Shota bread!

shota bread!

bonus points for feet

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This happened to me with my little cousin. Not really greentext-worthy, though.

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Guess I'll dump a bunch again

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I saw a chubbybois weiner earlier. Really made me think

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A couple of weeks ago I saw a little kid at the urinals that had his clothes pulled all the way down. I can't stop thinking about it especially since I also did that as a kid so I'm wondering how many guys were checking me out

What did his ding a ling look like?

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Small, uncut, adorable. I only looked at his peen quickly because there was a chance he would see. Luckily the room was empty a part from us two so I had a great view of his ass

Shotas don't care if you look at them in the bathroom. I've seen hundreds

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I was just kind of nervous he would see. I should start going out at more reasonable times so I can see a few more. Of course just looking though

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Not sure if these feet are your style or not shota/bro, but these last 4 are a gift from this user

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Don't know why people still try to argue that kids aren't sexual. I was sticking stuff up my butt since I was 4 years old. Didn't understand gay / straight or know what sex was, I just did it because it felt good to me.

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Literally this. I actually had a prostate orgasm before I could cum. I would stick the thick glue sticks up my ass all the time (I didn't learn about lube until I was 13 and literally tore my cock skin from not using lube, the joys of being tightly cut).

Hello shota Yea Forumsros

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I've never understood lube for jerking off, I'm cut too, and the only time I've ever torn my dick skin was when I used spit for lube. I never use lube to jerk off and I've never torn it since the time I used spit. Now lube for anal is a whole different story obviously. Unless pain is your thing.

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People don't like the idea that their children are sexual. It scares them to think that they might lose their childhood and become mindless sex zombies or something

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Same here user. I've caught boys jerking it (camp counselor faggot) and none of em use lube that I know of.

I think if that's going to happen, it's going to happen no matter what. I lost my virginity to an older boy when I was 10.

Well, I have a 7 inch dick and am also very thick. At 13 I got big, and erections actually were painful because I had been so tightly mutilated at birth that soon after I started masturbating. I gripped too hard that I tore the skin on my cock in rings. After a very painful recovery, I found that I could actually comfortably have erections because the torn skin had somehow allowed the penis to grow to its full size.
Also by 14 I was 7 inches long.

is this shota pissing himself or what?


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Additionally, because I never discovered lube until after my unfortunate sausage flaying, I enjoyed mild anal pain. Still do. I take large dicks and dildos with as little lube and stretching as I can handle.

I have a tiny dick and I love it. Being teased about it while getting assblasted.

This is what happens when a suicidal depressed gay boy with crushing debt and no paints tries to get money from craigslist. And he did actually go on two dates with older guys from craigslist in the comic. Funny thing was, first one was a great guy that just wanted to hang out. Second one was a perv that made him cross dress. He never used craigslist again after the second one.


Anybody here ever had a shot at a shota irl?

When I was a shota I did. Never as an adult though.

it's less about the idea of their kids being sexual than it is the fact that it's incredibly easy to take advantage of a child's budding sexuality and that's not a good thing.

I'm a firm believer that kids should only experiment with each other, adults need to stay out of that shit.

I had a tiny dick until I was ~14 which made school interesting cause we had to shower after gym starting when I was 9.

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I had most of my sexual experiences as a child and let me tell you they were 10x better than anything i've experienced in my adult life. Freud and his experiments are highly disregarded in todays world but alot of what he said is actually spot on. There are adults (even within the shota community) who don't even believe it's possible for a boy that hasn't hit puberty to get hard it's sad how much of Freud's work has been completely discredited in order to keep painting kids in a way to be completely innocent and stupid humans that can't make their own decisions. Some kids are smarter than alot of adults i know...

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>tfw I touched own dick when little boy
>tfw technically touched shota cock
Later virgins

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Between 13 and 15 I was a bit of a boywhore on craigslist. I got hung early but tall and hairy late, and made probably around 2k letting guys fuck my ass. Had some great experiences, a few bad ones, but I knew what I was getting in to.
Worst one was a very large black man who left me bleeding.


