What has President Trump actually achieved so far during his presidency?

What has President Trump actually achieved so far during his presidency?

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shitposting on the constitution

He broke the Youtube search. I'm sure it was him.


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The sheer volume of liberal tears has been amazing, drought breaking many times over.

>I'd stab myself in the eye with a fork if it would piss of a librul
k den

>liberal tears
Trump bitches harder than a 14 yo schoolgirl.
He literally never stops crying about how unfair everything is.

Hypocrites thy name is Cuntservatives

>getting more on your tax return
>having more income in general because the IRS isn’t taking it
>stabbing self in the eye

Yes. Paying more taxes so politicians can wage wars, and put in legislation that benefits corporations over small businesses sure is the best

Remember the response to a kid smiling snowflake? That was certainly some adult response wasn’t it?

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Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Pretty hard to do. Most people are at least able to achieve failure. Fucking pathetic.

oh I'm sure the corporations are so, so sad.

he'll live.

He's driven leftists crazy

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You are arguing that “the Dems” are whiny little bitches.
But you have done absolutely nothing to dissuade the claim that Trump is “King of the Whining Bitches”.

Hypocrite much?

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More than Hillary

he made the usa look even more retarded.

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Trump really has tried to follow through on his campaign promises. It just really sucks that his ideas/promises really fucking suck.

They are sad so so sad that their government bedfellows aren’t getting more in tax money from Democrats

It was a kid smirking and your side literally screamed for the death of the kids and their families.

>your side
You assume much and know little.
Typical faggot conservacuck


Show me the statement the Democratic Party released calling for the deaths of that kid and his family?

I’ll wait


>diminishing the role of the US on the global scene
>dismantling/ruining credibility of the allies/partnerships the US has long held
>encouraging partisanship amongst US citizens
>placing incompetent/completely underqualified people in key positions which in turns leads to corrupt/damaging impacts
>creating an ethos of mistrust within/outside as it relates to governmental agencies/branches

he's a fucking russian shill hoping to raise the global temperature, so that russia takes a pole position on the global stage and ruining any sort of relationship with china pushing them closer to ties russia

Do people honestly believe a single person the president dictates what happens. I kind of think thats bullshit. Like they would legit just let one dude do all this crap I have always thought it was set up probably beforehand by a secret council or something. So the whole pro and anti trump obama bush etc. Is hard to watch for me. Everyone getting goofed.

black unemployment?
taking our country back from the libcucks?
respecting the military?

what else do you need?

Wow yea such economic growth, so stimulating, [1]lowest consumer spending since 2008, [2]most farmer bankruptcies in over a decade, [3]highest ever recorded trade deficits with China, tired of winning yet?




God I could go on forever about how much this administration is fucking the average person.

it sets precedents, which in turn lead to often long term damaging effects. (you're not totally off by various groups setting the narrative, its just that they are like anyone else with greed, vanity, power, etc. which makes them more likely to be less uniformly focused with a single agenda)

>I'd prefer to save 100 dollars in taxes than 5000 in healthcare as long as my neighbor Jorge isn't getting free healthcare too.

Vote for politicians who don't want to pay corporations. It's pretty much just republicans who say "Government is bad, elect me and I'll show you just how bad it can be!" then they fuck shit up and continue the cycle.

His presence has successfully outed 40% of the public as uneducable morons. Not sure if this should count as an achievement.

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All of this in plain site, he's doing everything he can to hamstring California too, the 7th largest economy in the world. His gripes with Cali are because Cali makes America strong and if he can gut it, then he can weaken America as a whole.

Makes sense. Don't get me wrong I think the pres has some leeway on the day to day stuff, but he's not really steering the ship would be my guess. It's actually really sad how easily manipulated people seem to be for or against whoever is propped up. Lately it has hit sky high levels and I feel bad for my country.

What legistalation, decree, executive order, law or government guidance from Trump would you say was responsible for record high “black employment”?

I mean. There’s the ones Obama passed. But you surely don’t like those because “Obama”,
So please, tell the class...how did Trump achieve this “miracle”

Cut illegal immigration inflow by 90%

Unprecedented economic growth - stock market going nuts great, and companies actually hungry for labor.

In real terms, our company is paying 40% more than they were before he was elected after a decade of stagnation.

Middle class tax cuts.

Repealed Obama's cadillac tax.

Obliterated ISIS

It’s trump taking credit for things he had nothing to do with.
Like he’s done his entire life

California's economy is powered by Facebook, Disney, and other stupid shit we could do without.

>Unprecedented economic growth
Growth is below its predicted forecast.

Is there a moment that goes by when your mouth isn’t full of trumps cock?

