What are your thoughts on having a mommy kink?

What are your thoughts on having a mommy kink?

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go for it boi

My landlords wife is the reason for my mommy kink.

JDRP checking in

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Ahoy my faggot son

Do you act on it with her or is it more of just a fantasy?

What kind of faggot doesn't jerk off to mommy porn?

>Be too socially retarded to talk to any woman
>Lust over your own mother because she is the only woman in your life...
You fucking degenerates never cease to entertain me

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It's probably a reflection or a symptom of unresolved traumatic issues in your past. I would have to assess you to know the specifics, but it is often caused by a history of a bad relationship with your mother or a dominate female figure in your life. Some people fought with their mother a lot as kids, or she verbally abused them, sometimes physically, sometimes she was distant and never showed any affection at all, or would abandon her kids to go out drinking, or sometimes complain that things were so difficult because of her kids. Sometimes as simple as comparing her kids to another mothers perfect kids, and how she wishes she had them as kids.

The human psyche is a strange thing, it could be that you are trying to makeup/address/bury/reconnect these negative emotions by developing a sexual fantasy where a mother figure loves you enough, and approves of you enough as a man, to allow you inside her - the most intimate of physcial connections.

To make up for the poor connection you had with your mother, perhaps.

I moreso meant actually having someone pretend to be your mommy and have them care for you and shit like that. But fair point.

Not necessarily your own mother retard. Does daddy kink mean girls strictly want to fuck their dads? Fuck off and think before you speak

Thank you for taking the time to put all of that into words. I don't think you are too far off, if at all man.

It's foCKIN doomed JDRP

Muhfugginnn it's a fetish caused by crossed neurons in the brain and displaced dopamine application. Doesn't necessarily stem from issues with the mother at all.

You're still in denial sweetie. It's okay.

stfu ms. gaytardiamajor

i thought this for ages, but when I finally gave in and fapped to my own mom, it was the best orgasm of my life

>Not necessarily your own mother retard. Does daddy kink mean girls strictly want to fuck their dads?
The fact is that the person needs to be a parent for you to get excited... Where the fuck do you think that shit stems from you fucking goblin?

>before you speak
It's "type" in this case you fucking donkey

Same. It was weird and I wasn't sure until I did or the first time. Now I know.

yoo am I trippinnn or is like everyone getting some dubs

Ummmm did you just call me a goblin

You're retarded but called upon dubs yourself.

Yeah. Stems from parent. Usually its the lack of one. So how does that translate to "lusting over your own mother" ...... It doesn't.

and a donkey!

Well fuck me sideways I am a donklin

>I don't have a mom that's why i want to fuck someone else's mother...

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And what's your point?

There's no correlation and it also doesn't make any logical sense.