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I was getting erections as early as 3 but there was nothing sexual about it, it just seemed like something weird that my dick did on its own. tbh I don't think it's flat out impossible for a child to have a positive sexual experience with someone older if it's done with enough love and care but knowing myself and how desperate for attention I was back then I'm glad that never happened to me, it definitely would have fucked me up long term. I think a few of us in these threads really overlook the long term impact that stuff can have

were you child sex experiences with other boys your age? would love to hear stories if that's the case

When i was still a shota i had my fair share not greentexting tho cause i'm lazy. I had a chance with a super cute 13yo when i was 16 but i was too big of a pussy to make a relationship out of it we ended up blowing eachother a few times it was really fun. I still regret not fucking that cutie

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I think it depends on how early you get started and how old the other person is. I dated a guy older than me by 4 years for 4 years, we were fucking every chance we got, and I don't feel like it messed me up.

That's interesting, I remember when I was four I was attracted to babies. There was a two year old, and I was aroused by him, I wanted to feel him on me, but I knew it was taboo, despite my young age.

I have the chance currently with my strange shota cousin who likes to be very close, rarely wear (many) clothes, and put his feet in my face.

How you gonna approach so that, in case you're wrong and he dont wanna fugg, it wont blow up in your face

I had experiences with a few older boys.
When i was 6 i had a 16yo stepbrother who would diddle me in the tub and at night when our parents were asleep and it didn't hurt me
When i was 8 i had a 12yo "boyfriend" that gave me my first ever orgasms they were top notch i would go back in time to have him jerk my little cock again.
The only negative effect it might have had on me is that i'm obviously still attracted to younger boys honestly if there wasn't such a social stigma attached to pedophilia i wouldn't say there were any downsides

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I'm not gonna fug him anyways dipshit

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Don't be shy in getting a feel, but I'd not take it further unless he does.

Greentexts plox

I am not looking forward to when my nephew gets a bit older. Hoping that I will never have to look after him once I get my own place. Careful you don't go crazy user, I was diddled as a kid and hated it.

I did write out a bunch but my reply just dissapeared after i hit post -_-

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>shota that small

what was the general gist of it then? how far did you go with boys your age?

thas no shota boy... Ha Ha stupid umies....

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Was it because the guy was too rough/cruel, or just the act itself?


I think it was just the act itself. I was about 4 so I don't remember much, I think he was trying to be patient but it's hard to tell from that age

You must be new to shota art
Tried sex a few times from 8-14 sex doesn't really work without lube it's like stabbing your cock into your buddies hole its not very pleasurable. Normally we'd just jerk eachother off or suck eachother. Sucking boy cock has really spoiled me though man cock is really not the same experience at all you get hair stuck in your mouth and guys can be pretty gross. Whearas with boys it's a relatively *smooth* experience ugh i wish i could just be a shota again

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>be 13
>just discovered edgy part of internet
>see Craigslist referenced on site as a means of easy, NSA sex
>put up ad, vague enough to dodge weak filters
>get hit up by a guy in mid-20s, good sized dick and plays safe
>convince him to pay me 20 bucks
>he fucks me senseless in a park, gives me 40 dollars because I was so good
>proceed to whore myself to a lot of guys
My favorite time is a bit later
>14 now
>really in to mild BDSM, only ever done outdoor or cap play til now
>guy wants me to come to his house to do some more intense play
>get it worked out so I go over when my parents are out of town
>he tells me that he'll pay a lot of money (don't remember the amount) if I let him do whatever he wants
>I agree
>he ties me up and hooks me up to a fucking machine with a painfully large dildo
>as it fucks me, he proceeds to spank my ass into a flaming, agonizing mess
>chokes me on his cock
>very intense session, he pays a lot and I limp back home
There's a few other memorable ones. Most of them were quick anonymous anal in the park or a blowjob in the restroom.

I didn't know thebrushking goes that lewd in commisions.

>sitting naked on your brothers lap is lewd

>sitting naked on your brothers lap with his cock in your bussy is lewd

dubs decides what kind of undies I buy my cute shota aged cousin

Its not in his butt, its just positioned that way. Have you never had a naked shota in your lap? amateur

Lawd, more of the memorable ones plz

>Have you never had a naked shota in your lap?
Not since I was 10. Why would you remind me that I lack shotas in my life?

Yeah that's my commission he doesn't post most of his lewds publicly
Kek that's defintely not my brother

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dude I could get a nekkid shota in my lap in 10 minutes flat.

>Pic of loli with a dick
Who the fuck drew this shit tier pic?

