We could have won this war

We could have won this war

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the best men.

in your dreams

We did.

You can't win a victory that you can't define.
What - you think you can bomb them into loving you?

You had no business fighting it. Just like every other war your country has fought. Aren't you guys still in a war and occupying countries filled with people that never did anything to you? I don't blame the world for hating America. Be ashamed.

We had no business fighting the revolutionary war? Kek

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It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you drop a bunch of chemicals on civilians and horribly deform them and the next generations to come

you never won a war
fuck off yankee cunt

LOL.. dead zipperheads. HOORAH!!!

We did win. The zipperheads lost. :)

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there was never a good reason to be there in the first place.
it was a french deal and we still fought it years after they noped the fuck out.

more quality pics needed.

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Literally everyone disagrees with you

at no point of time amerifats and south vn gooks were able to kill more nva/vc than they were able to compensate. the fuckers infiltrated into the south at will.
to win this war without much more boots on the ground and/or much more colateral damage was impossible. even with much more resources it is questionable if it was ever winable, like in iraq and afghanistan. the classic war was won but the fuckers are not done and come back eventually.
also, in vn, if the south was going to win you can be sure china and soviet union would have increased their support, too.
tl;dr: no way to actually have won the war in a reasonable way

Yeah, this.

>We could have won this war

No you couldn't, otherwise you had.

Kill yourself.

They didn’t nope out. They got driven out quickly.

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We did win, we went in, completed the objective, and later left.

Would it have been worth winning, though?

Yeah, Russia wouldn't have gotten a foothold there, and yeah, Communism would have been beaten back a bit, but are those worthwhile gains for the death and suffering of our men?

Presuming that you don't really care about the death and suffering of the enemy combatants or their families or civilians caught in the crossfire. Which is understandable, because I don't care much about them. But I know some vets that were FUCKED UP by that conflict. And there was never very much to gain.

If it had been voluntary, I think it would have been more tolerable. But there was a fucking DRAFT to go to a random jungle on the opposite side of the world and be shot at for nothing.

fuck off eurofag

Considering this was just one major conflict within the larger COLD WAR against the spread of communism all over the world, the U.S. did win.

And since the goal of Germany in WW2 was to stop the jews taking over germany, the germans won WW2.... thats the level of cherrypicking ur doing

i heard that only 13% of usa combants shot at enemy targets 13% out of a hundred bullets only thirteen were shot at the enemy WTF!!

before you go blaming the drat blame media.

Never. Even if the "Mission was Accomplished", like in Iraq, they would've never let foreigners run their country.

decent answer

We could of politicians wouldn't allow it and hippies cried

We never had a chance, not because we couldn't win a land war against a bunch of illiterate asians, but because by the 70's the Communists had already infiltrated our media, educational institutions, and most of the bureaucracy.

They then had free reign to tie our military's hand while simultaneously redefining what counted as victory. All while the complicit media spread lies about our own forces and championed the enemy.

South Vietnam could have been as successful and free as South Korea. Instead the whole region suffered for decades. This is the victory of Communism.

you spent around 200-400.000 dollars PER KILL

>empty, plastic people drifting through empty, plastic lives
>highest depression and suicide rates in the world
>entire nation owned by Samsung, politicians universally bought and paid for or weird brainwashed cultists

How's that freedom and success working for Worst Korea?

It wasn't a wat, it was a conflict.

French people started it, and the US feels like they have to clean others messes.

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War. Autocorrect.

didn't we actually win in terms of people killed?


N U K E S.


You can’t win a war where you’re not allowed to move into enemy territory.

Shut up Westmoreland.

shut up, stupid. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_War_casualties#Total_number_of_deaths

But the russians still fuck your shit up... so vietnam was a total loss for ameritards

the russians lost because people basically wanted mcdonalds. they literally got beaten by burgers...


nah they fucked up your 2016 elections so americunts lose again

you fought for independence moron. not occupy some other country.

zipperheads came to your country as refugees. all expense paid trip and free housing. you lost. LOL.

