>be me >20 yr old >let everyone down >relationship with my fiancee is ruined >friends are disappointed in me >spend over two hours on national suicide prevention hotline >patheticsobbing.gif >still can't get out of my room >friend knocked on my door a while ago >didn't answer, stayed in bed >couldn't let him see me like this
I just want to stop existing. I don't want anybody to feel any more pain because of me. Anybody else losing the will to live?
Which linkin park song is this I don’t recognize it
Nicholas Roberts
John Cox
speak to someone at least user - that will help. i understand life is shit but don't think you have nothing left to give because you're at a valley now.
you're only 20 brother, many more peaks and valleys to journey through yet.
Carson Wilson
20 years old, with a fiance, that's where you fucked up. There is so much pussy in the world, don't settle for pussy from your hometown
Ryder Wright
Thank you man. Right now I'm just trying to eat. I haven't been able to eat in a few days. Thank you for saying those things to me.
Matthew Richardson
Dylan Watson
just have a cigarette, drink some beer, listen to something easy (lyrics are too complicated) and go to sleep.
that's what I do
Ethan Wood
She's so emotionally dependent on me. Every time I tell her that I want to leave, she starts crying and begging and pleading. I can't stand to hear her cry like that, user. Thank you for talking to me.
Parker Foster
What have ye done to screw everything up you nigger?
Grayson Price
that's understandable mate. just take it easier and get in contact with some friends to get you outside so you don't get trapped in your head.
whilst your alone listen to some good music. i listen to an album called "to record water for only ten days" when i'm going through shit - good album.
Jackson Perry
i've had a relationship like that once, best to do is man up and ghost her irl
tried to talk to her like a human but she would just turn on the water works and i could never get a word in
look out for yourself before anybody else user, keep that mindset and you'll be set for life
Leo Butler
Ok, I'll actually try this. I don't know if you're kidding or not, but thank you for posting. It feels nice to hear this.
Dominic Jones
Eh op, your problem is you care too much about what other people think about you. So what if you've "let people down." Like yeah, do what you can if you want, but live more for your sake than making others happy. You're miserable because of them. Relax and realize you don't need them to enjoy your life.
Matthew Bennett
I hate when people make threads like these either kys or shut the fuck up
Carson Wood
I can't really explain what happened, but everyone is really disappointed in me. I didn't want to hurt anybody. I just wanted them to be happy. Now I can't leave my room to face anyone. Thank you for caring though, user. Sorry
Robert Gomez
Dude youre 20. Deal with this shit. When you are done youll feel good like never before. I went through a depressive time um my 20s too, so believe me when i say its going to be bater soon
Hudson Reyes
just wait until you're in one of these situations user, i know being 14 and only worrying about the cute girl who ignores you isn't all that tough, it'll get worse the longer you stay with us
Liam Clark
Stop being a faggot and live for yourself and not the approval of others. Or neck yourself and let Cthulhu buttfuck your soul until the next iteration of the universe.
>to record water for only ten days Ok, I'll listen to this. Thank you very much user.
Cooper Davis
At least you have a friend. that isnt online. Right now I am not depressed, but thinking about it wil make me. So give 20 minutes, I allready got the shot gun. just need to go to walmart and get buckshot.
Nathaniel Gray
Suck my dick I've been on 50150 hold before I hate bullshit crying on here KYS OR SHUT THE FUCK UP
Wyatt Lee
this My ex was like that. He'd guilt me into basically waste my life inside all the fucking time and not see any of my friends. Cried horribly when I moved out. I couldn't stand living in that shithole with his family anymore. Don't let this girl drag you down man, don't give a fuck about what other people think. This is your life, live it how you want to.
welcome brother, let me know what you think if the thread isn't dead by then
John Brown
read this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nihilism tl:dr version, nothing in life really matters. That's why don't worry about things you did (or did not) in your life. Get yourself together man, there are things in world ready to be explored and experienced by you. Take your time, wounds will heal sooner or later, pain will go away. Think about entire situation, look at yourself now, and ask yourself a question. Does those problems even matter? Who cares if you did something wrong, just take it easy and carry on. Everything will get sorted out, don't worry. Peace man.