I'm so fucking jealous of you guys having access to craigslist. I wanted to try this growing up but all my internet access was monitored and/ or blocked. Lucky bastard


That's nice now stop teasing the rest of us who have to control our impulses

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Yeah, I can see why. His style is almost too cute to be lewd but he still pulls it off somehow.
Still I think I prefer his cutesy works better.

That's a shota to me

It's risky as F bussiness. not those posters but I've met some sketchy people on that site doing just that. Think I almost got caught in a human trafficking ring.

How expensive was it? I don't have a lot of money, but I really do want to do this. Hopefully the un doesn't ban drawings before I can afford it


eh there is nothing technically/legally wrong with having a shota in your lap if at least one of you has clothes on

Oh, well I never said it was a smart idea. Still wanted to do it though

His name is Shiro Tachibana. He's part of the shota unit of Im@s SideM.

Yeah same brush will always be the king of cute>
That commission cost us $70 total i think. It costs more to do a background or theme im not sure how much though i normally get a discount to for being a superfan since i've been following brush for like 7-8 years now

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why does the redheaded boi have a pacifier

Ok, here's another
>proly my 4th or 5th person
>they claim to have an 8 inch dick (white guy)
>say ok just out of curiosity
>go to park I've been getting fucked at
>tall guy sitting at the table
>we had set up a basic coded exchange via email
>I strip and bend over the table
>he grabs my dick in his hand (huge hands btw) and bends it back so it's sticking down from the table
>asks if I want him to stretch me
>being a cocky 13 year old, I decide to just say no and take it tight
>the head alone nearly makes me faint, I'm seeing stars and groaning
>he's really nice, asks if I want to stop, I say no
>he keeps going into me, I'm crying silently it hurts so badly but I like it
>he fucks me for what was probably 30 minutes, jerking me off the whole time
>I came 4 times, the last time I came my balls hurt and only a little bit came out
>he finally came inside me and the condom ballooned
>I had to stuff my underwear inside my ass to keep from leaking everywhere while I walked home
>my ass was sore for 3 days but I made like 150 bucks

I was tech savvy enough to hide my browsing history. Not to brag, but my dad was/still is a coder for a large tech corporation so that is actually mildly impressive.

Awesome you damn perv

I had access to craiglist as a shota but I video chatted more. I could show my shota bits off to 20, 30, sometimes 50+ men a day without leaving my bedroom.

It's pink but he has a paci for one because it's cute and secondly because he likes toddler play

Oh yeah, it was sketch as hell. There were a number of guys that I bailed on. Some had brought 2 other guys that were sitting on a bench under a light, and one time I nearly walked into another guy hiding behind the bushes I'd walk through. Still, I came through it alright.

My step dad set up the pc so it records everything I did on it and sent it to his personal PC. Privacy was not something I had back then. Once I masturbated in the living room, turned to my right and saw a new camera set up in there. I have no idea if that recording still exists

Aogami has the perfect blend of cute and lewd imo.

That nice! I've been following him since his traditional artwork days in tumblr. He was amazing even back then.

I would have been a cam shota except for the fact that I didn't have a webcam. Also, once I started whoring l, I wouldnt have wanted to do anything else. I only stopped after I was halfway raped by a very large black man.
It was only half rape because I did agree to have sex with him, but he refused to prep me.

That's what you get for letting a nigger fuck you.

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I only let guys suck/touch my dick because I wasn't gay.

Out of curiosity, how old are you guys? I don't want to sound like a creep and you don't have to answer if you don't want
>I'm 20

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Just turned 18 earlier this year.

He wasn't the first, but he was the last. I ended up bleeding pretty badly from it and had to stop. It's been a long time, but I've never actually had sex since then.

>God I wish the were me

Young enough to make the mods mad on here and other chans

Same user, same

I'm 24 been into shota since i was 14

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Kill yourself

Anybody else also have the dick thread open?

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anyone have any good manga to suggest?

If you enjoy extremely high levels of autism,

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Shamo - seinen fighting manga
Kingdom - semi-historical fighting manga
Gantz - seinen blood and guts and aliens

>MFW face when all my sexual fantasies involve me being a shota again
>MFW I'm 6'2", so no matter how hard I try I'll never get to live those fantasies

>Pic related

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Just add to the fantasy that you're a shota with gigantism.

