Rekt thread

Rekt thread

Attached: 1535969334021.webm (480x480, 1.92M)

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Lmao dude just got a chest full of 45 slugs?

Attached: 1550035517318.webm (640x360, 1.61M)

1) Why are people not reacting to a man being robbed at gunpoint (i think I see a revolver in the criminal's hand) 2 feet away from them?

2) Did this motherfucker seriously just take cover behind a woman? A split second before bursting her eardrum?

Still though, no tears shed for the robber.

Think so.
Look close at the tall guys right hand. There appears to be a gun.
The guy getting robbed knows exactly what to do. It's actually really cool.
And just as the dude was going down, there appears to be muzzle flash coming from his right hand. Hopefully no one was hit by his stray bullet.

Who’s got the best R/watchpeopledie alternative?? Speak up now, I need my head further fucked up


The guy blows away a shitskin thief and all you can do is bitch.

1.) Brazil
2.) Brazil


I don't think he necessarily took cover behind her. More of an opportunity to draw his weapon without being seen. Had he gone any other way, the dude may have saw him draw and would have fired on him.