Whatever happened to this guy?

whatever happened to this guy?

Attached: leafy.jpg (282x179, 7K)

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He got ligma

i heard he was trading stocks with the money he made from youtube

what's ligma?

married his boyfriend
settled in upstate OR

Prison till 2022 earliest


Worst thing that could happen to a man in his line of work. Irrelevancy

Nigga died of knoughchyn syndrom.

What's ligma?

Literally who
>or should I say "litcherally"


Why are hapas so cute :(

nudes got leaked, after that he just vanished

>Worst thing that could happen to a man in his line of work. Irrelevancy

Nope, He was still averaging views in 100,000s. Reason he left was youtube was cucking him, we wasn't making any money off of his videos.

you gotem?

he had a sex change

he became daily dose of internet

as a nigger myself I'm just saying I'm definitely going to hell


he died from a chin disease

Where's his chin ?

rare form of prostate cancer


animals don't goto hell, they have no afterlife. they wont resurrected to be judged because afterlife is for humans.

He did a interview with keemstar a while back, think he said he had enough money and he was sick of YouTube so he quit

How can he die of disease of something he didn't had? It's like a girl dying of testicle cancer.

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Probably slaying pussy, he got his career ended by Ian which caused a bunch of other retards to come out of the woodworks and come at him, but guaranteed he has enough money to just fuck and chill at this point

Heyy...he was behind of this...

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