Alright Yea Forumsoys it's almost 5:00am and waaay past my bedtime goodnight

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Sweet dreams user

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I guess I have to

Do what I do

> Fuck older guys
> Close eyes and pretend stuff


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Not easy to pretend your sucking a shota cock when you get a hair in your mouth and remember the only way for you to have sex as an adult is with someone way older that you have zero sexual attraction to because they aren't within your aoa

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Probably the best way to do it.
Because of these fantasies I am instantly attracted to anybody taller than me, it doesn't even matter what they look like. It's a bit of a problem

Ahh, yeah I can see the problem with that. Be with petite small-dicked femboys then.

Lol, yeah I also really enjoy it when I get with someone significantly larger than myself.

But I am luckily also able to have "regular" sex with "regular" dudes my own age, this stuff is just a major fetish for me.
Also I almost only fap to drawn shota/cub art

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>ywn be the shota sex slave of a butt pirate captain

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My buddy and I did this a lot

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Omg this reminds me of my childhood when my uncle pounded me in front of a mirror.. He called me his fuck puppy

Aarrrgghh me matey!

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my bf does this to me all the time and I'm pissed I don't wake up. I told him it was bull so he took a video. I guess you can cum in your sleep through stimulation.

Damn that's hot

What's autistic about it?

I've been doing petplay / dogtraining because of same ad like you since I'm 15.
No regret

You can still roleplay. If you wanna bottom there are tops who like taller bottoms.

Ask them to shave? :S

I read somewhere that back in the old, old days, at port's throughout the world, not USA, long before US was formed, boys of varying ages would sit along the dockside on a fence. Atop this fence would be various sized dowels that boys would sit on, proving how big an old pirate dick they could take, I'm trying to find where I read this so I can provide sauce, but not able to yet

The main character. He is one of the most autistic main characters I've ever read.


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Oh awesome. Thanks, I'll check it out! :D

Those were called pegboys. They were almost always orphans whose choice was to join the navy, or go to a life of crime and end up in prison, either way they chose, they're taking it in the ass. Was most common in the british navy because there was some huge event, don't remember what it was, that caused there to be tons and tons of orphans, the ones in prison ended up being prison bitches and if I remember right, the punishment for homosexuality was prison and castration. The ones that joined the navy didn't have it much better, but they at least didn't get fucked (usually) until the ship was in international waters where it was legal to fuck boys. The ones in prison usually got sick from malnourishment, STDs, and complications from being castrated (assuming they ended up in prison for homosexuality) the ones in the navy had much the same problem except they weren't castrated as often, but they did spend the whole day sitting on a polished wooden peg up their ass to keep them ready to get fucked. They'd essentially just sit there all day and whenever they weren't sitting there it was because a sailor dragged them off to a private area and fucked them, then they were right back to sitting on the peg.

This makes me both extremely horny and extremely sad

Ah! Ok, I couldn't quite remember the info, interesting either way

Was it cute and bubbly or what?

Why? Sad because it's a horrible thing that was fairly common and accepted back then, or sad because you weren't around for it?


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The first one

Cute, firm, squeezable. I had to fight the urge to slide my finger down the cracks

The saddest part to me is the prison scenario. Very few orphan shotas actually went to prison for homosexuality. It was usually stuff like stealing food or pickpocketing, but at lot of them, even ones that didn't get arrested for homosexuality ended up getting castrated anyway by other inmates or guards. Yes, the guards fucked them too, though I have to assume not as often since if they got caught they'd end up in prison too. Unfortunately that's still a big issue even today in the US except young boys don't go to prison they go to juvenile detention, and that isn't to say guards don't still rape them, because they do, but it's most commonly other boys there that do it.

Bet you had quite the "problem" after that

I sure miss my shota and early teen years. Pic related

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Has Wangdangle resurfaced again btw? Haven't seen him in years.

First and only time I ever fapped in a public bathroom. Not proud of it, but it had to be done

Not sure, I really haven't either

I mean, nothing to be ashamed about. Sometimes you just have to take care of it anywhere ya can.

Boy Toy Cody?

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That's the suicidal kid? What show is he from?