Henry Miller
you sound like a bigger bitch than anyone in this thread then
>I've been on 50150
what'd ya do? try to over dose on advil cause your mom left you?
Leo Jones
I know, but hearing her cry is the worst feeling in the world. Her dad abandoned her when she was 14, so she has a huge mental dependence on me. When she begs me to stay, it just hurts really bad. Thank you for what you said.
Hearing a few of you anons is weirdly better than the two hours on the suicide hotline. Thanks for making me feel better. You are good people.
Bentley Brooks
That makes sense. Thank you for saying that to me. This sounds so simple, but I never even thought about this.
Thank you for being kind to me. It means a lot, user.
John Diaz
that's because a majority of us agree that life is fucking shit but we all try to carry on for the hope for a better future. i'm 20 too and i can't stand it sometimes but if i kill myself now then i'll never get the chance to reach the happiness i seek.
Man, at least when you’re crying, you’re realizing that there have been better days and more WILL be coming, even if it’s just in small increments at first. You’re young, you think you know all the world has to offer but you don’t. You don’t have to settle down at your age, and you don’t need to sacrifice your life to please someone else. From the sounds of it, you are a good guy. Just don’t give up, and know you have a home here.
Gabriel Martinez
not OP but its nice to see a wholesome thread for once offering solid advice
Having someone who can empathize means a lot. Thank for telling me about your own experience. If you made it through, then I can make it too, I guess. Thanks for that, user. It really means a lot.
Dude youre fucking 20 years old. You have your whole life ahead of you. Relaxxxxxxxx man, everything will be fine !
Dont dwell on the negatives. Focus on the positives. Everyone gets down and various points in life. Just remember that
Liam Long
b/ro quit worrying about everyone else. focus on yourself, thats very important if your feeling this way. you need to love yourself before you can love someone else.
Ayden Morris
Ok, maybe I need some new perspectives like this. I'm hoping this can help. I appreciate it man. I only know a little about Nihilism.
Thanks for sharing this. I guess I was expecting more "stfu and kys" and less sympathetic input. Thank you very much bro.
Andrew Peterson
we can give you that if you want. you know us
Lincoln Hughes
Nihilism is stupid, a lot of stuff matters like having the ability to sustain your own dumb self
Jaxson Miller
Thank you man. Hearing this empathy means so much more than that suicide prevention phone call. The last place I expected to find a bunch of people giving me the hope to live was on a image board with furry porn and shit. Thank you so much user.
Benjamin Sullivan
How about you stop crying and get a Escitalopram prescription like the rest of us
I don't know why this means so much to me, but it this is what I needed to hear. Hearing that I have a home on this hell hole site means a lot to me. I know that sounds stupid af, but its true. Thanks user.
Robert Green
Bahaha that's me. 10mg a day. Started taking it because I was an alcoholic who drank for anxiety
Lucas Cook
Thanks man. Just hearing that another robot has these same struggles means a lot, in a weird way.
Jaxson Lewis
Pretty much these. It sucks to see someone you love hurting, and letting people down, but people who really love you won't manipulate you with guilt to get what they want. She's toxic and it's not your fault what happens to her after you leave. She needs to fix herself before she's ever gonna have a meaningful relationship.
Being in your 20s means you'll fuck shit up and hurt people, but that's a part of life, and unless you killed someone or something serious, it sounds like you're being a bit dramatic. Learn from it and move on. Find what makes you happy, fuck everything else.
Angel Moore
wrong board man
Kayden Gutierrez
You're right man. It's so easy to feel hopeless when everyone around me is disappointed in me. But you anons are right. I'm dwelling on the negatives. Thanks for saying this to me, man. You don't understand how much it means.
