Looking to move away from Seattle, currently thinking Hawaii. Any suggestions?

Looking to move away from Seattle, currently thinking Hawaii. Any suggestions?

Also, general comfy thread

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What's wrong with Seattle?

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Getting bored, feeling like being anywhere else.

I was born here, It's getting worse due to too many people moving in a relatively short period of time

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Atlanta is ok. Obviously not the fucking downtown area. But outside the suburbs has some good areas. Goes from City to rural really fast so you have a lot of options. There are really fucking expensive and nice areas to live in and then ten minutes away middle class and then broke areas you want to avoid. Need a car though. Weather is pretty good. Money gets you a long way around here.

I need to move asap as well. I'm on east coast and no idea where to go.

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what's the job market like around there?

what do you want to do?. I'm a wage slave so can't tell ya about the jobs that matter, but even as a wage slave you can make decent money if you're not full retard. Lot of shitbags around here so it makes you look good and stand out only they piss you off if they work under you. Not sure if that's everywhere though.

currently in retail management, i've been looking at getting into HR

Pretty sure you can find something like that. I'm in management in retail but not salaried. Fuck that. I think around here is as good as any for that.

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Native Hawaiians are as bad as niggers, just a heads up.

is it as bad around honolulu/waikiki area? that's where i've been researching jobs


Money gets you a long way... everywhere.
But yes, outside Atlanta is surprisingly beautiful country side. Apparently not too expensive in some areas.

>Money gets you a long way... everywhere.

Not in New York. A house over here that costs $175k with a nice yard will cost you $400k in New York.

Most of those guys are drug addicts?. I mean I really am the kind of person to say fuck it, it's their problem, they made the choices they make. I shouldn't have to pay for their shitty decisions but also why are so many people over there doing drugs?. Is it BECAUSE the situation is shit to begin with they can't find work and THEN they decide fuck it I'll just be high until I die? or are there jobs out there people just start doing drugs for no good reason and then turn into that?.

Hawaii is the worse. the rich part, the one on the sea, is merely turistic so super expensive. The not turistic area is like poor part of Brazil, plus natives hate foreign because they fucked up the economic system putting everything in tourism

it's that kind of shit that makes me want to get out of here.

tech bros

Is that all over Seattle? or like in a small maybe part of downtown?.

everywhere where it's affordable to live

damn. Yeah, in that case even Atlanta would be a step up. Worst part I normally pass around is NOWHERE that bad. How much is rent over there typically for like a two bedroom apartment?.

it depends on the place. The rich suburbs of seattle dont have such a problem, but downtown have a whoel swath of homeless. Personally, I blame the lack of mental health resources combined with terrible drug epidemic and lack of affordable housing

The guy in the video said the cops are stripped of power over there. I guess it's a good thing cops around here don't fuck around. They're rally dicks, but they are reliable. You got a problem they'll handle the shit.

We do have a lot of illegals here, not gonna lie. If that bugs you stay away. A LOT of illegals.

around $2100/month

Seattle is a bad place to go if you're thinking of moving to the area. Expensive expensive expensive; lots of shitty people; lots of shitty parts of the city. You'll have better luck moving to the shitty parts of nearby Everett. It's an expensive state to live in, this Washington State, but there are some great qualities to it. It's like a combo of the higher points of all the surrounding states and some of the lower points as well, but God damn the CoL is atrocious if you're moving in from somewhere cheap like Idaho or thereabouts.

Only to people who call us that.

I have no issues with tourists. Love them, always happy.

May you find peace, aloha

Seattle PD is full of yokel idiots with small man complexes. KOMO is owned by Sinclair. Idk if that;s true or not, but I wouldn't take that report at face value

where in hawaii do you live?

gottamn. That's what I'm talking about. You can get a nice apartment in a gated community around here for like literally half that. Well a two bedroom you can get for just above $1,100 a month. For a shitty two bedroom in a kind of crappy location not much less. Like a little over $900 a month will cost. Problem is to get in the nicer apartments you need good credit which really filters out shitbags. Three bedrooms cost a bit more. That's in my area. Gas is like $2.50 right now. Jumped up a bit. Was $2.20 for a while.

>Forcibly take native lands
>Get mad when they don't like it

From someone wanting to get the fuck out of Colorado myself, I've always wanted to take a look at Seattle. Primarily for the weather and locale. Dont give a fuck about the politics seeing as I keep to myself as it is, but I've heard its pricey as well, but so is denver.

What's wrong with Colorado?.

What alien world is that?

More of a feeling of I've been here too long, a change of scenery. Also the massive influx of people moving here because of the fucking weed. Rent skyrocketed, traffic, etc.

>wanting to get the fuck out of Colorado

wat. why

probably somewhere in the Caribbean or southeast asia

the strange and alien world of photoshop, you buffoon

>More of a feeling of I've been here too long, a change of scenery

That's exactly how I felt about growing up in upstate New York until I came down to Atlanta.

There's more meth but it costs more


Grewup military, moved around quite a bit growing up, came to Colorado back in 2005 for parents last station. I went in after high school, got out and came back, been here ever since.

come to the east coast, sleep on my couch.

I was in the military. That's how I ended up in Atlanta. Was stationed at Fort Stewart before I got out, stayed in Atlanta after that otherwise I would have been fucking stuck in New York.

Definitely stays with you, at least for me it does. The restlessness.

[facepalm] you don't say.

I'm from the caribbean, that ain't the caribbean. If it looked that good we'd be rich.
It looks like the Maldives with a photoshopped sky.

This is bullshit.

Niggerville. Shit weather. Just no.

Don't move to Hawaii. It's the most expensive state to live in. To be honest, Hawaii kind of sucks


don't do hawaii, it's not all steve mcgarret and magnum pi. there is one beach and it's only about 100 yards long. all the food has to be shipped in unless you want to live off pineapple, and you will have a job kissing tourist ass constantly.
then again, anything is better than seattle

your bourgie ass needs to be moved under the nearest guillotine. that's what i think.

quit smoking weed, u dildo.