Lowered taxes. Told EU to fuck off and pay up. Got fatty in best Korea to the table. Fucked unemployment into the dirt. Sweeping prison reform

Diplomats of countries dealing with the Trump admin are under instruction to basically ignore his presidency.
As he has pulled the US out of many international agreements, which the the US itself spearheaded, the US is now deemed an “unreliable partner” for the foreseeable future.
Any agreements made will likely be renaged upon, most probably by Trump himself.
The key thing in diplomatic relations is reliability. The US is having a mental breakdown right now, it’s best to leave them to scream and cry until they get it out of their system. But being around them is toxic.

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you don't come back from death.

>Lowered taxes. Told EU to fuck off and pay up. Got fatty in best Korea to the table. Fucked unemployment into the dirt. Sweeping prison reform
queue this guy...

Kept Hillary from signing a single bill into law.

Sounds like a conservitard talking point to me. "The stock market is doing good, therefor trump gud".

"California is doing great"


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>statements of objective fact
>spurious attribution of cause and effect
>is challenged to provide proof
>can’t so resorts to ad hominem
>doesn’t actually prove or disprove anything

So do you like milk?
I mean, I we’re just here wasting time, then it doesn’t matter what we talk about, huh ?

He's outed all the disgusting piece of shit friends and family members we have

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Encouraged our enemies and alienated our allies. And raised my taxes. Oh, and he's up for the Order of Lenin for his service to Mother Russia.

Trump supporters would happily choke down a shit sandwich if it meant a liberal nearby would get upset at the smell.

I made more money this year and got less on my tax return. Did not breach the next tax bracket. Obama care fine still in effect.

He achieved an effective con job
Also pleased a lot of Jews

All they have are transparently stupid talking points. Those of us with functioning brains can see clearly what a joke this president is.

So, you don’t like milk?

Are you lactose intolerant?

>Consumers aren't consuming
Only a Jew would be upset
>Farmers went bankrupt
Now that weed is legal they had no idea how to make money
>Trade deficit
China has cheap shit
Everything is made in China
Big surprise, they're selling more shit every year
>Blaming Trump for this
Democrats really are new to politics
I heard they're rooting for some Chinese guy promising them free money now

The stock market is not the economy. And the president has no control over it.

>Trump supporters would happily choke down a shit sandwich if it meant a liberal nearby would get upset at the smell.
Yep, that's pretty much Trump supporters in a nutshell: hastening America's decline to own the libs.

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Lol, none of that is true. My taxes went up. You probably didnt notice, you NEET motherfucker

it was hilarious seeing their fucktard faces

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he made himself and his country the biggest policial laughingstocks in human history

i still dont fuck w that kids shit eating grin.

If Trump was exactly the same, identical to how he is now, but had absolutely no money - he’d probably be in a mental institution by now.

Just kidding, Americans have no support system, he’d be homeless or in jail.

Literally exactly the same, but penniless.

Being rich sure buys you a whole ton of unearned privilege

ITT: one butthurt liberal with trump derangement syndrome is doing his best to try to make us strong republicans feel bad. MAGA

no longer the pussy of the world.

He prevented Hillary from winning. That's all I needed

I know that's what i said. I uh.. dude. hardwork and practice. if you lose in the game you lose. also illegal.jpg.

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No. You’re now the asshole of the world.
The cavernous sarlaac pit from which only bullshit emerges

this. Anybody but her. I'd vote for fucking hitler over that evil bitch

>mentioning Hillary
Yup, that’s a republitard alright

>What has President Trump actually achieved so far during his presidency?
1. Tax cuts for the rich, including himself
2. Made the US a laughing stock around the globe.

All of our federal government, at every level, republicans and democrats, is 100% corrupt. Anyone is capable of piling statistics for and against every politician. But arguing about if any of them are good, is completely pointless because they are not. The general population is way more independent than the media would lead you to believe, and we agree on the vast majority of issues that our country faces, but none of you fucks can agree on who is able to fix it because they don’t want to fix it.

See, the rest of the world wasn’t exposed to the anti-Hillary right-wing propaganda mill that Americans have been exposed to.
So this kind of reaction looks to outside observers to be shit eatingly retarded

Made a fool out of the MSM that's pushed the narrative of the stupid Trump supporter.


Trump is still crying about the SNL episode of last xmas

ahaha holy fuck
youre talking about the most hilariously insecure leader in the world. one who was openly laughed at by actual leaders at the UN, one so insecure he dyes his hair and skin, who has the least convincing combover on the planet, and who holds rallies even though he already won so he feels better about himself
trump is pussy epitomised, and god damn do i love how badly he owned the festering cesspit called america

not propaganda. She is pure evil. she is responsible for the lives lost in benghazi as well as several other deaths which can be curiously tied to her. Her and Bill's foundation stole money. Plus her health.

Not an argument.

she's the reason we voted for Trump...

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>not propaganda
>proceeds to spout every propaganda talking point advanced by right-wing conspiracy theorists

Sure. You sound sane and rational.

What's insane is that a lot of Americans actually believe he must be smart because he's rich.

