypocrisy of your talking-points being thrown out the window as soon as you have to read something you don't like for once.

Honest question: Do you consider yourself to be ready for life with that kind of emotional fragility?


its wild that im maintaining both this thread and the foot fetish thread simultaneously

lel cry about it, fag

yep, always wanting someone to support your lazy ass. that's the millennial way

no, u

i'm not crying, i've got more money than god. fuck you

The thing is they're already paying trillions a year, we can cut spending and we don't even really need to increase taxes.

>wasn't ageism one of your millenials deadly sins?
the funny thing is they are pushing the hell out of 40, and that's close as fuck to 50

>wasn't ageism one of your millenials deadly sins?

lol no i dont care about that at all

>I mean, I don't care,

clearly you do, keep getting triggered, boomer

>Do you consider yourself to be ready for life with that kind of emotional fragility?

yeah dude, im just making fun of your dumb ass because im shitposting. obviously my opinions are more nuanced, i just am good at posting on the internet.


dude, you must fill me in on this magic tax strategy

Being this retarded

>The thing is they're already paying trillions a year,
Oh yeah?
Show me your data that corporations are paying trillions per year in ANYTHING.

>protip: they arent.

why you suck, tho?

because science is just a consensus and if i write code to tell me that global warming is occurring, then the code will tell me that global warming is occurring and i get more gubment $$$

being this retarded

He likes the pee pee poo poo.

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how bout instead of pepe it's peepee lel

Once again, we have the money and we're using it, we just need to cut it and reallocate it.

just off the top of my head, i think people pay about 50% of the tax revenue, corps about 25%, and the rest is borrowed or printed. every fucking year. that is why the 20 trillion dollar debt

unironically, corps should pay at least 65%

sorry dude, i write and i can make it say 1=0 if that is what i write it to say. it's all about the benjamins baby

being this retarded

not if you want jobs. the more money you take from them the less goes to hire employees. it's a fine line to be fucking with

once again in these threads, all i get is the typical "oh, you are dumb"
no logical response, just that i'm dumb because i don't agree with them

>trumptards getting overconfident
I'm gonna enjoy putting together the compilations of crying white people when trump gets ousted

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>muh logic

being this retarded

Automation, nigger. It's to make up for lost jobs.

hell yes dude

need i say more?

how long have you been posting online? honest question.

please explain how automation is going to make up for people not working? cover all the bases, not just burger flippers

>polling at less than 1%

>Mandatory and discretionary spending account for more than ninety percent of all federal spending, and pay for all of the government services and programs on which we rely.

>Mandatory spending is spending that Congress legislates outside of the annual appropriations process, usually less than once a year. It is dominated by the well-known earned-benefit programs Social Security and Medicare. It also includes widely used safety net programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly food stamps), and a significant amount of federal spending on transportation, among other things.
Cut what exactly?
This post is insane, you honestly don't even deserve a response, but here's your (you).

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what does that have to do with anything? honest question

answer it, bitch.

I initiated 4 women as Susan Cherry the beautiful Goddess

>This post is insane
why exactly? i said just off the top of my head, i didn't know the numbers like i memorize them
Actually you are wrong there is enough money

fuck you, i'll put my foot in your ass

>thinking 25% is okay


When it backfires....Again...
I'll be here mining for salt, just like last time.

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hahahahahaha exactly the response i expected.

ah, the zero sum game again. like people are just going to keep pulling the cart and let Bernie take it all. this ain't a fucking farm

the DNC will probably run a shitty candidate like beto or something and trump will win. If they actually run someone oppositional to him like bernie, there's a much closer race.

anytime you insult me you will get that response. sorry dude but you don't call me bitch without me saying fuck you

they are flying to the left faster than light. it's going to be a joke of an election, Trump will take it walking away. think 1968 or McGovern in 1972

damn lol i love defending my honor on Yea Forums, i love being a 65 year old.

the actual dem voter base wants a left wing candidate though. The dems have been running hillary style centrists since the 80s and the dem voters are sick of it. if they run a beto/biden/kamala style centrist, they'll lose in a landslide because dems wont vote, an actual left winger will bring people out to vote.


nothin personnel......kid........

Please continue to push that narrative among your lefty pals. I can't wait for round 2.

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Gtfo Paid Yang Shills

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yeah. keep obsessing over a dead war hero. captain heel spur.