Hey black anons how does it feel to be literally the most hated race in the world?
In general blacks are stupid, engage in hootin n hollerin for no reason, act aggressive and rude, sell drugs, steal, rape, murder, all ruining other peoples lives and they glorify and encourage it. Being a nigger is the culture of niggers. They're all subhuman retards.
I hope this hypothesized civil war actually happens so we can have a full blown genocide of every black person in america. And kill the cucks that hide niggers in their houses. #GasTheNiggers
Ugh... it's all so accurate. Not to mention they're poor and cheap. They steal shit while wearing J's and getting away in a buick with rims that cost more than the vehicle itself.
Dominic Adams
but monkeys have tails, you fucking morons. you don't even know the difference between the apes and monkeys, you must be special.
rofl racist people really are stupid!! don't reproduce, OP. do your part to Save the human race and keep your dick on your pants virgin
Camden Cox
Are you a foreigner or 11 with the reading comprehension of a 7 year old? Monkey is a common term for black people because they resemble apes Coalburners will die along with the niggers
Lucas Miller
I hate dindunuffins and the white people who defend their actions with "Muh slavery." As a black man who pays taxes and just wants to be left alone I couldn't give any less of a shit. No genocide or civil war will ever happen.
Grew up in a house filled with black women and as a result, they don't interest me in the slightest. I have no desire to settle down with a nappy headed hoodrat so I'll continue fucking your sister until she's pregnant OP. Don't worry though. i'll marry her after.
You've literally never called a black man an ape or nigger to his face outside of the internet. Black people who have jobs and live normal lives hate dindu bike stealers just as much as you though.
Asher Cooper
>You've literally never called a black man an ape or nigger to his face outside of the internet How could you possibly know this? Making such stupid assertions makes you sound just as stupid as the fuckstick that you're replying to.