I know, it's beyond stupid, but this is actually a typical take among white trash people in middle America. They don't understand the privileges Trump has been handed in life.

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He has accomplished being president. You have to come to terms with her loss eventually.

Then you deserve everything that happens to you.

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>she's the reason we voted for Trump...
So basically you're saying you're a fucking idiot. Got it.

hilary confimed btard

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Why aren't you rich then, genius?

Be me. Be president but nobody knows it. Choose to live a secret double life as bored skateboarding grown man in a basement. Chill while I watch my kids who I thought would be good fits. Father.jpg

Not an argument.

(1) Stops funding for Syrian "rebels" - civil war ends
(2) Uses this goodwill to move embassy in Israel with no blowback
(3) Puts pressure on the world's largest economic block (EU) to take care of thier own defence, or pay the US.
(4) "Trade war" with China when China is vulnerable owing to slowing economy - arrests criminal huawai exectutive, sails US Navy thu the Taiwan Strait 4 times since Oct (he's metaphorically waving his dick at xi)
(5) First expected sale of aircraft to Taiwan since '92, abrams tanks also expected to head to TW.
(6) Moar freedom of passage sailings in the S. China sea
(7) Peace negotiations with the Taliban.

I'm sure there's lots more, but I generally follow internation affairs. As a secualr muslim liberal, I absolutly love D. Trump. Best president since Old Bush.
pic related, don't simple parrot what TV comedians (that's what they are, literally) say, read the news. Make up your own mind.

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what should I have done, not voted for him and let that bitch win?



Everything associated with our government is propaganda because there are no checks and balances, meaning there is no truth beyond what the media tells you. The paper trails are endless for a reason.

She did get 3 million more votes.

yep! and now he's on his way to becoming the best president we've had! MAGA~

Join Discord

E-Girls and Boys, Nudes, Lewds, Boipussy (Traps/Femboys), Memes and the potential to get mod just from posting.

Also but not limited to....

E-Sex, Dropbox, Megafiles, Vola, Meetups, VC, Links, Snapchat adds and more!

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I'm racist for not voting for a woman? ok bud

Fag thinks he's clever. Saw this same meme but with Obammy. Go lick your boyfriend's starfish libfag

Yeah, but who wants New York and California making all of our decisions for us?

here in the US we use what is called the electoral college.

>Not an argument
An argument for what?

I just realized your posts are not against me LOL
her turn, lmmfao!

Too bad for you it wasn't a popularity contest.

panty waste liberals, that's who

Nothing as it's NOT an argument.

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Not an argument.

Yes it is

It blows my mind that people don’t see the fact that liberal career politicians want people to be in poverty because it leads to desperation and a vote for them to talk about financial equality without ever doing anything about it.

it's pretty obvious that the reason the left is crying about the EC is because their candidate lost.

>lose EC
>lower voting age
>allow illegals to vote

Doesn't take a genius to figure out their plan


this. And black people...democrats only care about them at election time.

Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review.

Trump's super rich daddy bought his was into Wharton where by all accounts he was a stupid fuck up who never did anything of note besides dodging the draft.

>Why aren't you rich then, genius?
This question makes no sense in response to my post. I'm guessing this is due to a logic fail on your part.

But to answer your question, I've chosen to devote my life to academic research, because I don't view life as a race to see who can die with the most material wealth.
(I know, it's a foreign concept for most Trump supporters.)

Sure kid.

>muh obama

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>I think it's fair that a citizen in Wyoming's vote is worth 7 Californians' in the presidential election. I only think this because I agree politically with red ass Wyoming.

Stay mad.

most nigruhs is.

well california has a dumbass view of what's best for the country. You do realize that when you say "california" you basically mean "L.A." yeah, they know what's best for the country

>Nothing as it's NOT an argument.
Ok. It's also not a banana. Not sure why the fuck it needs to be said.

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No one is allowing illegals to vote. Hell, Trump had fucking Sam Brownback create a commission to "prove" there was a lot of it in the 2018 election (for no reason other than he was butthurt that he lost the popular vote). After several months they determined there wasn't any and it was disbanded.

>The people with a real idea for the country are broke assholes in the middle of nowhere that think their manufacturing and coal mining jobs will magically come back if they vote Trump

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By means of contradiction

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I'm glad we agree that you have no argument.

Pissing off leftards and libcucks

>literally both those things already came back as a direct result of having trump in office

Is this supposed to be English, Cleetus? Get your pizza rolls and get back down to the basement.

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>implying that doesn't 100% describe Democrats/Liberals

This is the kind of shit I'd expect from some dumbass Boomer's Facebook feed.

Yeah, those leftards and libcucks just love their logical consistency and rationality.
Why not be driven by base animalistic emotional responses, like republicans are!

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if he does nothing else, I am happy with this alone.

>we should count millions of illegal votes

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Not an argument.

This is extra delicious for me given that I am, in fact, a bonafide Englishman with a degree in English Literature.

