Hey Yea Forums have a chance to try shrooms soon

Hey Yea Forums have a chance to try shrooms soon.
What do and what are some things i should keep in mind if i try them

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Depends on dose. How much?

It's hard to prepare for them. They'll take you where they want to.

You'll probably just want to curl up with a blanket and listen to some music tbh. To keep in mind? Nothing, an open mind.

You shouldn't, you should give them to me for safe disposal.

Eat the whole bag and fucking love life

psychs suck if you're using any antidepressant or if you're having a bad time emotionally irl

other than those two, keep an open mind, do it with some people you trust, and don't get too paranoid

Im not sure i havent done anything like shrooms before but if i do ill be with a friend because he is the one who offered me

Thanks im not on any meds and ill be doing it with a good friend

If you start having a bad trip and get lost in a loop of negative thoughts, remember that it's only the drugs and that you'll be okay when you come down. If it gets really bad, drink orange juice and put on a happy movie. I suggest The Lego Movie.

t. had a really bad trip my third time.

I highly recommend watching 2001: A Space Odyssey

also, make sure you take them early, it's an all day experience. when I trip, i usually do it around 9-10 AM and I'll come down by 11PM that night. You get the best out of the trip IMO

Mkay. If it's your first time with any psych, I'd be careful not to do more than 2.5g or so. After that you start to lose control of yourself, so if you're unprepared it can be hard to stay afloat.

If this happens anyway, just remember that everything is temporary in life. Even this experience.

Just lay back, breathe, and enjoy this moment.

Thanks if i have a bad trip ill post a greentext about it

Thanks ill have to get a day off then



If it gets "too much" and you feel like you're losing your mind try spam puking water.

Its shitty but it brings you back to reality pretty friggin well.

That being said, dont try to make the trip better by puking. Eat some tasty food before/during/after and chill out. Your first time it pays to have a tender, someone much more sober. Keeps you from getting too far gone.

tbh its different for everyone. I've done shrooms 10 or so times and a gram will melt my mind.

I'd recommend for the first time to not even do enough to full trip for 90% of people (1 gram) cause if you are susceptible and you take a normal person amount it is guaranteed bad time but a normal person will just get wicked baked from a gram and very little risk.

Thhanks ill make sure i have some food on hand

Every time I've had a bad trip it starts with me puking cause the shrooms upset my stomach. Food is a must.

Thanks ill try not to take too much

Dont do them alone under any circumstances and wait an hour before you ever take any more.

Thanks man

Okay thanks

What sort of things should i expect to experience

It's not very visual at low doses, at least not as much as LSD. It has a heavy body load, which can awkward your first time. Most times I trip I end up just laying down for an hour. Once that passes, I'm wired, and my mind is zipping.

Lots of feelings of connection and empathy. You will feel love for everyone. This is where it can be overwhelming for some...

While LSD is very external (in my opinion), Shrooms can be very internal. They teach you about yourself. You'll look at yourself from a new perspective. This can be scary, and sometimes dark. It all just... well, depends. After the experience, you're usually a better person for it.

Thanks hopefully i dont find out something realy dark about myself

For me, it was more like "Wow, I'm actually not as great of a person as I thought I was. I do these certain things that maybe are mean, lazy, rude, hypocritical, etc."

Did you find that good or bad


If I have thoughts about killing myself on the daily, but like I’d never have the guts to go through with it, would doing shrooms be stupid or could it help me kick being depressed?


When I did them I just wanted to go lay in the grass or go into the woods. Nature looks insanely cool on shrooms. Just try not to get fucked by a bear or cougar.

Luckily the uk dosent have bears or cougars
Also if i did try to go to the woods or something how obvious would it be to others that i was on shrooms

In the moment I probably cried.
But it taught me how to become a better person.

I wouldn't take shrooms without a sitter in this case. It could help, but it'd be better to have some one there to keep you safe.

Laying in grass or on the beach is 10/10 shroom tripping.

It's not. It's all in your head. If you just breathe through it and say "Hi" when passing people, you'll just look like you're enjoying a relaxing walk.

It really can go either way, I've been dealing with depression since I was like what, 8 years old maybe? Ive dealt with self-harm and drug abuse, using psychedelics saved my life, but has also destroyed my mind because I went into a psychosis after a 1000ug acid trip, but I no longer feel suicidal, so take that as you will, but I'm very extreme in my tendencies. If you use it to self-reflect, and understand on what happened in your life that made you the way you are, you can come out right. Hopefully that can give you some understanding before you do it, I felt like someone had to reply because I don't know, maybe it could save a life, take care of yourself.

Okay thanks
Was just wondering because ive seen otherpeoples stories who werent all there when they did other psycadelics

I can see how i could learn from it either way then

I dont think user who left that reply is still in the thread but ill say thank you on his behalf

Also i hope you're okay what you described must have been realy tough to go through

Yeah, life's been hell, but I cant let horrible things that are out of my control define me, as shit as my life could have been I cant let it go to waste. I couldve recovered from the psychosis faster if it wasnt for my drug problem though, but thats taken care of, ive been sober for almost 2 weeks now, ive accepted im never doing drugs ever again.

its great that you have overcome your problems most people would just give up but you didnt you got better and have been sober for 2 weeks is amazing i dont want you to think im just throwing my life away as to you that would seem realy selfish i just got offered by a friend and i probably wouldnt get another chance i on!y want to try it the once and then never again

I wish you the best of luck user stay strong.