>completed the objective

what objective? to give the entire country to communism? your exit was just to save face. america came running out of asia like a dog with its tail between its legs. no balls left. LOL.

Smedley Butler. Google that name. Read about him.
As great a military man as ever served the United States. He named his book "War is a Racket".

Guy you're replying to could have stated it better, but most of the wars the U.S. has fought have been to protect "American interests", meaning "American corporations".

Nope, the corrupt US government and the oligarchy behind it never had a interest in winning and would never have allowed the US to win.

Most of them worked their asses off and became successful. Paid taxes.

You oversimplify. Read some history, stupid. Not everything is a conspiracy.

america could have avoided the war had it given support for ho chi minh before he went to the russians for help. he was never a communist sympathizer. ho chi minh was a nationalist. he only wanted imperialist france to get out of vietnam. but america still grateful for the statue of liberty and their help with the revolutionary war sided with france. the irony here is that america went through the same revolution as vietnam but once america became a super power they turned into the very same thing they fought against with britain.

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>one major conflict within the larger COLD WAR

no dumbass. the viet cong only wanted independence from france. they were not communists. but america would not give them help so they went to russia and china for help.

>Most of them worked their asses off and became successful. Paid taxes.

same with south americans who came here illegally. but MAGA wants to build a wall.

russians =/= communists. we were fighting ideologies user. try to keep up

>the vc's weren't communist

you're like the richard wolff of Yea Forums. it's time to stop

From your use of Yankee I'll assume your British, and just who the hell bailed y'all red coats out of WW2?

youre like every american who took no history lesson. don't ever change. the world needs a laughing stock.

I'd argue who the fuck stood on the sidelines and let shit happen for years before they got their skin in the game?

How come you yankee assholes always hang back on the big, important wars but go all gung ho on the smaller ones?

their name literally translates to vietnamese communists, stupid.

>stop intervening in the rest of world!

please stop. i'm against thje wat, i'm against every war, fuck - i'm even against countries and nations and government. but right now you sound like a fucking retard


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>came here illegally
That's probably why. That along with the drugs and crime.

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>All these fucking free spirit hippies talking trash about the greatest nation to ever exist
>thinking your quivering little voices make any difference
I know the cool thing to do is to take minority stances on topics like this, and then speak up for yourself. Everyone loves a good underdog. But that’s not exactly how this country works.
So go ahead and reel it in boys, be thankful you get to experience a little taste of America, the epitome of societal greatness

>vietnamese communists

look it up stupid. ho chi minh was never a communist. it was his compatriots who took over near the end of the war that became communists in order to retain financial support from russia and china. ho chi minh was patient and willing to make a political compromise for france to leave vietnam. stop spreading lies about the vietnam war. americans lost but still trying to rewrite history.

and you think vietnamese and cambodian refugees did not commit crimes? americunts living in a bubble. LOL.

the failure of a non-identitarian color-blind society to emerge proves to the millennial that war is forever, I used to think the guy who made ghost in the shell's prediction of a future self-admitted "AE" or American Empire writ large was absurd but he predicted it would begin as early as 2040 or 2050 and he seems right, america is the last call of empire and what's sad is we'll win and it will be the world government, the struggles of angry morons all forgotten

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America never learned that you can’t win a war with an idea

wrong. it was a failure from the beginning and was doomed. Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ, and especially Nixon should have all been charged with war crimes.


swing and a miss

still haven't learned it.

>societal greatness

america is already on the decline sooner than other imperialist super powers. the great experiment failed.

wikipedia. the source written by the uneducated. LOL.

Americans are as stupid as anakin with palpatine.

It was the other way around you fucking retard.

>WWI Britain and France: "Hey Yank, We're having some trouble with the Germans. Wanna Help?" America: "Naah, not our problem." (Lusitania sinks several years into the war) America: "Yeah okay, now we're in".

>WWII Britain and France: "Hey America, these Germans are playing up again. Wanna help?" America: "Naah, not my problem. I'm fucking around with Japans economy." (Japan bombs Pearl Harbour) America: "Right, now we're coming in.