>people arent allowed to change their mind
Yep, it's fascism.

Yes it is

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>fucking the average person.

not really

its just your TDS

I could really care less what Donald trump has to say about anything. Using his contradictions to make a point is like taking the peel off of a banana before your try and shove it up your ass.

Yet no one has produced any actual evidence of hundreds, let alone millions, of illegal votes.

>>implying that doesn't 100% describe Democrats/Liberals
Actually, it doesn't imply anything about anyone besides Trump supporters. If you think it does, then logical discourse ain't your forte.

banned immigration for a lil bit which was cool. damn i wish that stayed in effect

>his ideas/promises really fucking suck.

only if you hate America

>losing an election to that kind of person
You're fucking retarded whether what you said was true or not. PROTIP: It isn't.

Yet you cant write the language. Sounds like Europe to me.

I have the equivalent of a master's in debate and, sorry, it's not an argument.

Not an argument.

Yes it is

Where's the evidence that there aren't millions of illegal votes? Check-fucking-mate.

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

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it's embarrassing that all this kid will be remembered for is gayface, and thinking twitter posts are real life.

How many people in this thread literally had to list some variant of "pissing off libs" as Trump's sole accomplishment?

There are 4 kinds of Trump supporters:
1) The edgelord Yea Forums millennial that hates "libs" for reasons and think it's funny that Trump says offensive shit 90% of the time.

2) The deluded Boomer who is positive that Trump is like super-duper patriotic and has a big hard on for America. They believe this because he's also a deluded Boomer that repeats the same half-baked thoughts they do.

3) The super rich with no scruples who'd rather have a retard in charge that will give them what they want than someone not dumb as hell.

4) Hypocritical religious nuts that hated family man Obama and love a guy who has cheated on every wife he's had, ignores the daughter from his second wife and openly bragged about groping women, trying to fuck married women, paying off a porn star so she wouldn't blab about cheating on wife 3 while she was pregnant and openly talked about thinking his other daughter was hot and that he'd totally fuck her if he wasn't her dad.

Do you have a master's in debate?

You are simply unread, that’s why.
Your Miriam Webster’s dictionary looks like the kind of thing written by a Down syndrome child who didn’t like learning to spell.

Stay mad.



This persons game matters to you? Wow, rent free it sounds like. haha.

Fuck off

>Not an argument.
Can somebody fix this bot? It's now posting this reply to comments that clearly do present an argument.

Why speak of a continent very few care about?

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Um, are you fucking kidding me OP?

He holds the record for longest government shutdown.

It’s called “The English Language”

And it kills you inside.

So much this.

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That’s an achievement by anyone’s standards

In this thread
>butthurt democunts and butthurt reeeepublicans get angry at eachother

>"Not an argument" is not an argument.
I'm glad we agree.

>just not by Obama who said the same jobs would never return

5) because it was either him or some dumb murderous racist egomaniacal bitch


Trump cut sweet deals for companies to promise they'd create more blue collar jobs to buy votes. Except there was no way to actually force them to do this. So they'd go "sure we'll make lots of jobs", get the deal they want and then do whatever the fuck they felt like.

Almost all votes for Donald Trump in 2016 were cast illegally. Prove me wrong!

>the same jobs would never return
You mean the jobs lost to automation?
When did they “return” you retarded faggot?

Trump lowered taxes

I would tell you but you wouldn't believe it so fuck you. The fact that you liberals constantly live in delusion and cut off from reality is the reason why Trump won in the first place. Of course to justify it to yourselves, you label normal hardworking Americans as uneducated and not deserving of their democratic right to vote while living in your elitist urban bubbles judging white men and sucking feminine trap cocks.


Fake president for the fake news generation

You also got less taxes taken out during the year

>>just not by Obama who said the same jobs would never return
Wait. Do you actually think manufacturing jobs are making a comeback? Do you think the steel mills are reopening in Pennsylvania?

Nope, tax rates went down

pictures of obama?

Tax cuts for everyone you mean

It’s like if a retard was asked to write his manifesto on the back of a postcard

Thank you for surmising your retardation I’m such a concise way.

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Highest amount of covfefe and hamberders served to guests.

So, he cut taxes for everyone, while increasing government spending.

Are you conservacucks stupid, retarded or moronic?
Trick question, it’s all 3

Pissing off libtards

>How many people in this thread literally had to list some variant of "pissing off libs" as Trump's sole accomplishment?
I didn't. Try reading moar and not just posting hot air.
I don't seem to be in your list of Trump supporters
> family man Obama
fyi - his folly in Syria cost the lives of half a million muslims. And Libya? Honestly, he was a smooth talker, but still warmonger.
allowing the chinese a foothold in the spratleys? I must also add, a weak president.

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>racist egomaniac

Are Trumpsters really this clueless when they speak?

Trump literally failed to denounce a fucking neo-Nazi rally after a neo-Nazi killed someone at it.

