Rate me (yes I'm a loser, PhD dropout, smoking weed too often). Sorry for the jacket, I was trying to make my boss proud because he could be around.
Rate me (yes I'm a loser, PhD dropout, smoking weed too often). Sorry for the jacket...
Camden Cox
Jayden Johnson
lookin good homie
Logan Perry
You got it OP, smile more.
Caleb Williams
What was your PhD field?
Kevin Young
ya got a girl, and the hairs not half bad
Robert Bell
>PhD dropout
Already further than most people.
Brayden Hughes
PhD dropout implies at least a masters degree, doesn't it? that's impressive. unless it's a masters in gender studies.
Gavin Campbell
seawater photochemistry
it was my sister, sorry.
Landon Nelson
>Master's degree
Sounds like a winner to me.
Dominic Young