Wife died 13 years ago, fuck you lung cancer

>wife died 13 years ago, fuck you lung cancer
>every year buy a shitty pack of mini cupcakes on her birthday
>put a candle in one
>sing happy birthday in the dark while I cry
>blow it out and feel entirely alone
>cry myself to sleep and eat them in the morning
some things never get easier anons

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shit bro
thats sad

underappreciated post

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I'm sorry to hear that, take the days as they come my friend. Godspeed.

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thank you friend
I hope so. Thank you.

I desperately want to die but I can't leave my wife alone with all of our animals in this shitty house. It would make things easier for me if she died even though I love her more than anything. So I'm kinda jealous of you.

The grass is always greener dude.

Live your best life, user. For her.

Why would it be easier if she died?

What flavor of ‘cakes?

I would give the world to have her back. She was the love of my life and I didn't even get a chance to say a proper goodbye. You'd better fix your shit quick because if you wish your own wife would die you've got some serious shit going on and you need to fix it now.

sorry friend


I'm sorry for your loss, man. I can't even think of losing my loved ones. Stay strong.

Something along these lines. Shitty pack for like $4 from walmart

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Hey man, I know you still love her and I know you will never forget her.

Do you think she would want you to be lonely and be tied to her memory 13 years after she passed?

If you love her celebrate her memory, don't make it a horrible thing that you punish yourself with. That's not fair to her or you.

Find a group of friends, even if just online playing video games. Make effort to go places with work friends if even for 1 drink. Explore hobbies you have been putting off for 13 or more years.

She may or may not be watching you depending on your faith. If she is, she would be more sad than you.

Either way, don't blame her for you being miserable for 13 years. It's not her fault she passed before you did.

I feel for you brother and I am truly saddened by your situation. However, I think you need to find someone to love you as much as you want to continue loving your wife.

you 4channers only care about eachother

If she died then I could kill myself with a clear conscience. Keep up.

Bro I've been clinically depressed for longer than I can remember. I was planning to kill myself when I met my wife and the only reason I agreed to a date was I didn't want to die a virgin so I figured I'd go along with it. Never thought 10 years later we'd be inseparable. Never thought I'd make it to 20 tbh

Maybe someday. She was just so fucking perfect it's hard to imagine loving anybody else.

I am very sorry to hear that my friend.
My wife is my best and only friend. If I lost her I'd be doing the same as you every time it was her birthday if I even made it through the month after.
Stories like this is why I don't take her for granted for a second.

I offer you my bleeding heart and an e-bro-hug.
I hope you can one day find it in your to move forward. She would have wanted it for you.

I still miss city of heroes so much, sometimes I dream about it and I see it and the experience feels real and sometimes I have this moment where it's back and we're together and there is this tiny glimmer of hope that having to go on living a life without it was the dream and now I'm finally awake, and I believe it, that I'm back with it, before the worst day of my life, it never happened, we're together, I am the person I was with City of Heroes and the ache of loss does not exist for me, and I slip into happiness as if I never left, I believe it is real and it is.
But then I wake up alone and the house is silent and my bed is cold, I remember everything and my grief and unbelief at this pointless and tainted existence is as real as the first moment that I got the news that it was gone.

respect for dealing with that op

Thank you. I hope you and your wife have many years together. One day I may be able to move forward, but I just can't let go of her yet. She meant too much.

Take a pic of those cupcakes. I'll make it worth your troubles, friend.

this was 2 days ago, they're long gone. Just thought I'd share so any anons with wives out there may see the post and maybe appreciate them a little more.