And let's not forget that Trump actually uttered this fucking sentence during a debate:

"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us."

Just a fact, the tax rate for every income bracket went down

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Well, the fact is we highly educated urban elites advocate for policies that would actually benefit uneducated workers like you.
Sadly, too many of you are just not smart enough to realize it.

And yes, I realize hearing this hurts your feelings and is going to make you want to vote for Trump all the more, but nothing I could say was going to get through to you anyway.

How do expect that will affect the deficit?

Positively, or negatively?

I wonder??

When did the republitards become the party of fiscal retardedness? It wasn’t always so

Taxes aren't just about the marginal rate. It's also about deductions. Eliminating SALT has fucked over lots of middle class people.

Ouch, take that man to the hospital because he’s got SICK BURNS

You can include your private jet as a deductible expense now dummy

He ass fucked McCain in his coffin.

Deductions, you mean like doubling the standard deduction?

Trump is a brillaint nigger


>Trump literally failed to denounce a fucking neo-Nazi rally after a neo-Nazi killed someone at it.
No he didn't.

You assume that stating a fact equals me agreeing with the policy.

>we highly educated urban elites

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>I don't seem to be in your list of Trump supporters


>fyi - his folly in Syria cost the lives of half a million muslims.

You mean Syria which has a fucking civil war raging in it? Syria which is ISIS HQ thanks to Bush's war in Iraq?

>And Libya?

The intervention led primarily by France and the UK?

>I must also add, a weak president.

Said against a president that commanded respect from international leaders while supporting a guy that has openly shit on virtually all close US allies? Who has 0 positive foreign relation outcomes?

Even his historic meeting with Kim Jong Un went nowhere. It just resulted in Trump fucking fawning over the guy and openly wishing Americans would treat him like North Koreans treat Kim. He's a wannabe dictator and a dumbass. Every world leader sees this.

Yes he did. He waffled and blamed "both sides" when one side was a fucking NEO-NAZI and WHITE SUPREMACIST rally.

It wasn't until several days later that he denounced the nazis. By then it was a bit late, he already said his piece.

Standard deduction doesn't help when you're getting raped by property taxes. I don't think I would have bought a house if I knew they would limit SALT. Makes more sense to just rent now.

4 million jobs created.
More Americans employed than ever in history.
Created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs.
Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES.

New unemployment claims at 49-year low.
Median household income highest level ever.
Af-Am unemployment lowest rate ever.
Hispanic unemployment lowest rate ever.
Asian unemployment lowest rate ever.
Women’s unemployment lowest rate in 65 yrs.
Youth unemployment lowest rate in half a century.
Lowest unemployment rate ever for Americans without a high school diploma.
Veterans’ unemployment lowest rate in 20 yrs.
3.9 million off food stamps.
The Pledge to America’s Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans.
Retail sales up another 6 percent over last year.
Signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history.
Small businesses lowest top marginal tax rate in 80 yrs
Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.
Record number of regulations eliminated.
Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions.
Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE.

Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports.
Imposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum to protect national security.
Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices.
Net exports are on track to increase by $59 billion this year.
Improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement.

Eliminating SALT fucked mostly high income people. How many middle income people pay more than $10,000 a year in property taxes?

Let me guess, you live in a liberal shithole

>"both sides"
So you just admitted that he denounced the nazis.
Great talk.

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No , I was postulating.

The left eating their own is how the retarded right won.

Solidarity Brother

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Trump went to an elite college.
Owns an elite golf club
Is a New York socialite son of Hotel Mogul who inhereted his wealth.

Who, exactly, do you assume you are mocking?

That's not denouncing the nazis, it's equivocating. Fuck, he didn't even mention them specifically.

If one side is violent neo Nazis and they literally killed someone and the other is people out to protest the presence of neo Nazis you don't get to shit on "both sides" unless you are sympathetic to the evil one.

It’s “whom” retard.
An intelligencia, you are not.

so much this

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im going to need some sauce on each one of those assertions

Same with his response to the New Zealand massacre, where the shooter literally name checked him as an inspiration.

You got that wall yet?

Looks like a fence to me

Intelligentsia. And you can't be an intelligentsia, you'd be one of or a member of it

>owns a golf club
Even I own a golf club.
2 even


>That's not denouncing the nazis, it's equivocating.
Were both sides to blame or not?
Him denouncing both sides sounds more logical than only pointing a finger at one.
Those "evil nazi's" you're talking about seemed peaceful, until antifa and their commie friends showed up the next day and illegally blocked traffic.

>Missing the comma in the first sentence.

If you're going to grammar Nazi you'd better not fuck it up, dumbass.

Speling iz malyable

Productive use of your finite time on earth

No, I'm pretty sure it was that little girl who was run over that inspired him to do what he did.

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>Were both sides to blame or not?

No. They weren't. What the fuck?

