The wage gap doesn’t exist. It’s perfectly fine to not allow transgender people into the military. Abortion isn’t morally correct. Anybody care to discuss any of these?
The wage gap doesn’t exist. It’s perfectly fine to not allow transgender people into the military...
Why does op have to continually post this trash? Care to discuss?
The voice of no argument
Doesn’t take away from it being the truth, and an honest question.
If you had a logical rebuttal to any of those statements, you would’ve made them. Instead you called it trash just like a typical liberal who doesn’t like to defend their faulted opinions
Souls do not exists therefore abortion up until the brain is formed is not much different than scraping cells off ur cheek
This was my post here. I agree on the other shit tho op
Actually, the cells off of your cheek are made up of your genetic code. A fetus, child, whatever you’d like to call them, is a completely independent genetic code so it would not equate to scraping off cheek cells.
>posts a shitty bait meme
>expects to be treated like an adult
Do you see the mistake you made kiddo?
Learn from it
All I see is a lack of an argument being made.
No you dont
> Wage gap doesn't exist
This is a troll comment
> It's perfectly fine to not allow transgender people into the military
How does being transgender nullify your ability to fight as a soldier? Granted, I don't believe the military should pay for sex-change operations.
> Abortion isn't morally correct
Newsflash! A lot of things people do aren't morally correct (for instance, surf Yea Forums). Yet we still do them because we enjoy the effect of doing it.
>continuously baits
>expects arguments
Quit being a faggot
Kek gtfo the thread if it means that little to you dude.
8==D ok
you are wrong on all accounts but the way you presented this shows you just want to bait and troll.
>Abortion isn’t morally correct
Implies an objective morality.
You will first have to prove the existence of an objective morality in order for you to make an assertion over what is or isn’t “morally correct”
And with that, I win the argument.
So Fucking easy
Who said genetic code being different mattered? My sperm aren't my genetic code either, they are only half. And I kill them regularly
Calm down buttercup , it’s just an Internet comment.
You’ll live
>Abortion isn’t morally correct.
You lose me on that one, OP. A small collection of cells isn't a person. Now, if you want to talk 3rd trimester I might agree with you. Especially when the bitch had 6 months to make a decision.
The wage gap certainly doesn’t exist. If pay is negotiable and women happen to be happier with less money, that’s on them. At the end of the day, a business just wants to make money so they’re trying to hire people for the lowest salary they’re willing to take.
The military doesn’t let people who have visible tattoos, hearing problems, are colorblind, have mental illnesses, etc join so why should someone who poses a risk of not being able to perform their job due to medications, surgery, whatever be allowed?
I’m actually not anti abortion, I just believe there’s no moral argument that can be made for it.
They are though
Agree. I’m not anti abortion there’s just no moral argument for it.
Exactly. If u question these people down it always comes down to having a soul. Separation Of church and state nikkuh
No if that were true I could only have boys. Think about that real quick
>Wage gap doesn't exist
yea it like 95 cents on the $1.00
and it 100% logically explainable 0% sexism
Not really. Killing a small human has nothing to do with a soul. Killing a 1 yr old isn’t legal either.
>How does being mentally ill effect your ability to fight as a soldier?
fixed and self evident
3 weeks in cells is not a human retard. No brain no pain no problem
Well I meant wage gap as it’s portrayed by most people. It’s not some nefarious dude hiding in a dark corner and making plans to pay a woman less money than a man.
Are you trying to say a fetus doesn’t have a brain until it’s born?
Yet here you are replying to it in multiple posts like the newfag you are
>Newsflash! A lot of things people do aren't morally correct (for instance, surf Yea Forums). Yet we still do them because we enjoy the effect of doing it.
just remember over 75% of the kids aborted are black
and the rest are mostly minorities
its the Democrats Eugenics program
modern day lynching
OP literally cannot suck enough cocks
Nah I see what you’re saying but your sperm won’t become a child unless it meets an egg. The sperm itself has no life/value until it conceives a kid
No god damn retard. I'm saying early abortions are cool. Obviously after 27 weeks is just murder. Now maybe 27 weeks is still murder but early on when it's a group of cells and no brain who gives a fuck. Souls don't exist and neither does santaclaus
>no moral argument that can be made for it.
Personal choice.
Fuck your “moralistic” arguments.