>Korea, Vietnam, Middle East: America: "ATTAAAAAAACK!" Everyone else: "Are you sure?" America: "I can't hear you commies over how awesome and bald eagle I am!" (Soundly defeated)

America is like a loser friend who jumps into a barfight at the end when eveyone is punch drunk and throws his fat arse around, but when he starts a fight he knocks himself out with his own bar stool while everyone else wonders what the fuck he's trying to do.


White boy's still butt hurt about losing to the Vietnamese? LOL

sorry it doesn't confirm your own faggotry and bias


not really but ok...

>came here illegally
That's probably why. That along with your drugs and crime.

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The entire world is more westernized than ever. There’s so many people coming in we need to build a fucking wall to keep them out. Just because you hear in the media that this is going to shit and that is going to shit doesn’t mean decline at all. The fact that you know all this about a country you’ve likely never been too pretty much makes my point, but I wouldn’t expect you to understand pressing topics like this with your third world education

Yeah, they could have. They were killing like ten times as many as they were losing, but it was right to notice that ten commies is not worth one Westerner.

Nothing to do with being beaten militarily by guerilla warfare tactics then? LOL

This, but did you have to be so gay about it?

Sick comeback bro.


not an expert on history. such informative articles like why you should not pop your pimples. LOL.

nah them cruise missles working pretty good, russia and india made FASTBOIS but we did smartbois for our flying hyper-intelligent bombs


they make plans together even within wireless contact lockout zones using primitive but effective AI, fucking Lockheed lol

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again, terribly sorry wikipedia doesn't confirm your bias. you've yet to send any info my way so...

it was better than the revisionist, leftist faggotry you put forth

>doesn’t mean decline at all

your economy already turned into a service based industry. manufacturing and research has moved overseas. college grads are taking up less engineering and science courses. what more do you need? still in denial.

The truth hurts doesn't it

dont pop your pimples kid. remember to take history class if you reach college.

still waiting on that "totally unbiased information" from you...

>it had nothing to do with the accurate points you put forth.

Fixed it for you user. Maybe you should look OUTSIDE the american education system for facts about America.

America won the civil war

you literally presented no accurate points so...

who can beat captain america?

captain vietnam!

>We could have won this war
America did win. However, the victory all the fags around here expected would have been far to expensive and not worth the effort (think Russia and how it finally tamed chechnya).

> I don't blame the world for hating America. Be ashamed.
If you're from the EU or Canada, you should be ashamed. Who the fuck do you think is paying for your freedom?
Ask anyone in Asia, the US is all that's keeping the Chinese in check. I live in Asia. The Chinese scare the fuck out of me.
The US ain't great, they fuck up all the time; however, the alternatives are much much worse.

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fought between americans. you lost either way. LOL.

Thats a good one

God bless the USA!
You invade countries of terrorists and commies. Thank you, you and your friends saved South Korea for example.
Kill commies, kill bomb-muds, kill some AsadAlladinAhBuKimChongCgooks.

You're doing a great work, keep it up!

>America did win.

and russia won the afghan war. wohoo!

>We could have won this war



a divided country with a nuclear armed nut job in the north. great job!

Just because you don't agree doesn't make them not accurate.

American soldiers were too busy raping kids in villages and dying to spike traps in the jungle.

America did win the fucking war, sadly. Take a look at the stated war aims. It was never about stopping the North from taking over the South, at least not to the planners and the people who really run shit. (No I'm not talking about some conspiracy shit or the Illuminati when I say, planners. I'm talking about the guys that sit in the Pentagon and those who advise presidents and tell them what to do.) The aim was to stop the "domino effect". Basically, stop other countries in Indochina from becoming independent of Western interests. And to stop "communism" I guess, although that word seemed to be tossed around so much as to be meaningless during the Cold War. Did America stop other countries from going down the path? (Indonesia, in particular, was what planners were really worried about,) Basically, yes. Indonesia's independence elements shit its pants when It saw how badly the United States had smashed both North and South Vietnam. By 1967-69, you can argue about the exact time, the war had undoubtedly achieved those aims. This is when the business community in the United States, which often calls the shots, started to oppose the war, as the objective was complete. The government split with business on this one though, probably just to further punish Vietnam and show the rest of the world exactly what happens when you don't follow orders from the United States. Thank you for reading my book.