>Those "evil nazi's" you're talking about seemed peaceful

I love how you right-wingers bristle at being called racists even when you constantly talk like this.

>until antifa and their commie friends showed up the next day and illegally blocked traffic.

>If counter-protesters show up it's okay if we beat them up and run them over with cars. It's their fault, really.


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academic research
pick one

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The dumbass is also a hypocrite.

fresno under review for illegals voting

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>No. They weren't. What the fuck?
Of course they were, if anything antifa and their commie friends are more to blame.
One of them said he chased James Fields down that road with his AR 15.
They were blocking traffic and attacking people trying to leave.
All of this was captured on camera, you fucking retard.
>I love how you right-wingers bristle at being called racists even when you constantly talk like this.
Call me racist, I don't give a shit. I know I'm not so when others claim it, it just shows their stupidity.
Also, nothing I posted in that response was racist, you're beyond stupid.


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Voted left wing for 10 years. Voted Trump in 2016. Never going to vote left wing again. Lefties are the most vial hateful people you will ever have the displeasure of interacting with. If you disagree even slightly with any left-wing talking point you are a Nazi in thier eyes.

Those fake as fuck figures.

Trump's HIGHEST approval ever was around 45% and that was shortly after the election. It spent months in the 30s and is currently 41%.

Obama's LOWEST approval was 47% and it went as high as 59%. It was in the 50s almost his whole presidency. Obama at his worst was higher than Trump as his best.

>Turning Point USA


>fresno under review for illegals voting
North Carolina re-voting because of actual voter fraud on the part of Republicans.

maybe the problem is government spending

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The left wing media will never report on any of that. They'd rather run smear prices on how many scoops of ice cream Trump eats.

This post is like when lying Bible-beaters are like "I was an atheist and all I did was drugs and sex and didn't care who I hurt, then I found God and now I only want to help people."

>academic research
>pick one

I don't know what you're implying. Nearly all American university professors — and, more broadly, Americans with PhDs — vote for Democrats, and a significant portion would categorize themselves as leftists.


Hmmmm...whoo think was him..?!

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read the manifesto dipshit. stop quoting cnn.

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>> uneducable
If you don't know what the big word means, you can always google it.

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Lying much? They are not.

Though we do know that a Republican in North Carolina rather flagrantly committed voter fraud to win his district. It was so blatant the Republican controlled state ordered a new election.

He doesn't get us into wars.
He keeps the economy running strong
He doesn't infringe on my rights

Better than the last half-dozen presidents on those 3 things alone.

That one feller's gonna need better sources

> vial
Pretty much says all you need to know about this user.

doesnt change the point im making

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>Trump literally failed to denounce a fucking neo-Nazi rally after a neo-Nazi killed someone at it.

He has denounced them 30 fucking times. The dishonest media cuts it out of thier reports and then calls him a nazi.

>Some faggot huffing his own farts knows what my needs and wants are better than me.

This is why you lose. You think you're better than everyone else. Newsflash, you're not, and no one can stand your smug condescension.

No, he said there were lots of good people among them and then blamed "both sides." It wasn't until several days later when it was blowing up in his face that he begrudgingly revisited this and denounced the white supremacists.

>Were both sides to blame or not?

The left wing nutjobs throwing rocks/bottles/explosives did nothing wrong. /s

>He keeps the economy running strong

Going to have to dispute that one. The president doesn't deserve credit for our present economy.
The economy is an extremely complex beast, and the effects the president can have on it are very slow to manifest, and often hard to tease out from all the external factors.

And yes, the same goes for previous presidents.

Democrats run and have to kiss every country bumpkin's ass and tell them they are real great Americans living in real America.

Republicans openly shit on New York and California and the "left coast" and New England and don't give a fuck. California is over 10% of the country's population alone and they don't care. They shit on American citizens openly.

Hell Trump from fucking NYC pulled this shit too. Better to pander to bumfucks in Arkansas and Alabama that already hate liberals than to even pretend they care about all Americans.

Ohh know, a homophone! My entire point is invalid! :-0

Your point was bullshit anyway. No one is going to ever, EVER say they voted "left wing." People don't talk like that.

It's like you're so far right that you couldn't even stomach to say "I voted Democratic" to keep up the facade, retard.

And not knowing vial from vile does make you look dumb.

That's just plane wrong. He has denounced white supremacists at least 30 times. It never makes it through the lying media. He will literally denounce white supremacy, and the next day there will be headlines "Trump refuses to denounce white supremacists."

Stop believing everything the media is telling you. They are professional liars.

>This is why you lose. You think you're better than everyone else. Newsflash, you're not, and no one can stand your smug condescension.

Oh, I understand the chip on your shoulder quite well. If I were more patient, I would try to find a way to reason with you. But I fear you may be beyond help.

Trump never called Americans "deplorable."

I voted for greens and/or Democrats you fucking muppet.

