Dropping shrooms on Thursday, any tips?

Dropping shrooms on Thursday, any tips?

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Enjoy your peek in to schizophrenia and try not to get stuck in it.

Have milk on standby


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>try not to get stuck in it
You don't get stuck in it no matter how much you've eaten and you don't fucking drop booms you eat them.
Have a buddy there incase you start to go to a bad place to remind you it's all good. Enjoy your trip dude.

drink orange juice and have a meal ready.

Yeah. Read a book and expand your mind on your own terms. Relying on shit like mushrooms to “have a good time” or to “expand your mind” is for pussies who think mushrooms and LSD are magic keys to some newfound intellectualism or understanding of life.

Pick your tripsitter carefully and the place you will be tripping at. Have a great exerience user.

Whatever the fuck you do, don’t look in a mirror and avoid closing your eyes.

who are you and why are you right about this. I got stuck here

idk but I'd assume eventually he need some milk

>You don't get stuck in it no matter how much you've eaten
Well that's a fat lie isn't it? Of course it's not the trip you're stuck in, but being stuck with the schizophrenic disorder it can trigger in susceptible people is a real fucking thing.
And neither can you tell me that "how much" you do it doesn't matter because I know more than enough brain fried losers who fucked theirselves on making a habit out of doing things like shrooms.
Tread carefully brother, and trust those that try to help you. Even when it may seem they're out to get you.

I've done shrooms before, but it's been like 7+ years. I was thinking of doing them alone.

you're an idiot. if you can't face yourself you shouldn't be eating mush. and closing your eyes is part of the experience. the more you fight it and fear the effects the worse off you will be

I believe it counters a trip or at least brings down the high. Heard it works on LSD too

lmk when you survive a heroic dose and how it's for pussies. not much harder in life than wading through a literal hellscape
I'm laying off psychs for awhile. did way too much acid this year and I contribute that to my fading mental health. you seem to be well versed in this area because I do not trust anyone or anything, my grip on reality is alarmingly loose

If tripping indoors, place all knives and sharp blades inside the drawers.
Give your trip sitter your phone and keep it away from you until you're baseline again. You won't miss it, so just enjoy the show.
Dogs will instantly cure a bad trip: they will chill you out and stop the spiraling thoughts in their tracks.

some fruits will help too.

you got the shrooms dryed or are they fresh?

Shrooms are a lot of fun man. Try to be outside and enjoy nature if it's warm out. I love taking shrooms and I've never ever had even close to a bad trip.

You got a trip sitter?

dogs cure a bad trip until you think deeper about their intentions and begin to distrust them. I've had a full on psychotic episode where I believed my dog was a listening device for some organization

You're already a fucking loon so that just translate into your trip

schizophrenia is dismissive. you call what you can't understand crazy

dont be scary like a retard, everything is in your head and is effect of shrooms, things arent real, enjoy your trip, try to be positive and if your thoughts turn bad then try watching something fun on youtube to distrace yourself from them

Everyone please note how aggressive and close minded the anti psyc crowd is. Don't hate them for it them but rather feel sorry that they must live trapped in that world and have closed off their mind to a possible way of expanding themselves.

If I was a dictator I would euthanize every single person like you and the world would be better off

that's fine, I'd be better off as well


No, doing them alone. I want some deep interspection so I'm taking them to resolve old issues I've been dealing with.

I last took them in Aug 2011.

Are you talking about people that are against psychedelic drugs?

I do them every so many years as a way to reviltalize my way of thinking.

if so, crush them and drink them with orange juice

Indeed I am. There are so many ways to look at and experience the world. But there are some that are so closed to new ideas that they aggressively attack pycs and enter threads they have no interest for. Its sad.

Well, that's a real easy dismissal isn't it? I might sound aggressive in some regards (I am and just to make sure I'm not grouped with the other basher).
I am not against the usage of psychedelic drugs, but many people do not realize they are at risk.
I grew up in an enviroment where the usage of drugs in general is normalized, and I have more than one first hand experience with people who got fucked thanks to it.
I've used myself, not copious ammounts but I'm not some straight edge advocate.
For the love of god value your sanity, and evaluate your mental state, history, and family history with mental issues before diving into psychedelic drugs.

I bought $10 worth. Is that too much for one go, you think? I just wanna have a mental trip, not a crazy visual one.

Not surprised all the mentalcel retards here are scared of shrooms. Go out in nature have some water and food with you you’ll be fine bud never stop growing

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I'm the apparent schizo itt and I can't agree with this post more. be careful, I've been to hell and I'm not sure I ever left

what kind of shrooms you got and how much gram of them?

you're good. Visuals need a lot, you will be super giggly. Smoke weed after eating and save some for the comedown. You will want to smoke while tripping DONT it doesn't do anything. Have a playlist and leave one bud in your ear the whole time. eating will bring you down quicker. eat them on a piece of peanut butter bread. If you get a stomach ache fight all urges to puke, it will pass. go outside, nature is what you will be craving. Have fun user

idk about you but I can do anything while tripping except smoke. weed puts everything into overdrive

God, I am not sure. It's $10 worth. I can't measure them.

Yeah, pretty much what I had in mind. I don't smoke weed nor will I be smoking cigs cuz I quit for cutting weight for the summer.

I have cool parks and hills near my house and I live near the St. Lawrence River and there are cool small beaches I can visit down there.

I have also never freaked out, except for a bit the first time I did them, but that freakout only helped me realize that one of my best friends was a douchebag and I ended our friendship soon thereafter, so it was a net positive.

Have a bad trip, fucking idiot