Could have easily been won if they would have just grew a pair of balls and invaded north Vietnam instead of being afraid of what China would do if they did that.

Yes, we could have, but politicians micromanaged it. The guy who caused it walked away from it, leaving an orphan. The SV government was corrupt, too.

It might be one big red cockroach with a nuclear weapon
Today at least some of them lives good doing k-pop and dancing

>and russia won the afghan war
No, America is in the process of winning that one too. Currently in "peace negiotations" with the Taliban. I love Trump. I really do.

still waiting, like with the last shill i had to deal with...

>Ask anyone in Asia, the US is all that's keeping the Chinese in check. I live in Asia

ah that must be how the chinese took over the spratlys islands to get oil. they illegally fish in other asian countries' territorial waters with impunity. no americans in sight to stop them. LOL.

>unarmed civilians
burrgurr, freeedooom, leeeeroyyjenkins, eeaaaaagulll!!!!!
>the farmer is ARMED and agressive!
tactical retreat, we could won if we wanted, time to run away, the jungle is moist and scary fuck it

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okay i give you that one. k-pop sluts are some of the best fap materials online.

>(Indonesia, in particular, was what planners were really worried about,) Basically, yes. Indonesia's independence elements shit its pants when It saw how badly the United States had smashed both North and South Vietnam.
You have to be shitting me with your revisionist history. Yes Indonisia had a huge communist party back then, but no one shit their pants worried about the Americans, the Army and Islam ganged up together and purged the country of at least 1 million communists (dead).

There was no winning or losing. The only right answer was not to be involved, But, due to (fill in the blank) interests, the US refused to stay out of SE Asia and we got what we got.

>Currently in "peace negiotations" with the Taliban.

america welcomes all the afghan refugees affected by the taliban regime. come on over. we provide free housing, healthcare, education and we pay $2,500 per adult refugee. enjoy your stay but please do not blow up another building in new york. except maybe the trump tower.

>But, due to (fill in the blank) interests, the US refused to stay out of SE Asia

everyone but americans notice the US has no friends. america has interests.

>how the chinese took over the spratlys islands to get oil. they illegally fish in other asian countries' territorial waters with impunity. no americans in sight to stop them. LOL.
that's what happens when you have a weak president in the White house.

I think the Dutarte misintrepreted the Donald. He was told to go enforce his own borders and that the US would support him if anything happens.

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Thanks to USA

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US friends in Asia:
South Korea
India (kinda, sorta)
Pakistan (kinda sorta)
Vietnam (kinda sorta)

Chinese Friends in Asia
North Korea

I'm american and this is true, fuck our military

you used the wrong picture. trump is even worse than obama against the chinese. all talk no action. still have not made trade deals. still have not increased tariffs after deadline. still have not made progress on denuking the korean peninsula. still have no presence in south china sea. the russians and chinese are having a field day in SE asia.

The US only got into Vietnam because the French were getting their asses kicked.
We stayed because of retarded politics.

after they receive foreign aid with conditions. none of those countries would call america its friend. LOL

Coulda, shoulda, woulda

>We stayed because of retarded politics.

and misguided loyalty to france.


>just kill the whole jungle so we can see, fuck it


so that it was contimated with en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin

was actually Monsanto's fault, it wasn't supposed to be one of the compounds in agent orange

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No, no we really couldn't. Only Vietnam could have won that war, not us. We could help, we could support, but only the Vietnam government (South) could have won it.

The primary problem was that the Vietnam government was in fact the greatest enemy. Making more enemy soldiers faster than we could kill them.