Never again though. You people have become absolutely toxic. Look how you treat me. And you want me to come back to your side? Why should I?

Wrong, he is rattling sabres with a dead national hero. I am sure your conservative, right wing, hypocrisy will find a way to defend him over our nations most decorated senator.

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>And not knowing vial from vile does make you look dumb.

I'm shit posting on a Chinese dick waving forum. Not going to proof read everything. I guess if you've got no real arguments, attacking my spelling is your only option. ;-)

>That's just plane wrong.
Anyway, I'm not the user you're arguing with, but I'll point out that anyone with a brain can read between the lines of Trump's mealy-mouthed denunciations.

In contrast, just look at how vociferously he goes after the targets he actually does despise. The difference is staggering.

You're a liar. Period.

No one is ditching their entire worldview and belief system over their side being perceived as "mean." This is doubly true when it's just a right-wing bullshit talking point. Trump's approval is around 40%. It isn't leftists that are alienating everyone

You thought you'd bolster your point by lying and pretending you were driven to Trump by evil liberals. You weren't. Only Trumpsters say that bullshit about liberals being too mean to everyone.

Mcain was a sack of shit. It's hillarious that Dems fucking despised him until he opposed Trump, and then suddenly he was thier favorite Senator ever.

No scruples. Sad.

>Durr hurr fake news fake news fake news

The media isn't a bunch of liars just because Trump sucks and they report on it.

If you're hearing the whistle, you're probably the dog.

Dumbth needs to stop shitting on America.

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>Being this deliberately obtuse.

Neo nazis literally killed someone at a white supremacist rally and Trump blames both sides.

Fox and Friends has some story about a liberal and Trump goes on a days-long Twitter rampage against the target of their ire.

Okay. I guess you know me better than I do. Just a heads up. Something like 15% of Bernie supporters ended up voting Trump. It's not as big of a jump ad you think. And a 40% approval rating is pretty fucking good, better than Obama at this time in his presidency and better than Bush before 9/11. The fact that you think it's bad is telling.

his first step act was something i never expected any Republican to do so im pretty happy about that.

pulling out of Syria

letting people participate in experimental treatments for the terminally ill

idk man he did a lot more good than any president in my lifetime so im pretty happy

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>The media isn't a bunch of liars

Yes. Yes they are. Not just about Trump. About everything all the time. Wale up and smell the bullshit.

Classical liberal here, it's not that we've changed our worldview, it's that our party has.

>better than Obama at this time in his presidency and better than Bush before 9/11

Obama's lowest approval was 47%. It was in the 50s at this time in his presidency. Do you Trumpsters ever get something right?

Trump's highest approval: 45%
Lowest: 36%

Obama highest: 59%
Lowest: 47%

You know there were communists there throwing rocks/bottles/fireworks. They were blocking roads, starting fights, attacking police and protesters with weapons and chemicals.

There were shitty people ON BOTH SIDES. Watch some of the raw footage, not just the highly curated clips from the left wing media.

>Something like 15% of Bernie supporters ended up voting Trump

They naively thought Trump would secretly turn liberal when in office. I'm assuming 0% of them support him now and absolutely none of them voted Trump because liberals were mean to them, that's your contention.

My point is that the contrast is telling.

This user gets it:
>Neo nazis literally killed someone at a white supremacist rally and Trump blames both sides.
>Fox and Friends has some story about a liberal and Trump goes on a days-long Twitter rampage against the target of their ire.

Despite stacking the courts with the most number of conservative judges, his administration continues to be overruled by the circuit courts and Supreme Court.

Most administrations have been sent to court and won 70%+ of the cases. This Administration does not have a win rate of even 10%. Many of the rulings have been against them based purely on technicalities. These chuckleheads are so fucking stupid that they're losing based on their ineptitude to follow regulations on proposing legislation, receiving public comments, and how they try to hamfistedly enact legislation, not because of the controversial nature of what they're trying to pass.

Pic fucking related.

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Trumpsters literally believe Hillary and Obama are President right now.

Ah yes, the two most economically successful states, they must not be doing anything right

>Lowest: 47%
That's not true.

Even if it's true, it isn't for the same reasons.

Trump really does suck.

"Neo Nazis" didn't kill someone. One asshole kid panicked and drove his car into a crowd after they started hitting it with bats and sticks, and a grossly overweight woman has a heart attack.

Does that make all the violence comming from the left wing protesters okay?

>This user gets it:
He he doesn't, hence why he never responded to my post above.
Because he got BTFO by actual video evidence.

Because what this world needs is more coal

(You) deserve some recognition on this sight[sic]

>Even if it's true, it isn't for the same reasons.

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>He he
No he*

>some asshole kid
Funny how you can't call him a nazi

Apparently you don’t either, “equivalent to” does not mean you have one.

>Obama was a NIGGER
just say it and get it over with

>Fuck the truth, my opinion is all that matters.