You’re going to have to prove first - what is the “moral argument” against abortion - other than “I think it’s wrong”, because protip nobody gives a fuck about you or your opinion, and secondly why your subjective opinion based morality should top someone’s personal choice over their body autonomy
Server with no rules
Anything goes
Do what ever you like
(Take off the extra dot)
And the fertilised egg will not grow when aborted from the womb.
Your “argument” is dumb even for a retarded faggot such as yourself
who the fuck cares if abortion is morally correct, the fetus has almost the same level of intellegence of a gold fish. Even considering the fetus of a person it's still braindead anyway as a fetus. There's no purpose for it no reason for it to live and if it's aborted why tf would you care
It’s not body autonomy at a certain point. It’s not the mother’s body. She also had the autonomy to keep her fucking legs closed or to take a fucking pill
Not globally you retarded shit-hat
>Exactly. If u question these people down it always comes down to having a soul.
You're thinking "soul" in terms of religion. Some think of "soul" as the essence of an individual human.
It's like when I say I would never use a Teleporter if it was created because the question "Does it also teleport my soul" can't be answered. Does it move ME to a different location? Or does it kill ME and create an exact replica? That too is "soul".
Soo...nice one Elon Musky..
Then why not say "individual" to be more precise?
Oh right because u are just bullshitting
>not the mothers body
Well then, if it’s not the mothers body, then she is under no obligation to sustain an unwanted parasite. remove the foetus from the womb and see how it fares on its own.
A soul? No scientific proof of that bud. Do you remember being 1? No? You likely wouldn't be conscious you were being aborted either. The issue should be hosts choice.
And the autonomy to go get an abortion.
You’re bad at arguing
Are you saying soldiers don't fight with PTSD while in combat situations?
You know... it’s like eating a bunch of cake. You know it’ll make you sick/fat but you do it anyway. Getting pregnant is like that. Sticking our dumb decisions is a part of being an adult.
>Are you saying soldiers don't fight with PTSD while in combat situations?
By definition, no.
Lol they didn’t have that before they got into the military and when it starts to affect them they get their asses discharged
Not an argument against abortion .
Prevention beats correction every time
Dude we agree. Lrn2reed
maybe if you look down and see your genitals and don't know which gender you are, maybe you're not intellectually suitable for the job :)
>by definition
The “post” in “post traumatic” can be any event not currently in the present or future.
Your “by definition “ attempt at a semantic argument fails at first principle
Prove it
It’s requesting that people stop relying on medicine to fix their mistakes. You can’t smoke 4 packs a day and expect to go to the doc to get cancer removed and then continue doing the dumb behavior. Like I said, I’m not anti abortion, but I just think there’s not a moral argument for it.
>wage gap doesn't exist
But it statistically does, faggot. Not the gap the Tumblr feminists are pushing, but it does exist. Women definitely don't just choose to take lower paying jobs, that's the logic of a retarded 5 year old.
>transgender thing
Transgender should be allowed in the military if they're perfectly healthy. Why should they be excluded? I can understand the nutcases, and the ones who still need to go to their therapies weekly, but if someone's done with that shit for a few years already and perfectly healthy, what speaks against it except transphobia?
Abortion is essentially murder. That clump of cells will for a fact evolve into a baby with a pretty high certainty. Just because you don't literally kill the baby when it's out of the womb, you prevent it from even getting there by murdering it in advance. You prevent a life from existing by terminating it beforehand, in my eyes it's murder
>intellectually suitable
It’s high school drop outs and brainlets who swallow propaganda who make soldiers. “Smarts” is the opposite of what they want
What’s the moral argument against it?
Women choose to not negotiate their pay as well as men and they also choose to not ask for raises as often as men.
There is none. I’m actually pro choice. I just know that there’s no moral way to argue for it.
>You can’t smoke 4 packs a day and expect to go to the doc to get cancer removed and then continue doing the dumb behavior.
You absolutely can you retarded shitstain.
What you like or dislike has literally fuck all to do with it
took my bait
nice job clown
Yeah but why? Tip: free will doesn't exist
Well if there’s no moral argument either for or against it, then why bring up a “moral argument” as the crux of it?
Sure there is. If it's a case where the mother's life is in danger or a fetus conceived through rape then it's not immoral.
You actually can’t. Bc you’ll die :)
Wrong post sry
I actually disagree on the rape one. Just bc something bad happened doesn’t mean to get to do something bad to someone else who had no part in it.