Jaxon Evans
So Yea Forums CAN be comfy at times. Never change Yea Forums, never change.
Henry Roberts
Best of luck. I wish I were 20 again. Keep your chin up
Ryder Peterson
when i was younger i did something pretty terrible to a family member
i couldn't bare to face them, stayed in my room for months and planned to end it all
got the notes ready, personalized everyone for each family member i cared about and went to eat dinner
i ate alone in the dinning room and my step dad on his way out to the backyard to have a smoke just patted me on the back and said, "I don't hate you user, I want you to know that." (I did the terrible thing to his kid)
hopefully this board can be your step-dad
we don't hate you user
Kevin Myers
Go see a doctor OP. Am a current medical student and I can guarantee you pharmaceuticals and CBT can save lives. Please go seek help, it's the same as someone with cancer going to see an oncologist.
Zachary Morris
>be me >35 yr old >neet since 1998 >feels great Taking it easy is the best way to enjoy life.
Lately I've been feeling almost as bad as a year ago. Every morning I wake up I think to myself "why not just end it all?". No one would miss me.
I can't live like this every single day. I'm not gonna do self harm before killing myself, because that's what retards and fags do. I have only told one person about my condition, and they seemed not to care or believe. That was 2 days ago.
I feel like that was the last straw. I'm going through with it. Soon.
Nathaniel Long
Ok, this sounds simple but makes so much sense. Thanks for saying these kind things to me, man. You really are helping me out a lot by saying that. I just need to eat and get up and start moving. Thanks so much user.
Anthony Edwards
iktf, but honestly, life isn't supposed to be happy and wonderful for everyone
i decided i would just go with the flow and maybe one day it'll go up, if it doesn't well who cares, still got my smokes and beer
Thank you so so much man. I don't blame her though. She's had a fucked up life. I just want her to be happy. She keeps telling me I'm the only thing that makes her happy in life. But you're right user. It wasn't that serious, but a lot of people got really hurt because of me.
Thank you for being so kind to me, bro. I really mean it.
Brody Howard
>tattoo Ewwww....
Jason Cooper
Haha yea. I'll post a link for a stream when I'll do it. Not today, but I will deliver.
Jaxon Lewis
Ian Williams
>aka not gonna actually do it
Jaxon Howard
See, now I have something to live for now
Connor Torres
I don't want to be crying like a bitch on a porn board, but this mean so much to me. I called my grandparents, old friends from high school, and even the suicide prevention hotline. I don't know how a bunch of Yea Forumsros did a better job at lifting me up, but it worked. This really helped me out today, and I needed it bad.
Easton Scott
hang in there bro
it will be all right
Nathaniel Watson
Yea Forums has stopped being as harsh as before it seems, for better or for worse
Gabriel Cox
(me) I was in a relationship with someone who had a fucked up childhood (physical, emotional, & sexual abuse) and guilted me in into staying for 8 years while we were both unhappy, man.
Benjamin Williams
Ok, user I really want to do this. I want to eat something first and get myself out of bed. Then I'll try to see a professional. This was honestly not even on my mind. Thank you for bringing it up. You are helping me out a lot. Thanks for this man.
Charles Thomas
I have been having these thoughts too. I know this sounds dumb as shit, but maybe we can get through it together. I just need to get out of bed and eat something. You can do this too. Let's at least try, man.
Nathan Kelly
Where do you feels faggots come from anyway? Facebook?
Anthony Bailey
My fiancee checks all three of those as well. 8 years sounds so fucking tough. I'm only 2 years in myself.
Easton Howard
Try 2 cups of STRONG coffee when you wake up. NOT starbucks..... make it yourself. Instant works good, too. Also, checked for you both.
Connor Robinson
Then leave her you imbecile, unless she's rich or gives you amazing sex that is
Juan Jenkins
Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys. If he counted them up as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it.
Dubs never lie. Let's do it. I'll try my best and you will too. What's wrong with being around for just one more day?
