So tired of this fucking clown world

So tired of this fucking clown world.

This guy was going to be around children and they didn't bother to check if he was a registered sex offender. Don’t let you’re kids be around these fucking perverts. I wouldn't. We have to push back against these stupid Hundro’s and their leftist agenda, because if we don’t, how long before bullshit like that starts becoming part of a school program?? As you can see no one seems to give a shit about excluding child sex offenders!!

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Here is a link for all you boomers.

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That child molester is apparently transitioning to a woman too. What a piece of shit.

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These fucking things are not human

It's a mental illness that can't be called such anymore because it might hurt some fee fees. If I cut my own figures off I'm a danger to myself and will be committed, if I cut my dick off I'm a brave woman.

Y'know what you're presenting us is called "allegorical evidence"? As in in a country of 400,000,000 with millions of people (who I agree are weird) who subscribe to a transgendered lifestyle, they have provided you one single example of a pedophile, and it's confirmed every bit of fear suspicion you have against something you bizarrely hate for no actual reason other than the fact you think it's weird.

Stop wasting your time. The Catholic Church is molesting kids left right and center, and even officially providing aid and shelter to pedophiles in their ranks and covering it all up.

Have you made a thread about that? No. You don't hate white Christian's. You'll ignore it even though it's a much bigger more commonly occuring problem...

He’s doing this because women always get slaps on the wrist.

Anyways. What can we do to stop this? Tell Alex Jones about it? He did call them perverts.

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How come all fags are pedos?

Fuck them too. Those men are sick in the head. And there is no denying that men who dress in women’s clothing are perverts. Why would you want to leave your kids with perverts.

And any institution that refuses to cleanse itself of these perverts is complicit. Just like the Catholic Church.

Now that I’ve condemned the church, let’s get back to my topic of stoping public institutions from having these perverts around our kids.

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In general, what man wants to hang around a bunch of kids? Kids are a loser's job. Only women would see it as an acceptable job.

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What’s the point of regestering as a sex offender.

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"If they didn't allow sex offenders, they wouldn't be able to staff the 'Drag Queen Scarry-time'.

Parents, stop using your children as tools to demonstrate your 'woke' status"

>t. crossdressing faggot
There is no greater danger to the safety of children than faggots. One bit of evidence my ass, you're trying to deflect because reality make you uncomfortable.

Ty, user for backing me up.

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hey hey wait, not all of us homosexuals like weird tranny kid fuckers. you've got some people on your team from the opposite side

>We have to push back against these stupid Hundro’s and their leftist agenda, because if we don’t, how long before bullshit like that starts becoming part of a school program??

I admit the situation is beyond fucked up, but doubt it had anything to do with leftists. Just a flawed system of the library and probably a bored and underpaid worker that didn't bother to do a background check. We need to be harder on people with a criminal record. In Holland there was a shooting some days ago, and the dude was already charged with multiple offenses and rape. (he killed the rape victim). They showed their true colors, they don't just become good people after some jail time or paying a fee! How there people are able to get back into the system so easily and without any form of life progress/security is a mystery to me

*looks at you suspeciously*

Welcome brother

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Children love sex too

While I do agree with everything you said, my concern is that public institutions shouldn’t be hosting these events. You wanna have story drag what ever, do it in your own venues. I don’t want my tax dollars paying to host(public libraries) these events.

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Shut up, Daniel.

We need public flogging back.

40% (wherever you got that percentage) of the gay people are child predators (x)
so Let's get rid off 100% of the fags!

Flawless logic. Let's also kill all the black people because they cause more crime in general, not ever have sex with white people because they have small dicks and just kill all dogs because some bite

No, but your "community" Is the breeding ground for this degeneracy. Go be Gay, but be quiet about it. The LGBTQLMNOP community is a f'n cancer.

They do and they express their desires. Why are you guys obsessed with rules?

Why are fucking children allowed into a parade like THAT? They're not allowed to play mature games, watch R rated movies, it's a FUCKING SEX OFFENSE AGAINST CHILDREN TO PISS OUTSIDE NEAR THEM EVEN IF THEY NEVER SEE YOU, but this shit flies?

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Just a normal sight at your average lgbthtfbnrwr+ parade

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I don't mind awareness about different people, as long as they don't push an agenda. (and they do that a lot, even if they don't know it themselves) but for the love of god, if a public institution host an event, BACKGROUND CHECK THEM. I cannot wrap my head around how this happened. They knew he was working with kids!

>let’s also kill all the black people because they cause more crime in general, not ever have sex with white people because they have small dicks and just kill all dogs because some bite

I like the way you think. I’ve actually thought up a solution to get rid of all the gay perverts that involves rounding them up. I call this plan the final solution.

Children don’t mind six or nudity, it’s the adults that create these anxieties. If a little girl is into sex, why shame her?

>a 6 year old into sex

Kids can’t consent or even understand the concept. You just end up fucking them up.

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Sex is a natural body function. You assigning it some religious meaning is what makes it fucked up.

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It’s supposed to be illegal to even apply for that job.

I was being sarcastic. Let's say we killed EVERYONE that is not white, then what? World peace? Of course not. We disagree about religion, hair color, gender, politics, sexuality, disability, and my fucking neighbor that lets his dog shit in my yard. But I don't get a shotgun and pop one in his head! You really think killing everyone is the best solution here? We would have 2 people left on earth and they would still fight each other. There are bad people and good people in every different group of people. Lets judge people individually, shall we?

An it just so happens majority of niggers and faggots are undesirable best to remove them before they ruin good people lives

I’m not even religious. You think posting a pic of a father and daughter doing a photo op insinuates something sinister is going on?

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Kill yourself.

No one has any right to be surprised to find peddos in this lgbtq bullshit. I'm seeing why lesbians want to remove the L from LGBTQ. It's just turning into a pervert fest of dudes that are assholes to them anyway. And they don't want to be associated with this. No one would.

Church is out if you’re a peddo. This bullshit is is.

this is the kind of shit that makes me understand why people commit mass shootings against the Gay/Trans/Liberal communities. It's so easy to mentally associate the act of mass murder with being courageous or "Heroic" when the Left is pushing this bullshit down our throats with blatant disregard for moral decency.

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it's a shame the LGBTQ community has gotten such a bad name.

Mass shooting is never the answer. Unnecessary killing will only make us hate each other more

I get that you dislike a certain group of people if you had a bad experience with them. I can fully understand that. I would too. We are all flawed humans shaped bu experiences. But you cannot judge a giant group of people because of couple bad once you have met. Hating people you don't know doesn't solve anything.

I never said shootings where the answer. If you weren't so busy being a virtue signaling ass hat and actually read my post, you would have known that.

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>this is the kind of shit that makes me understand why people commit mass shootings against the Gay/Trans/Liberal communities.

>Mass shooting is never the answer.

How is that a weird response, I didn't accuse you of saying you think they are, but you did say you understand why they would do it

Op here, and a final solution is the answer.

What offence is he registered for? He could have grabbed a grown womans ass, would you say that makes him a threat to children?

the article says child sex offender for a reason.

He sexually assaulted an 8 year old boy back in 09

>According to the Department of Public Safety records, Garza was convicted of aggravated sexual assault of an 8-year-old child in 2009, the Houston Chronicle reports.

My bad. Why hasn't this nonce been castrated?