why are college professors idiots
>started 2nd semester off with easy classes and chose counseling as one of them
>fast forward a month and most people are failing the class
>dont think much of it as i have a perfect score as far as i know of and participate in every discussion, overall not a retard
>fall asleep one day in class
>Professor taps on my shoulder and asked me to walk outside
>proceeds to go FMJ on my ass
>Wonder why out of everyone thats struggling and on their phones she chose to pick on me
>dont think to much of it
>check grade
>get email from professor asking me to consider dropping the class
Why are college professors idiots
College professors are idiots because the whole education culture/community is a circle jerking echo chamber of opinion/cliques/sjw bullshit.
Combine this environment and add a bunch of extreme left teachers, soy boys and sjwtards and you've got a bunch of people collectively making themselves and each other retarded while trying to be retarded intelligently.
yeah well california is the place for that
maybe you should, not for the reason the tard teacher wants you to, but to save yourself from the sjw shit that has taken over all collages... im lucky i went to a technical college before all this shit blew up more.
i would but id have to pay the class back. I have benefits that pay for the class unless i fail or drop it :(
It's hard to enjoy yourself while teaching freshman classes. Like your department heads will often love shaping young minds and seeing the enthusiasm of the next generation, but for the average professor it's a draining experience.
btw, you're not anything special if you're able to get 89% in some preschool-level class despite not putting in any effort.
never said i was special, neither was I bragging. :/
what kind of college are you going to user? a college with an actual profession or High School for Chads above 18?
dont know what that second option was but am going to regular uni
you fucked up user. just pick a profession and go to a community college or technical school that only focuses on your subject, not the sjw bullshit.
or you can also be an incel and homeschool yourself, have a waifu thats actually your cat to keep you company
nah i need to go to uni for my degree. Am actually a 3rd year student. Going for PhD
Why would the teacher ask you to drop it. Usually teachers beg students to take their course otherwise it's cut
University isn't bad for people who want to learn. I went to grad school without any real need to and I don't regret it.
If you're going to university because you expect it to get you a job, you're going to have a bad time.
now yall are making assumptions.
this story doesn't make any sense and everybody is too busy bitching about how they can't get into college to notice.
If you participate in every discussion, you couldn't have fallen asleep.
How is a perfect score and 89% at all the same thing? did she drop your grade? I don't understand what I'm supposed to take from this.
this guy is right. profs want kids to pass their classes at a decent rate. this story is bullshit
In USA that's how college goes. All those dumbass swj courses would be cut if they didn't get x amount of students. Not saying counselling is an sjw course just saying in general
>At the time i had fallen asleep there was no discussion, only lecture
>I had assumed i had a perfect score but it was in fact 89%
>This is just me venting
>nobody had dropped the class yet as there was still a full roster
its a course now run by sjw nigger lovers
fair enough still seems weird.
sorry for busting your balls bud, good luck with classes
only 8 more weeks
Hmmm...So he was behind of that..?