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Church wasn't actually that keen on burning witches....

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Delt this

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it's just an eyesore at this point

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Read it ya cunt

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jokes aside at least this is actually true and cannon instead of those fucking dumb """"""headcannons""""""" tumblr eats up

Please die

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Stfu christfag

Are you rarted?

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You do understand that they're all animals, except the player's character which is a child, which would make her a Pedophile with a preference for interspecies sex... right?

what the fuck has this site gone to... this is like the most diluted garbage

Yeah but its ok if she's also lgbtq+

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Lmao I'm not defending the church. I only said what I remember reading.

Fucking lost

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I chuckled.
Also checked.

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Barneydoo McBrevitz!

Mostly stuck with hangings followed by throwing the body in water to see if it sank or floated. There are a few instances where they chose the pyre

J.J. McMoistbeef presented the gift of laughter.



Few things

>Nice trips
>Gender Studies is a meme of a major ( i am a male undergrad going for nursing to become a CRNA)
> A girl is doing gender studies, and her classes all look super easy
> the only thing you can do with a gender studies degree is say you are trained to speak bullshit and keep your barrel fire up under the bridge your living in

Top kek

this is why you can't divide by zero

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so simple. i lost

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Harambe Ham-and-Beans wins the race against the manticore and then we were going on a cruise to be exceptional and I bought a few weeks and I have been working on a project for the weekend but I don't want what you are looking for and how much you love her to do the same with me.

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Cadbury spittle-pips!

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First thread in a long time fags haven't ruined with raypist and anime

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Polber gubbins make the day go faster. Also some dubbous waffles and snake juice.

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Daffodil prugg falamitt brelver hogan gloaphts beevle hammertits.



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First thread in a long time fags haven't ruined with raypist and anime

aww got me

pretty disappointing that what he made of it was being a nazi and getting punched

fuck boomers

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Movie? source?

the bubbaduck

I am from Europe and I approve this.


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>take that, droompt!

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Not gonna lie, this is definitely me when I cum on my hermit crab while farting and he starts eating it after

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>oh yea, drumpght literally destroyed!

even if there was 0 collusion he would still be the worst american president in history. with collusion, which again i'm not saying there is, he's a contender for worst leader in history.


that's disgustingly accurate

Attached: s.jpg (220x176, 13K)


Put Them Back!

>Wahh I hate taxes. I just want to live independently of the government and shit in a hole in the ground the way god intended!


best one here, don't know why


First thread in a long time fags haven't ruined with raypist and anime

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RIP I love this woman so much. So sad she passed, but she died for us.


>best one here, don't know why

Probably because most of the content is dad-meme tier shit created by aging dudebros and normies playing at being edgy which have infested the site top to bottom.

ylyl threads have never been so easy to win.

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When the fuck does it hint at this? I've played the shot out of this game and issabelles as flat a character as she is a bitch

>contender for worst leader in history
Then you don't know history, retard.
I'm not partial to Trump, but Jesus Christ

>being this mad about trump

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Hahaha holy shiy

It means fuck-all. It's a gameplay convention to stroke off the player, and is meaningless in the context of the character. Think of it like the Quantum Superposition of sexuality. She is both gay and straight before the game starts. As soon as you create a character, the waveform collapses and her sexuality is determined based on the gender of the character the player chooses.

They could let you play as a mailbox, and she'd still be attracted to your character.


I still go to work each day and pay taxes, nothing has changed. I stopped watching the news, nothing has changed.
I stopped caring about the system, I'm now happier...hmm.

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almost lost

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lost to lost

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why did I lose to this?

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Must suck to fight in WW2 against the Nazis only to learn absolutely jack from the experience and then act like a Nazi in later life.

>73 KB JPG
> (OP) #
This got me

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Fuck you

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Stop, I can only get so erect

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Rip the actual queen of Yea Forums

Fucking slippery japs!

fart when you cum on your hermit crab

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Checked and keked





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So apparently Australia's blocked Yea Forums

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Where's canada?