>You prevent a life from existing by terminating it beforehand, in my eyes it's murder
The same argument could be made as to why forceable rape should be made legal. If the woman doesn’t want to be raped, then she is, with a fair amount of certainty, preventing a future life from existing.
See where your “moral argument” leads?
You quoted a post about smoking.
You wouldn’t be terminating a life. You’d be taking preventive measures to ensure the life doesn’t get created in the first place. Contraception doesn’t equal murder
It’s “morally wrong” for the rich to hoard wealth when there are poor people suffering from their poverty.
It is morally wrong to invent a cure for a disease and then deny access to that cure because you want to protect a patent in order to turn a profit.
Funny how your “morals” are completely flexible, almost as if they are arbitrary (protip : they are completely arbitrary)
And in so doing, prevent a future life from existing , which by your definition, is murder.
So condoms = murder.
Your reasoning is routed on puritanical era ideas about sex and sexuality.
How repressed are you
Literally no one mentioned any of that stuff. Go home newfag.
No one said murder. And no one said preventing the creation of a life (sperm meeting egg) isn’t murder. It’s contraception idiot
There's a difference between preventing life from being created in the process of being created, and preventing life from being created before the process ever starts.
>nobody mentioned morals retard
You’re not qualified for this are you
Sorry you’re poor but we’re just talking about abortion
The end result is a future little baby life being snuffed out of existence.
How cruel and ‘immoral’ of you
I'm still pretty torn on the whole abortion thing. On the one hand, I love the idea of killing babies. but on the other, it gives women a choice
No, you’re talking about morals. You just didn’t realise it.
Because you’re a retard
That’s why I’m so against it. It’s just not right. Women don’t deserve that many options.
There's a huge chance that the baby will be conceived once you're pregnant, and the conception wasn't against your will. There's a very low chance to even get pregnant when getting raped, and the baby is against your will. It's a completely false equivalency. Those 2 could not in any way be more different.
Seems like you’ve forgotten (or never learned) how to read. Rich vs poor is not what’s being discussed. Come up with an argument for the topic at hand or start a new thread about your poordom and it can be discussed.
Apologies, not conceive, I meant give birth to a baby.
>There's a very low chance to even get pregnant when getting raped,
What retardation is this?
How, exactly, does the gamete signal to the egg that the conception was a result of rape?
Rape used to be the primary method of conception in our prehistory you regarded shit-for-brains.
We have plan b pills now
1.3 percent of abortions are due to rape. Stop arguing off of a statistical outlier
Rich vs Poor isn’t being discussed by me either.
Ironic that your reading comprehension is so lacking, yet you criticise others.
The flexibility and arbitrary nature of “morals” , as exampled in my post, destroys your entire premise of morality, as applied to abortions and beyond.
Make a “moral argument” against abortion, and I’ll show you why your opinions are as worthless as you are
Picture this.
You're in a burning fertility center. You have the option of saving one 6 month old human child or as many fertilized eggs as you can carry. What do you grab?
I think you’re actually retarded so I’m gonna stop being mean.
No, retard.
You explain yourself.
Can’t make pig shit eatingly incredulous statements like “can’t get pregnant from rape” and expect not for this to now become the entire topic of the thread.
You and your complete ignorance of human reproduction.
This is what happens when incels have an opinion
I didn’t say the rape thing, dumbfuck. Reply to the right person and learn how to use Yea Forums newfag
Mean/nice, I couldn’t give a fuck. It holds no argumentative weight.
I’d really appreciate it if you could simply string a consistent thought together in a single post.
start by making the ‘moralistic’ argument against abortions, just to, at the very least, lend your premise a quantum iota of credence
Same fag
Jacking off onto a bitches stomach=murder
Still doesn’t explain why you brought up moral arguments for completely unrelated subjects. There is no moral argument for it but that doesn’t mean I’m anti abortion. Like I said, learn to read.
I wasn’t the one arguing off a statistical outlier you fucking retard.
You replied to the wrong person first.
This here is your fault
Because it's also unlikely if it's not rape. It sometimes takes years to get pregnant. Stop going full retard.
I said you're comparing being pregnant to the low, low chance of conceiving when being raped in a one-time event.
See, it’s called “examples”.
Examples are when you.... you know should already know this before coming here.....if you expect me to teach you I expect to be paid
I'd kill a baby.
