This shit’s been keeping me up so I thought I’d share it with you guys

This shit’s been keeping me up so I thought I’d share it with you guys
>be me a few years ago
>17 almost 18, senior in high school
>also be awkward and beta, but good looking
>be at this competition for a school club I’m in, weekend camping trip sort of thing
>weekend of prom but I don’t care cause qt3.14 girl I’d likely ask is on the trip with me
>we hang out together the whole time
>one night on the trip we stay up till 2 am just looking at the lake by our campsite and talking
>just wonderful and amazing conversations about nothing
>just us cuddled up in the night by the lake
>the fact that I’d never kissed anyone came up in our convo as we we walk back to camp
>we end up kissing
>could never imagine a more perfect moment
>the world around us stopped, and it was just her and I in the moonlight
>the next night we make out for a few hours, boob touching included
>we hook up a few times after that, but nothing more than that
>end up being totally crazy for her, she gets back with her ex, and it left me fucked up for a while
>only seen her like two times since we graduated
flash forward to now
>just graduated from uni
>gf of 3 years and I just broke up (long, for the most part sexless, and manipulative relationship)
>I can’t find a job
>have to move back in with my mom
>every day I wake up so I can wait to go back asleep
>think of this
>mfw you will never feel more alive than you did that night
>mfw you missed out on young love and only caught a slight taste of it
>mfw your life will never be as simple as it was in that moment
>mfw you will never be 17 again
Save me from this hell

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Even if nobody replies, I’m just glad I put this out there

I fucking hate everything about highschool. Im 26 now with a good job because i took a trade instead of wasting money on uni. Idk, girls are tough man. I didn't experience young love. Never had a decent family.
I love money and my dog more than anything else in my world because when I have those two, I don't feel like shooting my face off.
Everyone's story is different user. They don't all come with a happy ending.

Ain’t that a bitch haha. One of the only good things to come out of my last relationship is my dog. I love him more than anything. I’m just scared that if I get a job like I want to, I won’t have time to take care of him. Shits hard.

Stop this faggotry imediately lad.
Just find a normie activity/hobby that you can enjoy. It will allow you to bond and have a sense of belonging that will boost your self confidence greatly. To everyone applies something different, you might try lifting weights or joining a hunting party idk whatever floats your boat.
Focusing on the illusion that you missed out on something will only keep you from living an ocasionally happy life. Take pride im yourself user you are worthy.
God Speed.

go get some more pussy and hit the gym and maybe smoke weed to numb the pain? Honestly trying to help op.

I know how you feel man I wish I put myself out there more when I was a kid Fuck me man we're too old for ever changing world. Maybe It's Time

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I feel that OP, I messed up badly with a wifey material gf when I was 16. I had it so good and didn't even realize it, even as much as I hate that reality. I take solace in the fact that I learned a lot from it and realized more good times will come, although the older you get the less they'll be handed to you. I'm out here now trying to create the good times and in the process teaching others to not be retarded like I was, hoping others will avoid unnecessary harsh realities.

>mfw my life is over by 24

TIME... Is up for me.

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Damn dude. I'm sorry to hear that. At least you have the ability to leave your house though. I'm a stupid homeschool kid, too scared/socially retarded to function outside of my house. I live on a military base too so I have plenty of resources to use to find friends but I make myself too uncomfortable to go. Be glad you have the strength to leave and have a semi-good social life. I haven't had a one-on-one conversation, or even a group conversation for that matter, in person or through the internet in a long time. I know you can preform socially and I believe in you! Also just join the Army, you can leave home and get paid.

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