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Kys, probaply just another alt right faggot who wants to destroy the EU to make it USA 2.0


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The fucking "thanks" reply made me lose ffs

Attached: 6155253317.jpg (1916x1604, 213K)

Had a seizure and lost. Thanks


If I was 10 I'd tap that.

Aldritch, is that you?

Attached: 568771.jpg (1200x896, 96K)

Lost. 2nd post too. It was the do cocaine about it phrasing.

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>tfw absolutely topping that chart
feels poofy and un-australian, man

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I hate you so much

So he’s Shane Dawson?

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dont reply it it dont work. I never reply

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pot calling the kettle black

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Duly noted. Thank you good sir

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oh i'm sorry.


You fucker


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I seriously hate those fucking slopes...

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Attached: president-faggot-is-hungry-today.png (1022x1530, 1.87M)

my laptop got wiped and i lost this gif.
im happy to have found it again, thank you user

Attached: 1514168267323.gif (500x390, 1.92M)

Everyone knew Barack was a stupid faggot. Thats why he married a man

They used to put this short before actual Godzilla movies if you rented them on tape, back when that was a thing. Can probably find it on youtube. It's only like 20 seconds long.

real shit nigger

>worst leader in history
Ok bud, what ever you say

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found one


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Simple and pure. I snorted and I'm ashamed.


Attached: Wotbotch.gif (516x283, 1.58M)

this is me when I smell that my hermit crab is horny for my cumfart

Good job NPC 500

>how do I prove that I’m not just a robot?
>I’ve got it! I’ll run a replaceAll() on human memes and substitute their buzzwords with my own!

Attached: 1522957536614.gif (400x300, 1.92M)

That's antisemitism. Everyone knows that Jews are oppressed and don't run anything.

God I wish he didn't quit porn

What a stupid fucking retard. Never heard of an optical illusion? HUH? Fucking idiot cat.

At least he thinks capitalism is better than socialism.

Attached: 2points.gif (400x225, 1.4M)

This is actually really hawt

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Reply to this reply or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

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Why the fuck would you put that in a rotating door? Is that the joke?
If it is, it sucks your mom's sad, saggy tiddies.

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Seeing the Rhino without a horn makes me fucking sad

Whats in the original one?


Liberal cucks out by the droves today

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Fuck u




>The left always uses strawman arguments! Fucking libtard faggots!

Wall of text
Left cant meme



Firefighters are the true heroes

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why the fuck did I lose to this?

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no, the media is making you think that by hiding Jews and Jewish Imagery in Israel.

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Salty nazi

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>bored and funny
the true driving forces behind everything (+lust)

Careful, now. There’s people that actually believe this.


This must be the best blowjob of his life,after that bj he died

I would watch that!


True. In America like salem, the witch trials were actually perpetuated by fake christians, aka jews, and it was actually the Jews who were doing the real witching and poisoning people and scapegoating innocents. Fucked up shit.

ok I leled
this one is true

I can't figure it out. Is this supposed to be Trump or Arthas

What is this delusional indoctrinated bs LMAO

Get this from your pastor father, did you?


Fuck you I'm crying. FUCK.

Your right, the church actually wasn't in favor of witch hunts. It was the civil authorities and the general public who would just go nuts and start accusing people.

Now heresy on the other hand...

You cunt

9gag tier humor

Fucking Amazing.



I don't get it... can someone tell me the joke?

Way below Ifunny standards


Son of a bitch

obvious clip reversal, lel
Still kekked my anus off

Honestly I clicked because I thought that nose was a flaccid uncircumcised dick.

One for him

Jews? I think you mean Puritans, who were Protestants and hated the Church.

I'm probably being baited but meh.


There were witch trials before Salem in Europe some of which happened in Catholic areas, although the Church wasn't involved. It was the general populace and civil authorities who freaked and did that.

Happy little trees...

oh stop! that joke so dry and lame benny hill or letterman isn't laughing

Thats some funny shit!

You forgot boiling water. If they weren't boiled alive then they were a witch and were sentenced to hanging. If they did boil alive they weren't a witch, still dead, but at least not a witch.

In the last movie Spider-Man was turned into dust by a magic space gloves

Welcome to pawn 101, I am your teacher Les Gold.

Shitposting server.