He's from the web comic Suicide Boy. Not all of it is translated to english yet, and the second part of it is supposed to start in june / july this year. So far as I know, there isn't an anime, and there probably never will be considering suicide is such a huge issue for kids over there. Although that being the case might actually make it more likely to get an anime. Maybe some bullshit reasoning like "Life is tough, but look at Hooni and realize you don't have it so bad"

>He's from the web comic Suicide Boy. Not all of it is translated to english yet, and the second part of it is supposed to start in june / july this year. So far as I know, there isn't an anime, and there probably never will be considering suicide is such a huge issue for kids over there. Although that being the case might actually make it more likely to get an anime. Maybe some bullshit reasoning like "Life is tough, but look at Hooni and realize you don't have it so bad"
Aw, okay. Thanks!

Can find all of what's translated so far in the OP of this thread by the way. The author sometimes comes to those threads too.

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That's cool :o

I'm liking the comic so far. It feels realistic... which helps me relate, but also makes me feel sorry for the author xP

The author at least seems to be like a happy person. Always smiling, has a girlfriend, does live streams.

Oh, good to hear :)

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i hope you die in fire,

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>be senior in high school
>be 6’2”, 250lbs, play football
>be openly bisexual
>but I’m bigger that 98% of the school and fight a lot so don’t get bullied
>freshman comes up to me
>he’s 4’11”, maybe 90lbs, Mexican, girly face, long hair, beautiful caramel skin, pretty shy
>says he’s in the closet but still gets bullied cause people assume he’s gay
>gives me names of kids that beat him up one day
>find bully, lift him off the ground like a doll, tell him to leave the little faggot alone
>step three: ???
>step four: proceed to cash in on being white knite
>take walk in woods with him after school
>get my dick sucked a little but he was new so it wasnt great
>try to suck his but it’s so little I can’t really suck, just kind of lick it more like a clit. No joke it was comically tiny, and didn’t really get hard
>have to finger him for about 30 minutes before he’s ready
>lay him on his back
>hold legs pressed to his chest
>get cock in
>fold him in half to kiss him
>he starts crying but won’t tell me to stop
>tells me he wants me to treat him like his bullies did
>start calling him names
>fuck him more roughly
>still crying but he has a little boner now
>”you like this?”
>”yes, yes, yes, yes hnnnng”
>slap his face
>grope his balls
>spit in his mouth
>still crying
>still doesn’t want me to stop
>pull out
>shit on my dick
>cum on his face and make him suck me clean
>piss on his chest
>we don’t talk as we get cleaned up and dressed
>feel really weird about it after
>he tells me the next day at lunch his ass hurts so bad he can’t sit right
>but he wants to feel that way every day
>continue to abuse my little brown sex slave until graduation
>whole school knew about it
>no one brave enough to say shit
I miss that little beaner faggot.

Friend's brother story?

>Be me 9 and few months
>Friend invited me to sleep over to play videogame
>Next morning he need to go with his mom for doctor exam
>I'm alone in his room and i start playing videogame
>After a while i'm bored and i decide to fap to pass time
>Enjoying myself when my friend's older brother enter the room (16)
>I try to hide it but he noticed
>"Hey don't worry, everybody does it"
>"Can i join you?"
>"Hummm sure"
>Close the door and sit next to me
>Remove his pants and underwear completely and start masturbating
>It's a bit awkward for me but whatever
>"Hey let me put something to watch"
>Open a random porn video on pc
>"Yeah better"
>While masturbating he's clearly watching me more than the video
>"Hey humm, can i help you do it ? it feels better btw"
>He puts his hand on my dick and start moving up and down
>It actually feels better
>Without thinking i do the same with his
>I put my small hand on his dick not even half is covered
>Suddenly he stand up and put his dick in front of my face
>"Suck it! like the movie"
>Watch it for few seconds it's fucking huge
>Slowly kiss the tip
>"No, not like that"
>He grabs my head with both hands and force his dick in my mouth
>"Pull out your tongue!"
>As soon as my tongue is out he start moving my head on his dick
>His dick is filling my mouth
>It's hard to breath
>He's going faster
>"HMMMM !" Moaning i can't speak
>Push further down my mouth and cum
>Keep his dick in my mouth so i have to swallow
>Warm cum in my throat
>Remove is dick from my mouth full of cum and saliva
>"Tell anyone and i fucking kill you"

Wtf it's spring break but I still woke up early

Boner achieved

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Found a couple of good ones surfing pixiv.

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Murf wherbiner, and a few more gaggy bubbinabbles. My stabbywagon will thank you for the hunch lurching.