Nathaniel Sanders
so most to check in this thread
Luis Howard
Ok, I'll try this too. I've already been abusing alcohol. But I just lay in bed and feel like shit. Maybe the caffeine will help me get out of bed. Thank you for suggesting this user.
Well, by the time we finally broke up, I was pretty numb emotionally, but the ex blamed me for everything, calling names, even lying to mutual friends about me, so after everything was over I was feeling so good about being free of it. So, I guess I got lucky there...?
Matthew Morris
Life is hard.
TLDR My girlfriend of 3 year cheated on me with my best friend/roommate of 15 years.
It still rips me apart thinking about it even 4 months after. I've even broke down at work in front of co-workers. Just let it out, don't keep it to yourself. Your friends and family are their for you but they can't help you.
I understand wanting to be alone. I feel the same way even now. I want to be how my friends and family remember, but better. I'm not there yet but the time I've spent on my own I started working out, focusing on my art, eating healthier, looking for a new job, higher education, you name it.
Things have become clearer for me, yet I still don't have any aim.
Please user I've been there you'll be okay!
Daniel White
No to both of those. I just can't stand to see her cry and beg me to stay. The begging hurts so fucking bad. I'm so weak for staying. I'll try to leave her, user. Thank you
OP, I have an option for you. You meet with your friends and admit to them what you did wrong and ask them for help. Then you meet with your family and admit to them what you did wrong, and you ask them for help.
Clearly, you did something that you deem to be wrong. That is too bad. It is ok to feel guilt, regret, shame, disappointment. Negative feelings are ok. You can feel them. You don't have to avoid them.
You may feel extremely isolated. That makes sense. You think the world will turn its back on you. Maybe you feel that you have betrayed them. You can rebuild your relationships with your friends and family. The cost is humility and speaking honestly.
It is very difficult, but you have a noble path ahead of you if you choose it. Speaking the truth is the hardest thing to do in this world. If you do it, I guarantee you can get through this and repair yourself. You can handle this with grace and nobility and strength. It is possible. This might be the hardest thing you ever do in your entire life. Imagine, you can climb Mt. Everest now, and use the sheer height to propel you for the rest of your life.
You aren't worthless. Your life is meaningful and important. This one mistake isn't who you are. Be stronger than you think you can be. Good luck my friend.
Josiah Allen
Liam Parker
BUDDY! If neither of those are true then fuck it! get O U T before she pulls some shit and get half of your stuff
Nathaniel Jenkins
Also maybe check out The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me.
Jeremiah Green
gets* mb
Ayden Young
Owen Myers
Thank you so much for telling me this. I wasn't expecting so many Yea Forumsros to have gone through the same things. The amount of people willing to empathize feels so good. Thank you so fucking much user. If you can do it, I can do it too.
Jordan Rivera
Some people have a tendancy to project their fears, worries, and anxieties on to others. Sounds like your girl might be one of them. Don't let other people constrain your actions and decisions because of their anxieties. This is why you feel like a failure. True happiness comes from within not without.You are trying to do the impossible; make someone else happy. If you try to change or head down a new path; Some will call you selfish. Some will say you don't care about anything. They're are just playing argumentative mind games with you. Find yourself. Find out what you love. What you enjoy doing. I am 33. Quit a "real" job two years ago. Traveled. Left some people behind. Went back to school. Graduating in May. Feeling great. The first step is always the hardest. Things get better. The people that really care about you will be there regardless of how much time passes or what transpires.
Anthony Hernandez
It's easy to get stuck in the illusion that you'll feel that way forever.
I dated one with abandonment issues for 2 yrs. Said they wanted to work on it, never even tried. Would literally get black out drunk for fun. Went into hysterics when I tried to talk about breaking up. Not proud of it, but ended up cheating to end it. Not on purpose. I just couldn't deal with trying to talk about it again and watching that breakdown... If the relationship isn't making you happy, then leave. You'll regret it if you don't. There's only more heartache in the future.