That is a lesson that the US needs to learn when fighting any insurgency. Outside arms alone cannot win the war. There is a root cause of the resistance, unless that is addressed no use of arms can prevail unless you go full Roman Legion on them.

>please do not blow up another building
The Taliban never blew anything up. Tinfoil-hat theory has the Taliban being originally funded by ISI (pak intellegence) and the...(drum roll) CIA.
The problem with Afganistan is that it has traditionally sided with India as an ally.

>none of those countries would call america its friend. LOL
ok, since you claim to know more than me about this, pls clarify?

>receive foreign aid with conditions
like how they buy arms and pay for troops stationed on thier soil?

>US would support him if anything happens.

like the US told cuban expats to invade their motherland resulting in the massacre at the bay of pigs. like how the US told iraqis to overthrow saddam after the first gulf war. resulting in saddam killing thousands of kurds. like... you get the picture.

duterte is an idiot. he enforced his own borders with obsolete gun boats given by the americans. one of which ran aground and broke down in front of chinese trawlers. the chinese thought it was a challenge and sent battleships to escort their fishing fleet in and out of the philippine territorial waters. again, no americans in sight. LOL.

Watch Russia, they've now won two insurgencies: (1) chechnya and (2) syria

In the India Pak conflict?

Yea that's why I said basically. I don't have time to go into everything. Keep in mind that by the time these killings had taken place, the war and bombings in South Vietnam had been going on since 1963, obviously much longer if you count the French. Also, declassified documents have revealed that the CIA actively supported the Indonesian army, and trained over 1,200 Indonesian army officers, many senior officials, along with providing money and communications equipment, and likely weapons as well. So the Vietnam war was intended as a message to the rest of the world and particularly the countries around Vietnam, sort of like a Mafia Don knocking off those that oppose them, but the CIA also wasn't taking any chances.

>like how they buy arms and pay for troops stationed on thier soil?

dont watch much international news have ya? those countries host american military facilities against the will of their people. corrupt govt officials take foreign aid money and pocket it.

I love when Euro scum talk about “laughing” at the top country in the world

No, I mean politically, always.
The Afganies have always felt that pakistan meddled to much in their affairs.

four actually... including parts of the georgian republic and crimea.

Richest country that isn't even in the top 10 of living standards ranking. Tell me which other things is America "top" in?

apologies, we're on the same page
>providing money and communications
and a list of communists that they felt needed to be checked out

Watch Ken Burns wonderful doco on the war. Everyone who was actually involved stated that they lost the war before it even began. Which is fucking true.

Amerifags and allied forces may have been tactically superior on a per battle basis, but, strategically they still lost the war.

The Federal Government didn't want to win that war. Kill your hippies.

I actually didn't know about that list. The CIA is fucking evil.

It's a 10 part right?

>Chinese Friends in Asia

just about every asian country. china has expats on every asian country you listed. their culture is embedded more than yankee culture. your american education fails again.

thx for the addition.
I've never read too much about those conflicts. Crimea I felt was a annexation.
Syria...I'm iffy on that myself. Much of the credit goes to Trump for stopping all funding to the 'rebels' (terrorists). I believe he used his goodwill from this act to move the embassy in Israel with almost no blowback.

they're better than the niggers

Ever heard of COINTEL Pro? FBI ain't that much better either.

With fucking Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross doing the music - I'm lovin' It

Lol. Pakistan is a big Chinese friend. Pak is basically completely dependant on Chinese infrastructure projects.

This is true. But Americia is Pakistan's first friend. I believe Pak is attempting to play them off each other to "get moar shit."
Long term, Islam and communism are like oil and water.

>Crimea I felt was a annexation.

it does seem that way. but crimea was apparently a gift from russia. putin just added the strings and pulled it back to the motherland. ukraine could not do much after that except whine like a baby because america and its EU allies were not ready to defend a corrupt country that had more in common with russia than the west.