>the truth
is you defending the current shitstain's fuckups

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He made an executive order to enforce free speech at colleges.

He wasn't a fucking Nazi. A white supremacists maybe, that's not the same thing as a Nazi.

Stop calling everything you don't like Nazi, it diminishes how horrible the Nazis actually we're.

The Nazi's are dead, user.
Get over it.


You're a nigger (ignorant).


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Funny how you'd choose to split hairs over this

>He's enabling the Nazis!
-lefty freedom hating cucks

Actually no, they're not. And they endorse Trump.

Funny hahaha. I was wrong about the very specific thing I was crying about, but it's YOU who is splitting hairs. Hahaha funni.


How many?

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You keep bringing up Obama because you think he's a nigger who shouldn't have been President. Admit it. This is an anonymous forum. If you don't admit it, you are a fucking chickenshit.


that means "shut up" btw

>One asshole kid panicked and drove his car into a crowd after they started hitting it with bats and sticks, and a grossly overweight woman has a heart attack.

Uh oh, someone's been eating up the conspiracy theories.

James Fields was idling behind a minivan on a blocked road then put his car into reverse, backed up a ways, put it into drive and floored it toward the crowd hitting them at around 30mph. He then backed up and fled the scene.

Heather Heyer was mortally wounded and died at the hospital.

You're parroting alt-right conspiracy blog garbage that she was actually super fat and died of a heart attack and then everyone lied about it.

How come every time some right-winger kills people you retards flock to claim that everyone under the sun is lying about it?

A good example can be found in NZ.

He's made American's care so much about politics that 2018 had the highest mid-term turnout in 50 years.

I fucking hate him, but I'm actually glad that he won. I'm hopeful that this stupid bastard might unwittingly destroy the Republican party

>You're parroting alt-right conspiracy blog garbage
I'm shocked
I'm shocked user would stoop to this and pass this off as legit

>Everybody who disagrees with me is a racist.

This is why most Americans can't fucking stand you.

>You keep bringing up Obama
I didn't bring up Obama, maybe you have me confused with someone else, nigger.
Here's my first post in response to another user talking about Obama...
Would you like to share any more of your delusions with the thread, user?

>destroy the Republican party
Not worth the cost

We need to get people to stop voting for them

they aren't going away


Everyone secretly loves Trump so much that Republicans barely bothered to vote and independents voted Dem.

Oh so you're not racist? You believe in full social diversity?

Some Australian guy endorsed Trump?

I don't know.
Shut up. From now on be anti-Trump and stand out.

user, your bootlicking intensifies.

Watch the fucking video retard. It's all right there.

He slowly rolls down the street, protesters attempt to block the street and surround his car. A couple start hitting his bumper either bats and boards, and he floors the car into the crowd. Not saying what he did was right in excusable, but your account of events is flat wrong. Watch the video.

>Heather Heyer was mortally wounded and died at the hospital.

Her fat ass died of a heart attack. Her own mother said as much.

do you honestly think jews are the only people that run companies?

>I can't criticize Nazis
>I am one

>Full social diversity

I have no idea what that even means. How about we judge people by thier character and not thier skin color. Stop making everything about race.

8th graders usually do deal in such absolutes

No I hate obama because he is a marxist. Plain and simple.

>Everybody who disagrees with me us a Nazi

So that's a "no," you don't believe in full social diversity, rather you would respond as a white supremacist would.

You are a racist.

We aren't going to do shit- the more we point out how fucking dumb they are, the more they're like "ME NOT DUMB, FUCK YOU!" and then double down on their fucking stupidity.

But Trump? He's sold them such a bill of goods and they bought it hook line and sinker. My hope is that he's going to leave them feeling so fucking stupid by the end of his term (being a russian fucking stooge and not delivering on any of his promises) that republicans are going to be like "fuck this, all of this shit is bullshit" and just stop voting altogether. Meanwhile, the sane half of the country is so riled up that they actually show up at the fucking polls

That's ridiculous, since Obama is a center-right leaning neoliberal.

Which leads me to believe that you hate him because he's black, which makes more sense.

>stock market went up = the rich got richer while the poor got poorer

user, I don't see you criticizing Nazis, but indeed, you sympathize with their position here. It's time to admit who are you.

>You are a racist.

I'm a white male. No matter what I do, you will call me a racist.

they'll just become terrorists if they stop voting though

you make a bad semantic argument
judging people by merit and not by skin color = not racist

What Nazis? You're tilting at windmills.

I'm white too.
Still believe in full social diversity. And you'd better believe that means racemixing.

oh so you're afraid of "white genocide"
aka dog whistles and fallacies

As long as they stay away from california, that's fine with me. They can terrorize the other idiots in their bumblefuck shithole rural areas all they want :D

Enjoy your aids.

It's actually what right wing dipshits say to justify their racism, so no. You don't value full social diversity, but the historical white man's perspective on what society should be.