My roommate is doing yoga and doing poses like this in front of me.....I feel like she’s trying to tell me something

My roommate is doing yoga and doing poses like this in front of me.....I feel like she’s trying to tell me something

Attached: 4FCA03FC-767B-4FFE-908B-211E07B88A6F.jpg (485x828, 62K)

Ask her if she needs help with that.

Sniff her bum

Cover the bitch with a blanket and see if she gets the hint.

She’s telling you to get in shape fat fuck

More pics?

It's just yoga man, everything seems sexual. Just ask her where she learned

Post more creeps. Try to get some feet too

Take your dick out and start jerking it. Look her in the eye and tell that slut she know she wants it.

She’s been laying like this for like the past 5 min

Attached: 46BF0EB7-1C45-4559-8F96-B35341AAB007.jpg (1218x804, 116K)

But why don’t I just take a look at live broadcast.

Right she's begging for it. Get this bitch naked, post nudes and then go to fuck her

post more fgt

Op is being a faggot

I’m thinking this may be the best idea

Attached: 1792504F-1734-4DA1-8975-82C7179686F4.jpg (840x400, 62K)

Do it cunt

Are you sure she's not trying to breakdance

She might be

Attached: AAE6DCD3-FD62-4AFA-8D0E-7436BFC8C7F0.jpg (581x736, 233K)

Op is larping as her “roomy” to post pics of her self

Get her to do this one

Attached: 7102b757e7cc6be54bf9e029972d4fe5--fitness-sexy-yoga-fitness.jpg (236x236, 4K)

She fucking sucks at yoga.
Pay for her to attend a class for her birthday or something.

If op is just post herself then stop being a pussy and post a)tits with timestamp and b) soles with and without socks

sure OP, sure. and your roommate is also completely oblivious that you're just taking pictures the whole time

Tits now

Her tits look nice in this one

Attached: 3B76C757-40A9-487E-B06D-86ED0BF22B9C.jpg (589x1103, 357K)

These are shitty pics. Get better pics.

Rape is epar spelled backward.

Attached: 1552858464168.gif (276x232, 1.38M)

You took these at night faggot, and there's some other bitch in a chair.

Go LARP somewhere else newfriend.

Get any downblouse shots?