My father was an green beret officer in Nam. A colonel asked my father how to win the war. My father said, "give each man 13 bullets and tell them to make each one count." He basically meant to eradicate every single human in Vietnam.

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>But Americia is Pakistan's first friend.

how close of a friend to america? pakistan uses chinese made military weapons. LOL

Yea I know about that. If there was any justice in the world the CIA and FBI should have been radically restructured and restrained. I think whether you are far left or far right, this is a point most of us can agree on.

vous auriez rien gagné du tout bande de salaud, les rats du vietnam etait plus tenace que vous bande de fiottes

US can't afford to piss off Pak. It still sells weapons to Pak, even though Pak doesn't come through on it's promise to fight terrorism. If US gives up Pak, Russia and China move in. But US can't piss off India either. So US has a complex relationship with Pak. Although officially it is ally.

not true. my father was also a green beret officer in nam. he asked your father to smoke weed and your father obliged.

I agree. But it's hard. CIA has always somewhat been used to look after corporate interests. A lot of powerful companies depend on CIA.

>It still sells weapons to Pak

what weapons? america is afraid to sell weapons to pakistan. they cancelled all the f-16s that pakistan ordered.

all the talk that america is friends with india and pakistan are not true. both countries relly on chinese and russian military equipment.


what's that mean? even the generals couldn't say. and you're no general.

You're a gunny guy user—I like you. That's why I'll kill you last. My father never smoked weed but he did inhale secondhand smoke at a '69 bob dylan concert.

je vais te tabasser

>That's why I'll kill you last.

lets smoke weed before you kill me?

>But it's hard.

yes. i feel it too.

The soviet union perhaps? You kinda hopped in when it seemed like the soviets will overrun and commie up all of europe and even then you took it rather easy.

Who isn't?

sounds good bro. I'll use a vape pen a patient left at my work. Let's take one good hit before I strangle you!

All true
Also true. However, given a choice, Pak would much prefer F-16s to shitty Chinese knock-offs of Russian fighters.
In the recent 'incident' with India, those were Pak F-16s in the air, shooting shit down.
India flies french and russian aircraft.

One word: Nuke the Gook!

>Pak F-16s in the air, shooting shit down.

the deal they signed with the US prevents them from using early generation F-16s as offensive weapons against india. the US could deny pakistan much needed replacement and upgrade parts for their F-16 fleet.

I read that too. I think it'll be used a leverage.

>India flies french and russian aircraft.

come to think of it, both india and pakistan prefer western military equipment. india just backed out of the Su-57 program citing lack of stealth technology (you can see straight into the engines that increase radar signature). but even if they can afford to buy an f-35 or f-22 the US will impose strict conditions to the use of such weapons. who wants that?

lmao how was it a dream? The gooks survived due to exterior pressure from the global community...but okay, Guess America suffered a huge defeat and economic loss to Vietnam? Oh wai-... lmao

>but even if they can afford to buy an f-35 or f-22
f-22 ain't for sale to anyone
f-35 sure ain't going to Pak Airforce (their wet dream)
I'm curious to see what aircraft Taiwan will get. They've put in their order, a wish list, but given the US the decision to choose what system is right for them. 1992 was the last time the US sold fighters to Taiwan.
100% it looks like they are getting the Abrams tanks.
>US will impose strict conditions to the use of such weapons. who wants that?
US makes the best shit. I'm sure there's no limits on using them for defence. Most def gives the India air force second thoughts

america absorbed hundereds of thousands of vietnamese refugees. they ran detention centers across SE asia in order to process the large numbers of people fleeing vietnam. nobody to this day could estimate the cost of running those detention centers. the last of which just closed in the last decade. that was just for vietnam. we are doing the same thing for iraq, afghanistan and syria. no economic loss you say? LOL.

>f-22 ain't for sale to anyone
they said the same for the f-14. and here we are watching the iranians continue to fly them as AWACS. all american weapons have a price.

We did win.


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We have so much freedom, its almost sickening.

win a war in terrorism. sounds like the only way is brainwashing as many people as possible to stagnate the population.