So I tried psychedelics for my depression and my experience just made me realize even more that life is pointless and...

So I tried psychedelics for my depression and my experience just made me realize even more that life is pointless and nothing really matters. What the fuck did I do wrong?

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It's all about your perspective. If you were with someone who could have talked you through whatever is enabling your negative thoughts, you would have had a better outcome. When you have negative thoughts ask yourself "why?" Then follow that train of thought questioning all the supposed negative until you find the memories associating with the emotion. Psychedelics help bring to attention deep seated thoughts/ emotions. It is up to you to then keep questioning yourself and disrupting the pattern.

nice thumbnail fuckhead

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You have to do exercise and keep your mind busy. You don't need drugs

You went wrong by saving a thumbnail you absolute waste of space

It wasn't that small when I saved it fuck the person that posted it
I was aloooone. I think my deep seated thoughts are that life is a fucking joke and people are stupid which makes life meaningless
I'm constantly thinking. I need my mind less busy. It gives me anxiety thinking all the fucking time
It wasn't that small when I saved it fuck you and fuck me fuck deleted

What you're describing is not depression, it's Nihilism.

Oh shit. Well call me a stoic because this shit is a pointless and boring game that we all have to trick our minds to endure

Thanks for proving my point. You're not depressed.

Thanks for the s u c c now are we going to cucc me oh yeet

guess you're not depressed lol

I'm depressed but my real problem is my constant fucking anxiety

See so life isn't meaningless, you are just afraid.

Find a new model to believe in. You didn't take enough.

Life is meaningless, we give life meaning. And me being afraid doesn't change the status of life. I'm not really afraid there's just something in my brain that doesn't allow me to deal with stress like an average person. It fucking sucks.
Next time I will mainline DMT into my dick and breakthrough for 2 hours straight

Psychedelics are many things.

They are not a bandaid for depression.

I'm sick of this wellness trend in the psy community.

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Preach nigga

there is know right answer to the meaning of life, because theres no such thing as destiny. this means life is meaningless. thats how it is.

Yeah, no shit. Life ain't for everyone and I am a one of them

I'm constantly hearing normal-ass people go on about "wanting to try microdosing" because they heard about it watching Ellen.

LMAO. Ellen is a basic bitch but she's hot though

Our souls too are just as meaningless.

Life isn't meaningless if the point of life is meaninglessness. And besides who are you to say what the meaning of life is anyway?

And you got to want change first and foremost.

The purpose of life is to create light and share it.
This can be interpreted in many ways, but the way I see it, the only reason we exist is to help each other find purpose. Figure out how to show your love and you will soon find that's the ultimate purpose.

I said life is meaningless (objectively) and that we give life meaning (subjectively)

dark souls?

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Simple. You didn't take enough

ok bye negrosis jones. hold my cock before i go

So long, nigger-man

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hehe i love you guys

Second this

Then leave.

All in good time, my friend

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Oh boyo