Pic not me

>pic not me
i’m a 20 year old guy and i’m 5 foot 10 and 99lbs. i haven’t eaten in 5 days. i literally don’t know what to do. i just need to let this out.

Attached: 6DD46CA4-CB81-4A61-AD8F-F830BBB8DF4F.jpg (800x2332, 125K)

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You could, I don't know, eat

become a cute girl

Go to any doctor or hospital and tell them you need help. Because you do.


or smoke some weed but eating disorders really aren't to be fucked with, shit can kill you easily. godspeed mr skeltal

i have had all sortts of problems in my life but ive never struggled with anorexia OP. thats a tough one ive read, its not necessarily about simply eating the food. perhaps eat some junk food or other food you normally see as a treat, such as candy or cake. Or you could remind yourself to abandon that type of relationship with food all together - tell yourself that you are eating as fuel to stay alive as a necessity.

one more thing. i really do suggest you try your best to find a solution before getting help. i think the last thing you want is someone getting in your face about eating... or even worse sending you to rehab

The people here will help you out with your query discord..gg/AWdE4Pd


Go get some help, If you think that you don't want to go through that process that's okay, but you gotta take steps yourself to change! I don't know your life, I don't know who you are, but I genuinely care. Help yourself any way you can. Start small, eat small portions, drink vitamin drinks, just enough to make sure that you don't pass out buddy, then work your way up. If you're not looking to change, or your not in at the mental state to change go online and talk to someone! Go out to a therapist in real life and get yourself some help. And user, don't worry, I checked your dub dubs :)

You said you haven't eaten in 5 days. You haven't told us why. It's pretty obvious that you need help, but kind of tough to dispense advice without the details.

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omg you’re so sweet wtf. thanks user!

got a kik? we should be able to get you smaller than that

i wasn’t looking for advice to be honest, i’m just weird and need to vent to strangers sometimes lol i guess. but basically i’ve been through a traumatic period of my life when i was 14-15 involving my mom. i don’t wish to go into detai, let’s just say she went to jail for stuff she did to me and my dad and then she died when i was 15 from alcloholism. that spiraled me out of control and caused me to gain 80lbs in one school year. i went up from 120 (i was underweight back then, i even had bad habits of going days without eating because i feared becoming fat) to a big old 200. i was addicted to food and over the past couple years i got up to 220 until i worked my way down to now, 99. i’m so scared of food. i can’t explain it. it’s been a drug for me for so long and ruined my life

You may love being that way but you certainly won't last very long doing what you're doing. I believe they have the equivalent of AA for people with food addictions, why not go to one of those? You probably should eat something now

how much smaller could i go?

I'll need to see you now to make an educated guess.

You have anorexia nervosa, Skeletor. Talk to a head doctor.

Fair enough. Hope getting that off your chest helps in some way. I would just like to point out that you are doing potentially irreversible damage to your body, the longer you go without eating something the harder it will be for you to bounce back to normal. Best of luck dealing with your struggles.

i don’t want to change, it’s really hard for me to take that step. you don’t understand how amazing it feels to be able to control yourself like this around food and see mere mortals complain about going a few hours without food while you can go days over and over again

i fucking love being called stuff like that

thank you user :( i’m so fucking scared

i’m not as skinny as you think probably. i could get into the 80s honestly. i’m just worried i’d get that old person anorexic face from that

thats why I said I'd need to see. at your height you could be a skeleton or still have 10lb to lose. much easier to judge it by visible bones.

Why not control this and maintain 155-165lbs or so and go to the gym instead? That's a bigger sign of someone who is self-disciplined.

fuck i don’t want to show anything. i’m sorry. why do you want to help me get skinnier anyway?

i guess you’re right. idk. it’ll take some self reflection. thank you user!

I know you probably dont want to eat but please try, at least crackers or something, take care of yourself OP, if another day go's by please seek medical attention,

thank you user

thats ok user. if you change your mind leave a kik or something.

I dunno. I just like helping people, especially if it's pushing their limits.

Your loves, wants and needs will soon be irrelevant, because you'll be dead. Listen, Skellington, stop attention-whoring and go get help. Or don't, I don't give a fuck.

do you think this is too far? if i lost just a bit more i could look like her.
yes, i know i’m a guy, but i’ve always wanted to be small and cute like eugenia.

i appreciate the tough love, it shows you care. thank you and i’ll consider it. again i understand 100% if this seems like attention whoring but i genuinely just need to vent sometimes

torso look amazing, arms and legs are too far. I'd pull back from that a bit, try to build slight muscle tone in the arms and thighs, and then cut again.

you're a femboi, aren't you.

her body is so amazing. i would do anything to look half as good as her


started on hormones?

we could get you most of the way there.

im thinking of returning to my anorexic ways starting tomorrow, wish me luck boys

Just make sure you're willing to fix yourself if you go seek medical care, they'll force feed you through the nose if you try to back out bud.

Obviously you CAN control yourself around food if you're able to abstain for as long as you say. Don't lie to yourself.

>5' 11'' 118 lbs
>I would like to be bigger.

Nicee one...Elon...

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no, i’m just a girly boy i guess
don’t. seriously, it’s so hard to get out.
i don’t think i’m willing to be told to eat yet. i haven’t eaten solid food in months. i blend everything i eat, i cant imagine having to chew copious amounts of food that’d be so fucking triggering.
how did you get so skinny?

Hate to sound like a lib-cuck, but maybe try to drink soylent, it has like 400 calories per bottle if you can't eat solid food atm. After that, try maybe soft fruits like ripe peaches or bananas, then keep working your way up to an actual meal, take care of yourself OP, it's ok to vom one or twice during to process, but remember their are people who care for you, and if you dont want to do do it for yourself, do it for them, or some of the fellas that create for you in this thread

always been skinny. Most I ever weighed was 136, during military training. 6 months of work-out every day, 3+ meals per day and for 3 of the 6 months I would also go eat a large pizza and chocolate lava cake to the face on top of the 3 meals per day.
I don't eat much any more. It would be fairly expensive to keep up that kind of intake living in California Bay Area.

careful diet and exercise. Getting you to the right shape and then starving you so your final figure looks the way we want. maintaining it can be tricky but we can work on that.

im about 30 pounds overweight currently. and when i was younger I was extremely underweight do due anorexia. why shouldn't i just stop eating?

if being a healthier weight is the aim its a real unsustainable way to do it. You just end up bouncing between extremes because you dont know how to maintain a healthy middle ground, and that fucks you longer term.

Intermittent fasting is about the only maintainable way to starve yourself thin and stay there.