Adrian Sanders
This. 100 times this.
Asher Hernandez
I was 20 when my girlfriend of 6 years left me suddenly without any warning. All of my “mates” instantly tried to talk to her after that because they’re pathetic boys who can’t network and socialise outside of their shitty high school circle.
I spent 3 weeks in a psyche ward. I attempted suicide twice. No one came to visit. Not even my mother and father.
It might seem so incredibly impossible, like it will never EVER be a reality, but it does get better user. You need to start being selfish, and to stop feeling bad for yourself. Buy shit that you want, don’t hesitate to eat out at a nice place. You have FRIENDS that love you, even if they might not say it. No one wants you to be sad, and no one will ever know what to say to you. Help your friends help you by letting them know you’re in a shitty place but you’re trying to come out of it and let them know you appreciate them. Get back to normal and find the new you, the real you. Love you user, take it easy.
Ok, I'll keep this in another tab. I have gotten so much advice from all of you. I have this shit on a txt file. Thank you for helping me out, man. I'm not sure what I was expecting from Yea Forums, but this is what I needed so badly.
Same shit here. I had no idea how little support I'd get from people when everything came apart, but I was completely on my own a couple years back. Was in a psych ward for a little while and eventually homeless. I'm doing much better now, though, after A LOT of struggle.
Landon Gutierrez
I needed this so bad. I have been feeling so ashamed and felt so worthless, I didn't want to face anyone. I don't want to stay like this. This shit means so much to me and I just want to get out of this room. This truly meant a lot to me to read this, user. Thank you
Dylan Ward
It's a normal effect of the estrogen.
Leo Scott
absolutely bud, Billy boy was my gateway drug to un-cuckery. after him i got into Jordan Peterson's stuff (which i also highly recommend), joe Rogan, and got into the gym.
Thank you man. I feel like I'm playing the most mind games with myself. You sound like you made yourself so happy. I want that too. I'll eat something, drink some water, and hopefully get out of bed and go outside. Thank you for talking to me, user. All of this sudden empathy is giving me so much courage.
Brayden Kelly
I really hope so man. I really believe you. Earlier today I wanted to die. After the suicide prevention call, I just felt even shittier. Somehow these posts mean so much more. Thank you for this, I really mean it.
Kayden Young
Man I know you don't want to hear it but these anons are right, at 20 you're only barely an adult. Getting married that young is wack as fuck. It's not over, you were just hitting the end of a phase of your life.
Thomas Brown
clean ya room bucko
Jeremiah Allen
>20 y/o >is engaged
What a fucking faggot you’re destined for shit if you’re making decisions like that at such a young age. Sometimes I wish you and all the other dudes that decide to get hitched young would all fucking neck themselves
Jaxson Lopez
I'm sorry to say this, but I feel so happy to hear someone else went through this too. I can relate to this so much. I really really needed to hear this, user. I mean it. Thank you for sharing this.
Bentley Peterson
All of these are the symptoms, not the cause of crippling depression.
Just another normie chiming in about something he knows nothing about.
You're right, user. There are an infinite number of shittier situations I could be in right now. Even though you were probably just joking, thanks for posting that.
Adrian James
Hey dude it will all be better, you are only 20 so you have plenty of time left to get yourself a hermit crab and cum on it while farting
Tyler Butler
I know I've said this a couple times already, but these posts really mean so fucking much to me right now. It sucks to hear what everyone else is going through or went through, but feels so fucking good to know that I'm not alone.
Earlier I was shaking, having a panic attack, throwing up, and literally contemplating jumping off a nearby parking garage.
I was freaking out and overreacting. Hearing this story and everyone else's calmed me down. I don't know if I really would have killed myself today, but I know I don't want to now.
tl;dr This is making me feel better now, went from wanting to die, to wanting to at least try to keep going.
Cooper Walker
fuck man >Free from sarlacc >not being battled by people who only talk to you when they want things >lazin about in compfy bed >20yo
Sounds like things are going good for you.