Elephant master.

That's hot

That's... just rape D: Did it traumatize you (or whoever wrote it)?

More importantly, do you masturbate to the memory?

Not the green texter, but I masturbated to the memories until the forcing happened, at which point I got turned off o.o

...Yea Forums is one of few places where I feel kinda vanilla-shamed for being turned off by rape o.o

he knew, he didn't care.

Yeah, I feel that. I don't like rape or torture with sex: Not two tastes that taste great together. I want happy sex, even if it hurts a little.

That wasn't the most traumatizing thing he did so not....

No not really.

Right there with ya :P


Ah. Sorry to hear you were through more traumatizing things o.o -friend hug-

Thanks for the hug

>Tfw boys your age aren't gay so you have to be pedo b8 for older guys if you ever wanna get your dick sucked by anyone but yourself

Any time, man. *pat*

I guess i finish the story so i can go to sleep.... The part that actually traumatized me....

Since this i was trying to invite my friend in my home or asking if his brother was there. Worked well for a long time.

>I'm 12 now
>Parents gone for the night no baby-sitter
>Decide to send a message to my friend to come play
>He Answered "I'm coming"
>Doorbell, i go open
>I see my friend and behind him his older brother
>They both enter
>My friend is not smilling at all that's weird
>"So, you're alone tonight user?"
>"Hum yes why?"
>"Well it's time to fuck then"
>"Nonono i don't want to wtf"
>I ask my friend to help me, doesn't even move, he sits on the couch
>His brother grabs me and push me on the floor
>He removes my pants and spit on my butt.
>I'm trying to move, can't do shit "HELP! WTF!"
>Friend is just watching not moving
>His brother put a hand on my mouth
>Removes his pants and push his hard dick against my butt
>I try to defend myself but i can't move
>Force the entry, it is extremely painful instantly crying
>Still trying to move, friend not moving an inch
>He push further in, the pain is unbearable
>I stop moving
>Continue to move in my butt harder and harder
>I don't feel much anymore
>I'm fainting
>When i regain consciousness, i touch my butt
>Blood and cum
>Friend is gone
>Blood on the floor
>My back hurts and my ass too

Never talked to them ever again, never told anyone. Not every story is nice and cuddly guys, i'm gonna sleep now cya

>I guess i finish the story so i can go to sleep.... The part that actually traumatized me....
Awwww D: That's absolutely horrible D:

*hugs tight* I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry the friend didn't help either :/ You'd think he'd be able to at least call 911. He had probably been raped before :(

Take care, buddy :( *hugs*

I've got PTSD myself, but that was just regular parental abuse and a near-death experience at work when I was 20. Nothing sexual.

Yeah is think he abused his brother too.
Thanks again, it was long time ago but "strong" experience as you can read

Yeah. Traumas can dimish a bit if you work at it but they don't really go away.

Plus, they tend to cause a lot of shame/guilt so even when a person is completely innocent like in your story, it's fairly common for them to feel like they "deserved" it. It's not logical but that appears to be how minds cope with trauma.

For years i was asking myself why did he do that thing to me. Was it my fault.

Makes sense... it for sure wasn't your fault. He was just selfish and saw an opportunity... and was egoistic enough to take advantage of it.

But most victim minds work like yours, trying to find things they could've done differently, even when they did nothing wrong.

I think it's because it's easier to imagine that "if only I didn't do X I would be safe" than just feeling powerless.

But it doesn't work in the long run, because then afterwards, to be safe, you try to avoid doing whatever it was that caused the attack.

When the real solution is to just realize that we're now bigger and can protect ourselves better (and sometimes there's still just no way to be 100% safe, because that's how reality works).

Anyways, lots of love to you mate. You didn't deserve any of that, and still he hurt you really badly. I wish I could undo the damage for you. *hugs*

Good night user thanks

Aww, you're welcome ^^ Good night, sweet dreams mate :D

>>be 6’2”, 250lbs
>>no one brave enough to say shit
>mfw iktf
Sometimes I wish I had been a trap but then I remember that feel and it's so fucking based.

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Hey, I have the "body" of a shota any advice to give me? safe, maybe? What's your goal? o.o

from the thumb i was sure it was naru from barakamon
just shopped?



Feels bad man


Not really sure, anything to treasure it?

