Saeed NTR cucked me with ripa

>saeed NTR cucked me with ripa
feel like shit how do i le cope with this

Attached: 1561729356397.png (1264x950, 726K)

Who are you quoting?

lol your a virgin

ripa wouldnt do this i reject your reality

that's what you get for not making 87245 doremi posts

absolutely based I would upvote twice if I could

get cucked lmao

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darn it doremiman I wanted to pat the cute ripa on the genitals

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god i wanna suck Saeed cock hngggg

Attached: 1557582181195.png (601x601, 401K)

Haha you loser. You thought I'd be interested in an Intel cuck loser like you? Hahaha

i'll b dere ffor u loleways dond worrye

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第32話「いい子だって悩んでる」(DVD 640x480 (640x480, 165K)

Yeah..... I was kinda hoping anyways........


im doremiposter...
pls ddo nod b a drama llama
watch doremi ann hug ur mama

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第08話「バレちゃった!?ハナちゃんのひ� (640x480, 99K)

r u hard for ripa

the /r9k/ discorde

do u crave ripas butt

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.27.[640x480].[806484EA].v2.mkv_snapshot_05.38_[2017.07.31_10.30.58].jpg (640x480, 201K)

the /r9k/ discorde


oh no no no no no no no no ummmmmmm ripakeks? what's going on here?! you owe us all an explanation?!?!