Well, here is my story

Well, here is my story
>find a friend on a discord server
>get close with her
>she gets you banned from most of your favorite servers
>you overlook it since "friends" still sad tho
>one day, i add her to the server i co-own
>she becomes a co-owner since owner friendo and me decide its cool (keep in mind thats 1 month after her being there)
>its a rp server so rp roles are kinda different she has a higher rp role than me
>3 months later she removes my co-owner role
>starts being a bitch to me
>finally showed her true colors
>getting sad and mad
>she speaks some bs to my other friend (the owner)
>bcs of the bs she said about me i am not getting my co-owner role back
Thats how i lost what i did in 6 months for this server
How i lost a "friend"
how i lost an actual friend

Well here is the thing Yea Forums
i normally am not revengful but i put my soul and love in this server and my coding skill for bots (which arent high since i kinda suck at that but i can make a bot)
I want to get peep to raid it and not just spam random shit or something like that
I want chants against her
her "@" is @LadyMoniBlackheart
Here im asking for your help Yea Forums, this site has always put a smile on my face so i think i can ask for help for me brothers x

Attached: 0906_-_svxObyi.jpg (499x499, 36K)

btw thats the link

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 126K)




here is link code

Are these the kind of things you really feel are important in life?

ii dunno if its that important
but since ive lost my place and she is been doing everything , the server i did so much for kinda feels dead now
It just pains me
I will be honest i didnt expect Yea Forums to be lovely and go on with like nothing
but i needed to try

>learn to recognize thots
You'll know better next time.


definitely should tbh
i normally do not just go with it that easy
but as i didnt plan on going to anything more than "friends" i was pretty easy with it
i was pretty naive

>personal army to protect from thot on discord
OP is faggot, confirmed

op is a stupid cuck, but are we really gonna let thots get away with shit?

from a furry thot

well this makes me furious but doesn't change fact OP is cuck

wont argue that what i did was really befitting a cuck

Punch her in real life op
Be a man

This is irredeemably gay and retarded and you should delete this thread and then yourself

wouldve done, but she moved 1 week before me getting cucked

this, catfish as furry
arrange to meet
punch right square in the face
won't know its you cuz ur also a furry
>eat chicken tendies

>give obvious thot co-ownership

You did this to yourself, op.

Attached: fast59744.png (1066x600, 252K)

retarded- yes
gay- not really

it wasnt me that gave it to her tho
i jusut said she was cool
she was just a exploiting thot

NYPA Faggot