I had an oddly similar family dynamic except dad was always asleep

I mean, if you just wanna get laid a lot you can probably take advantage of it somehow. But then again, the kind of people you'd be able to catch that way may not be the kind of people you wanna be with.

like that guy said, be safe. You can attract quite the crowd but that crowd may not be the best people. In any case, wanna go grab lunch somewhere? :p

>tfw talking to a qt shota on omegle
>even got him to timestamp for me because I was skeptical of his age (8yo)
wtf is this world coming to

what a wordy bread


you better be nice

holy fuck what even is this thread, some cute bumps fwiw

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i would like to, but I live in Asia :

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I am, even though he is on a very questionable interest. I think we're gonna play some minecraft together

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Truly a gem of a manga

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Stop with the real straight shota please

From reading this thread, it looks like attraction to shota only appears in guys who themselves were touched/molested/fucked in childhood.
Am I the only one who never had any sexual intercourse with anyone and just found one day that he's attracted to younger boys?

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make me

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I'm sure you're not, don't worry about it if you are

I didn't get molested, but I did grow up in a nudist community and that might've contributed.

I've never had sexual intercourse before, yet here I am.

It's just kinda weird reading all you guys (honestly quite disturbing) backstories, while being completely "clean" myself. I feel like I don't have enough justification for being a shotacon compared to most of you or something, lol.

So at least I am not a complete oddity.

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how the heck does a shota that age stumble into a questionable tag

>It's just kinda weird reading all you guys (honestly quite disturbing) backstories, while being completely "clean" myself. I feel like I don't have enough justification for being a shotacon compared to most of you or something, lol.
Honestly, I find most stories on Yea Forums to be made up, I'm not saying that they all are and I don't want anybody to feel like their stories are not "real enough", I just find this site easier to deal with if I don't believe anything that is being said without undeniable proof.
You can't help being a shotacon, don't feel like you are unworthy of being a degenerate. That can't be a healthy train of thought

he wets the bed so put two and two together

I will specifically look "away" from the people im peeing next to so that they can look at me without fear of me seeing


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You are doing God's work user

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ok that makes a lot of sense actually lmao

Made in Abyss - for all your (crying) and Shota needs.

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shotas look at my dick all the time with no regard so I don't worry about it

Just how upsetting is this anime? I really want to watch it but I have to be careful with what I watch sometimes because things can trigger flashbacks for me

Am I the only one not comfortable with using urinals? I haven't used one since I was like 7

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>not wanting to enjoy the view
I take this 9yo I babysit into the family bathroom's because he pulls his pants/undies all the way down and his shirt all the way up and I don't want people to see me near him

I love the view, it's just I'm not comfortable with having my dick out with other people near me

eh its mostly shotas I see next to me and I have them beat in the size not uncomfortable for me

it's brutal. I've never cried harder watching an anime, and the manga is even more intense.

It's a beautiful back and forth of life's most difficult and fucked up situations, remedied by the innocence and adventure of their team. Nothing has moved into my top 3 in over 5 years until I finished MIA

As far as ptsd goes, I recommend confronting those flash backs. that's how we heal, user

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Sauce & moar, please?


>As far as ptsd goes, I recommend confronting those flash backs. that's how we heal, user

I'm God bless you user. Give and you shall be rewarded

You are the most powerful being in your life, don't forget it!

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you got basically the entire greentext there m dude. what did you wanna know?

Yeah don't take it too far, just show a little and never take it further than that

Nothing quite like that.. I want to like.. wink at people sometimes, or be able to give them a wry smile

something that is far enough away, but still "enticing"

God damn I just want to perfect the art of teasing I think

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kek. Well you've got more balls than I do

>You are the most powerful being in your life, don't forget it!

We hit the reply limit so I am going to just spam shota now

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Before this thread dies I just want to say I loved it. Been having a rough time lately and it's nice to have a chill shot thread to take shit off my back. Thanks

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Anything happen? Show anything? Talk about anything?

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We didn't hit the reply limit..

We can make another

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Yeah we did. Not image limit though. The thread is not getting bumped anymore so I'm just posting shota until the thread dies

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shotabros rarely let down c:

of all the threads on Yea Forums, who would have guessed that the pedos would be the more welcoming bunch? xD

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It's weird. Since accepting the fact that I like dudes these threads have been my favorite on Yea Forums