Lucas Sullivan
I actually started with Peterson and Rogan recently. It helps to just sit down and listen to other people. I want to go to the gym too, but I need to start eating and drinking water first. I've gotten so underweight from lack of eating recently. It feels like my body has been wasting away. Thank you so much bro.
Mason Reed
And last year I was criticizing my friend for getting engaged at 18. I'm no fucking better. It doesn't matter if I wanted to hear this, I needed it. I'm making too many mistakes, and I'm actually realizing it from Yea Forums of all places. Thank you for telling me this, man. I feel so stupid.
Colton Turner
Peterson is the one who saved me from the clutches of /pol/, Bill Burr saved me from suicide/cuckoldry, and finally Joe turned me into a full-on libertarian and overall normal person. I suggest you get on of those mini coolers, 1.8 gallons, and drink that throughout the day. Get some Cellucor brand protein and hit the gym every morning at 6 am. It does wonders user
Pack your shits, leave everyone behind and start a new life by yourself (I'm thinking to do the same thing)
Mason Rivera
>20 >fiancée
Well there's your fucking problem right there my nigguh
Jaxon Carter
Ey man not the same boat but girl problems yea im a bitch ass pussy so i cut
William Cook
but how though?
Joseph Campbell
OP here.
I'm so happy I made this post. So many of you Yea Forumsros are really nice people. Even if this post is sandwiched between furry porn and scat porn, this was the right place to go. Two hours on a suicide prevention line is nothing compared to all this empathy and advice.
try a morning routine every day do like 10 pushups while your coffee's brewing and read a page at least of a book helps me a bit at least
Nathan Wood
Stay strong brother, I know how you feel. Fucked up big time in college (about to graduate) around 2016. We won't meet again after this but I do hope you lived a good life after this.
Travel locally or abroad, listen to music (try new genre who knows you might like it), find new hobby, find a good book. Have fun in life again user find things that you'll love. Dream again in life, more challenges await you in life but you can do it.
Christopher Taylor
Hey OP, I've been in those shoes before. We're actually the same age. I don't know what kind of person you are though, but do me a favor and perhaps read through this article. Might give you some hope. It's understandable to have doubts and fears, as skepticism is natural, and I'm sure there will be anons being cunts about it, but without mushrooms I definitely would not have recovered. In any case, no matter what you do, I hope you're able to heal.
Thanks, man. I really want to get better, so I'll try this stuff. I really really appreciate it. This is helping me so fucking much. I'm already eating right now. I haven't gotten more than a few hours of sleep over the past few days, but I feel so much better, maybe I can finally sleep too.
Thanks for helping out a random stranger, user
Bentley Barnes
For what it's worth OP. I think you have a right to feel upset and sad about how things are going. If you got in way over your head with a girl and don't want to get married then that's just the reality. You are 20 years old dude. This is the time in your life where making mistakes like this literally happens to almost everyone. Everyone fucks up their relationships at 20 or gets way in over their head.
I want you to tell yourself that, as long as you haven't broken the law in any serious way, that at 20 as an unmarried guy with no kids, you can literally just leave town. Go to some remote state and start over and just ghost everyone in your life who turned on you. Fuck them dude, seriously. Go find a new life far away from all the bullshit or don't, but just know that at 20 you have so many second chances and so many freebies to start over.
Xavier Flores
I'm desperate to stop feeling this way, and go back to normal. I feel like I don't have much more to lose, so I'm willing to try anything. I just don't want to be depressed anymore, and linking me this article means so much to me. Thanks user, even if it doesn't work, this was so fucking kind of you.
Jordan Howard
i was, but now im happy. youll get their, user.
Jaxson Martin
It's worth a lot user. I was too ashamed to talk to anyone I know personally, and the boomer on the suicide prevention call tried her best, but didn't really help. These posts are really giving me hope to keep going. Thanks so much man.