>It sometimes takes years to get pregnant.
And it sometimes happens on the first time, one and done.
I fail to see what that has to do with the price of apples though
If your argument is:
>"unborn children do not have souls therefore it is acceptable to terminate them"
But you also believe that souls do not exist at all, by your prior logic, shouldnt it be acceptable to terminate any and all life? Baby, child, adult?
Nice try. It’s really interesting to see people try to justify being stupid. Have a good night.
You are right, but not in the way you think.
Good night retard.
You lost this argument
Oh yeah, let's base our moral principles on exceptions. Good job buddy.
I mean half of trannies commit suicide so there's that. Suicide rates a greater than thode with major depressive disorder and the army screens for ANY episode of depression in an individual's life. They ask you if you have ever been sad in your life. Seriously.
So lets stick a faggot in a high stress environment which already elevates suicide attempts while in service and after service. Lets give them a gun and make them responsible for the lives of other people.
>its just a clump of cells
user... I hate to break it to you
You've clearly never been involved with the military. Military does not care hoe long ago an episode of XYZ happened. Furthermore, there is no such thing as a healthy tranny. Its the definition of mental illness. Also, being trans is a continual condition. Finally, incredibly high suicide rates among those with the condition outside of the military. Ffs
Does anyone have pictures of tits. I need to express my genital but my internet is broken.
Or we could apply the same tried and true filtering mechanics to all people (regardless of their orientation) and if they pass, they get to be in the army. If we assume the prospectives are humans (which they most likely are) then the tried and true methods of selection should be able to weed out the weak links.
What are you even talking about? I'm in the army. Transgenderism is a mental illness where 50% of those who have it commit suicide and even more attempt it. That's the problem.
I’m not the one making the “moral argument” you retarded fuckwit.
I’ve yet to see a so le credible “moral argument” that doesn’t boil down to “I don’t like it”.
If you don’t like it, don’t do it.
Problem solved faggot
You are making the case for veganism.
The same “moralistic” argument could apply to any living organism. Of course that would be retarded, but that is the logical conclusion of your argument. Retarded
>herp derp
Those statistics only apply in America. It is not a universal principle, but a societal influence.
Your society is what is fucked up, not the concept of transgenderism, which has examples all the way back to earliest recorded history
No need to get triggered, snowflake
Your whole foundation is retarded, and just because you can't think of a response you throw around with insults like monkeys with shit.
Have fun being a retard.
The argumentative equivalence of “I know you are but what am I”:
You aren’t making any point to advance your argument, or making any progress in arguing against.
You’re just acting retarded, because you can’t argue against the charge that morals are arbitrary and flexible and so not a basis from which to argue any point.
Notice how I both make my argumentative point while also calling you a retard. The two are not mutually exclusive. Got it now, retard?
So you were simply acting like a retard in order to trick me?
Unfortunately for you, the difference between someone pretending to be a retard and someone actually being retarded is functionally nil.
>The wage gap doesn't exist
Objectively false. If it didn't exist people wouldn't be bringing and winning cases against employers for it to this day. The very fact that people still have to means companies out there still believe they can get away with justifying lower pay based on nothing. They can't. Lower or higher pay can be justified only by
>Seniority or length of service (only through promotion or raises, you can't advertise an identical position at a lower wage than you did last time)
>Working patterns (a night shifter can be paid more or less than a day shifter)
>Qualifications or testable skills and competencies
>Location (a worker at a city branch with identical duties can be paid more or less than their non urban counterpart)
Nothing else justifies difference of wages, and yet people still try.
>It's fine to not allow transgender people in the military
Actually no, it's not. It's fine to have the military stop bankrolling their transition to stop abuser of the system, but just saying 'no, you can't come in' even if they pass psych is unacceptable and immoral.
>Abortion isn't morally correct
Situational and subjective. An unviable child can and should be aborted guilt free. I believe mandatory carry-to-term and adoption for viable (and only viable) children is the best way morally, on a personal level, however larger considerations must be taken into account for a fuller moral understanding for unwanted children. One must consider how will children generally cope in the system, rates of adoption, and overpopulation concerns. Aborting an unthinking, unfeeling mess of cells before the second trimester is only immoral if you are determined to do mental gymnastics to try and think of that lump as a person already.
Just my $0.02.
No, he makes the distinction between something with a brain and without. Without a brain, this literally a cluster of cells.