I know a guy who's got some datura plants in his backyard. tomorrow i'm going to his house to get some of the seeds...

i know a guy who's got some datura plants in his backyard. tomorrow i'm going to his house to get some of the seeds. what should i expect from datura other than the obvious spooky shit? how should i prepare?

Attached: z4v2qww0.jpg (700x465, 162K)

You should serioulsy reconsider taking datura. Especially if you’re going online and asking what to expect. It is not a toy, it is not a trip. It is absolute delirium, and you can get seriously fucked.
Expect to hate it, expect to be the most terrified you’ve ever been, expect to have brief moments of lucidity, followed by stretches of time that never actually happened, and you’re standing out in traffic.

supposed to be a ridiculous trip

never go into these experiences with expectations op that will give you a bad time.

almost trips of truth so shunned

op here
i was thinking of sticking the seeds in my ass for added effect
is this a bad idea?

I've never heard of a good datura trip.

But together we have all the 4’s....

You ever see a crackhead walking around yelling at nothing, shadow boxing for his life in the middle of a divided highway and think to yourself, "how in the fuck could someone be so blinded to reality?". Expect to be that crackhead.



You shouldn't. There are some shamanistic uses for datura, but it's not recreational by any sensible stretch of the imagination.

4's keep coming. Synchronicity, eh?

This is hideously accurate.

No its a great idea, honestly id recommend you grind them up and put them in a paper towel ball thats wetted with warm water and then put them up your bum


Dangerous stuff

lol. i live in tucson. we had a ton of datura growing nearby. one day, some stupid high school kids said we should eat them. i got a spiky pod and took it home. i cut it open and inside it was like a bunch of almost clear seeds that looked like uncooked corn. they were chewy and pretty flavorless. i ate the whole pod.

i smoked weed for a bit, watching tv and then felt thirsty. i went for a walk on a hot day to the convenience store to get a big soda, like a 44 oz fountain drink. i still didn't realize it was coming on.

all i remember was that things started getting dim and i looked down and walked towards the ground. i specifically remember thinking "this is the new direction i'm walking, and it's downwards." i woke up on the street of my neighborhood and got up. i suddenly felt pretty normal, except for being stoned.

it's some weirdo shit.


Pretty much this. Unless you are a lvl 99 Monk expect the worst.

Like everyone else I agree you should not. It is unpleasant and very dangerous. If you do decide to you need to harvest the leaves dry and shred them and then mix them until they are homogeneous. Then start by smoking an extremely small dose like 1/10th of a gram in a cig. Increase the dosage very slowly until you find an active dose. If you run out you have to start the whole process over because different plants and different leaves vary wildly in concentration. Honestly it's a bad time an not worth it except from an academic interest.

One of my favorite greentexts.

Attached: datura.jpg (1016x620, 107K)

Jesus. Not OP but I thought losing control on acid was pretty scary but this shit? Fuck.

Anyone have more stories. Also OP if you do this dont forget to make a thread for us

Erowid experience vault has hundreds of stories, and most of them are as funny as they are cautionary.

Thanks user

exactly this but stimulant psychosis isn't anywhere nearly as fucked as an anticholinergic overdose. dutura will fuck your shit up OP, it isn't safe or fun.

Fucking this kek

Datura is actually dangerous. If you do it amke sure it is as a tea.